• [Talk From Homografía] dj set Prinzessin - Talk From Homografía #20

    dj set Prinzessin

    Printemps, saison du plaisir ? Elle s’annonce en tout cas chaude car début mai marque le retour du #festival SNAP ! et du Brussels #porn #film Festival et pour preuve nous recevons deux de ses programmateur.ice.s afin de TOUT savoir sur une programmation qui s’annonce tout aussi audacieuse et excitante ! Dédié aux représentations des travailleur·euses du sexe et aux pornographies alternatives, découvrons comment ce double événement contribue à la lutte contre la stigmatisation des minorités de genre et de sexualité.

    En fin d’émission, place à la musique avec un mini set xXx par votre hôte Prinzessin

    Invité.x.s Lucie & Miguel pour BxlPFF X SNAP ! Festival

    Régie : Suzy Q

    Host & Music selector : (...)

    #lgbtqia+ #talkshow #prosexe #bodypositive #festival,film,lgbtqia+,porn,talkshow,prosexe,bodypositive

  • [Talk From Homografía] Talk From Homografía #20

    Printemps, saison du plaisir ? Elle s’annonce en tout cas chaude car début mai marque le retour du #festival SNAP ! et du Brussels #porn #film Festival et pour preuve nous recevons deux de ses programmateur.ice.s afin de TOUT savoir sur une programmation qui s’annonce tout aussi audacieuse et excitante ! Dédié aux représentations des travailleur·euses du sexe et aux pornographies alternatives, découvrons comment ce double événement contribue à la lutte contre la stigmatisation des minorités de genre et de sexualité.

    En fin d’émission, place à la musique avec un mini set xXx par votre hôte Prinzessin

    Invité.x.s Lucie & Miguel pour BxlPFF X SNAP ! Festival

    Régie : Suzy Q

    Host & Music selector : (...)

    #lgbtqia+ #talkshow #prosexe #bodypositive #festival,film,lgbtqia+,porn,talkshow,prosexe,bodypositive

  • List of Refugee Deaths, #2021

    –-> 44.764 documented refugee deaths

    In the ‘‘UNITED List of Refugee Deaths’’ (download pdf), UNITED has been collecting reliable data on refugee deaths related to Fortress Europe since 1993. In the period 1993-2021 at least 44.764 documented refugee deaths can be attributed to the ‘Fatal Policies of Fortress Europe’. Most probably thousands more are never found.


    Pour télécharger la liste:

    #décès #liste #asile #migrations #réfugiés #UNITED #statistiques #chiffres #morts

    ping @isskein @reka

    • EU ‘has blood on its hands’, say activists calling for border agency’s abolition

      Coalition of rights groups demanding Frontex be defunded claim EU policies have ‘killed over 40,555 people since 1993’.

      Activists, captains of rescue ships and about 80 human rights organisations across the world have launched an international campaign calling for the European border agency to be defunded and dismantled.

      In an open letter sent last week to the European Commission, the Council of the EU and the European parliament, the campaign coalition highlighted the “illegal and inhumane practices” of the EU border agency, Frontex, which is accused of having promoted and enforced violent policies against migrants.

      “Over 740 people have died so far this year trying to cross the Mediterranean, looking for a place of safety,” reads the letter. “The EU’s border regime forced them to take dangerous migration routes, often on unseaworthy vessels; it enlisted neighbouring countries to stop them on their way; met them with violence and pushbacks; or refused to rescue them – abandoning them to drown at sea.”

      “These are lives lost because of the European Union’s obsession with reinforcing borders instead of protecting people,” said the campaign coalition, which includes Sea-Watch, Mediterranea Saving Humans, Iuventa10, Baobab Experience and Alarm Phone. “At what cost? The policies of Fortress Europe have killed over 40,555 people since 1993. Left to die in the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the desert, shot at borders, died by suicide at detention centres, tortured and killed after being deported –– The EU has blood on its hands.”

      The launch of the campaign to Abolish Frontex coincides with plans to expand the agency. Frontex has secured a €5.6bn (£4.8bn) budget until 2027, with plans to increase its armed border patrols. Its budget has grown by more than 7,500% since 2005, and the new resources will help buy equipment such as ships, helicopters and drones.

      The coalition has released a list of demands, including the abolition of the agency and the end of migrant detention by EU forces, and plan EU-wide protests, accusing Frontex of being “both avid promoter and key enforcer of Europe’s violent policies against people on the move”.

      It comes after the EU’s anti-fraud office, Olaf, launched an investigation into Frontex in January over allegations of harassment, misconduct and unlawful operations aimed at stopping asylum seekers from reaching EU shores.

      Europe has built more than 1,000km of border walls and fences.

      Carola Rackete, a German ship captain who is one of the campaign organisers, said: ‘“If we truly believe all humans are equal then we have to dismantle the systems which keep inequality in place. Frontex, as part of the border-industrial complex, has no place in our vision of a European society striving for justice and committed to repairing damages inflicted on the global south in a mindset of white supremacy.”

      Stéphanie Demblon, of Agir pour la Paix, said: “We are not asking for a better European migration policy: we are demanding the abolition of Frontex and the demilitarisation of the borders. And we are taking action to achieve this.”

      Frontex did not respond to the Guardian’s request for comment.



    • Trigger Warnings | Centre for Teaching Excellence

      A trigger warning is a statement made prior to sharing potentially disturbing content. That content might include graphic references to topics such as #sexual_abuse, #self-harm, #violence, #eating_disorders, and so on, and can take the form of an #image, #video_clip, #audio_clip, or piece of #text. In an #academic_context, the #instructor delivers these messages in order to allow students to prepare emotionally for the content or to decide to forgo interacting with the content.

      Proponents of trigger warnings contend that certain course content can impact the #wellbeing and #academic_performance of students who have experienced corresponding #traumas in their own lives. Such students might not yet be ready to confront a personal #trauma in an academic context. They choose to #avoid it now so that they can deal with it more effectively at a later date – perhaps after they have set up necessary #resources, #supports, or #counselling. Other students might indeed be ready to #confront a personal trauma in an academic context but will benefit from a #forewarning of certain topics so that they can brace themselves prior to (for example) participating in a #classroom discussion about it. Considered from this perspective, trigger warnings give students increased #autonomy over their learning, and are an affirmation that the instructor #cares about their wellbeing.

      However, not everyone agrees that trigger warnings are #necessary or #helpful. For example, some fear that trigger warnings unnecessarily #insulate students from the often harsh #realities of the world with which academics need to engage. Others are concerned that trigger warnings establish a precedent of making instructors or universities legally #responsible for protecting students from #emotional_trauma. Still others argue that it is impossible to anticipate all the topics that might be potentially triggering for students.

      Trigger warnings do not mean that students can exempt themselves from completing parts of the coursework. Ideally, a student who is genuinely concerned about being #re-traumatized by forthcoming course content would privately inform the instructor of this concern. The instructor would then accommodate the student by proposing #alternative_content or an alternative learning activity, as with an accommodation necessitated by a learning disability or physical disability.

      The decision to preface potentially disturbing content with a trigger warning is ultimately up to the instructor. An instructor who does so might want to include in the course syllabus a preliminary statement (also known as a “#content_note”), such as the following:

      Our classroom provides an open space for the critical and civil exchange of ideas. Some readings and other content in this course will include topics that some students may find offensive and/or traumatizing. I’ll aim to #forewarn students about potentially disturbing content and I ask all students to help to create an #atmosphere of #mutual_respect and #sensitivity.

      Prior to introducing a potentially disturbing topic in class, an instructor might articulate a #verbal_trigger_warning such as the following:

      Next class our discussion will probably touch on the sexual assault that is depicted in the second last chapter of The White Hotel. This content is disturbing, so I encourage you to prepare yourself emotionally beforehand. If you believe that you will find the discussion to be traumatizing, you may choose to not participate in the discussion or to leave the classroom. You will still, however, be responsible for material that you miss, so if you leave the room for a significant time, please arrange to get notes from another student or see me individually.

      A version of the foregoing trigger warning might also preface written materials:

      The following reading includes a discussion of the harsh treatment experienced by First Nations children in residential schools in the 1950s. This content is disturbing, so I encourage everyone to prepare themselves emotionally before proceeding. If you believe that the reading will be traumatizing for you, then you may choose to forgo it. You will still, however, be responsible for material that you miss, so please arrange to get notes from another student or see me individually.

      Trigger warnings, of course, are not the only answer to disturbing content. Instructional #strategies such as the following can also help students approach challenging material:

      – Give your students as much #advance_notice as possible about potentially disturbing content. A day’s notice might not be enough for a student to prepare emotionally, but two weeks might be.

      – Try to “scaffold” a disturbing topic to students. For example, when beginning a history unit on the Holocaust, don’t start with graphic photographs from Auschwitz. Instead, begin by explaining the historical context, then verbally describe the conditions within the concentration camps, and then introduce the photographic record as needed. Whenever possible, allow students to progress through upsetting material at their own pace.

      – Allow students to interact with disturbing material outside of class. A student might feel more vulnerable watching a documentary about sexual assault while in a classroom than in the security of his or her #home.

      – Provide captions when using video materials: some content is easier to watch while reading captions than while listening to the audio.

      – When necessary, provide written descriptions of graphic images as a substitute for the actual visual content.

      – When disturbing content is under discussion, check in with your students from time to time: #ask them how they are doing, whether they need a #break, and so on. Let them know that you are aware that the material in question is emotionally challenging.

      – Advise students to be #sensitive to their classmates’ #vulnerabilities when they are preparing class presentations.

      – Help your students understand the difference between emotional trauma and #intellectual_discomfort: the former is harmful, as is triggering it in the wrong context (such as in a classroom rather than in therapy); the latter is fundamental to a university education – it means our ideas are being challenged as we struggle to resolve cognitive dissonance.


    • Why Trigger Warnings Don’t Work

      Because trauma #survivors’ #memories are so specific, increasingly used “trigger warnings” are largely #ineffective.

      Fair warning labels at the beginning of movie and book reviews alert the reader that continuing may reveal critical plot points that spoil the story. The acronym NSFW alerts those reading emails or social media posts that the material is not suitable for work. The Motion Picture Association of America provides film ratings to advise about content so that moviegoers can make informed entertainment choices for themselves and their children.

      Enter stage right: Trigger warning.

      A trigger warning, most often found on #social_media and internet sites, alerts the reader that potentially upsetting information may follow. The words trigger warning are often followed by a subtitle such as *Trigger warning: This may be triggering to those who have struggled with _________. Fill in the blank. #Domestic_abuse. #Rape. #Body_image. #Needles. #Pregnancy.

      Trigger warnings have become prevalent online since about 2012. Victim advocate Gayle Crabtree reports that they were in use as early as 1996 in chat rooms she moderated. “We used the words ‘trigger warning,’ ‘#tw,’ ‘#TW,’ and ‘trigger’ early on. …This meant the survivor could see the warning and then decide if she or he wanted to scroll down for the message or not.” Eventually, trigger warnings spread to social media sites including #Tumblr, #Twitter, and #Facebook.

      The term seems to have originated from the use of the word “trigger” to indicate something that cues a #physiological_response, the way pollen may trigger an allergy attack. A trigger in a firearm is a lever that activates the sequence of firing a gun, so it is not surprising that the word was commandeered by those working in the field of #psychology to indicate objects and sensations that cause neurological firing in the brain, which in turn cause #feelings and #thoughts to occur.

      Spoiler alerts allow us to enjoy the movie or book as it unfolds without being influenced by knowledge about what comes next. The NSFW label helps employees comply with workplace policies that prohibit viewing sexually explicit or profane material. Motion picture ratings enable viewers to select movies they are most likely to find entertaining. Trigger warnings, on the other hand, are “designed to prevent people who have an extremely strong and damaging emotional response… to certain subjects from encountering them unaware.”

      Say what?

      Say hogwash!

      Discussions about trigger warnings have made headlines in the New Yorker, the Los Angeles Times, the Guardian, the New Republic, and various other online and print publications. Erin Dean writes that a trigger “is not something that offends one, troubles one, or angers one; it is something that causes an extreme involuntary reaction in which the individual re-experiences past trauma.”

      For those individuals, it is probably true that coming across material that reminds them of a traumatic event is going to be disturbing. Dean’s definition refers to involuntary fear and stress responses common in individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder characterized by intrusive memories, thoughts, or dreams; intense distress at cues that remind the individual of the event; and reactivity to situations, people, or objects that symbolize the event. PTSD can result from personal victimization, accidents, incarceration, natural disasters, or any unexpected injury or threat of injury or death. Research suggests that it results from a combination of genetic predisposition, fear conditioning, and neural and physiological responses that incorporate the body systems and immunological responses. Current theories suggest that PTSD represents “the failure to recover from the normal effects of trauma.” In other words, anyone would be adversely affected by trauma, but natural mechanisms for healing take place in the majority of individuals. The prevalence of PTSD ranges from 1.9 percent in Europe to 3.5 percent in the United States.

      The notion that trigger warnings should be generalized to all social media sites, online journals, and discussion boards is erroneous.

      Some discussions have asserted that because between one in four and one in five women have been sexually abused, trigger warnings are necessary to protect vast numbers of victims from being re-traumatized. However, research shows that the majority of trauma-exposed persons do not develop PTSD. This does not mean they aren’t affected by trauma, but that they do not develop clinically significant symptoms, distress, or impairment in daily functioning. The notion that trigger warnings should be generalized to all social media sites, online journals, and discussion boards is erroneous. Now some students are pushing for trigger warnings on college class syllabi and reading lists.

      But what?


      But wait, before people get all riled up, I’d like to say that yes, I have experienced trauma in my life.

      I wore a skirt the first time George hit me. I know this because I remember scrunching my skirt around my waist and balancing in heels while I squatted over a hole in the concrete floor to take a piss. We were in Tijuana. The stench of excrement made my stomach queasy with too much tequila. I wanted to retch.

      We returned to our hotel room. I slid out of my blouse and skirt. He stripped to nothing and lay on the double bed. He was drinking Rompope from the bottle, a kind of Mexican eggnog: strong, sweet, and marketed for its excellent spunk. It’s a thick yellow rum concoction with eggs, sugar, and almond side notes. George wanted to have sex. We bickered and argued as drunks sometimes do. I said something — I know this because I always said something — and he hit me. He grabbed me by the hair and hit me again. “We’re going dancing,” he said.

      “I don’t feel like dancing — “

      “Fine. Stay.”

      The world was tilting at an angle I didn’t recognize. The mathematician Matt Tweed writes that atoms are made up of almost completely empty space. To grasp the vast nothingness, he asks the reader to imagine a cat twirling a bumblebee on the end of a half-mile long string. That’s how much emptiness there is between the nucleus and the electron. There was more space than that between George and me. I remember thinking: I am in a foreign country. I don’t speak Spanish. I have no money. We went dancing.

      Labeling a topic or theme is useless because of the way our brains work. The labels that we give trauma (assault, sexual abuse, rape) are not the primary source of triggers. Memories are, and not just memories, but very specific, insidious, and personally individualized details lodged in our brain at the time of the trauma encoded as memory. Details can include faces, places, sounds, smells, tastes, voices, body positions, time of day, or any other sensate qualities that were present during a traumatic incident.

      If I see a particular shade of yellow or smell a sickly sweet rum drink, I’m reminded of my head being yanked by someone who held a handful of my hair in his fist. A forest green Plymouth Duster (the car we drove) will too. The word assault does not. The words domestic violence don’t either. The specificity of details seared in my mind invokes memory.

      Last year a driver slammed into the back of my car on the freeway. The word tailgate is not a trigger. Nor is the word accident. The flash of another car suddenly encroaching in my rearview mirror is. In my mid-20s, I drove my younger sister (sobbing, wrapped in a bed sheet) to the hospital where two male officers explained they were going to pluck her pubic hair for a rape kit. When I see tweezers in a hospital, I flash back to that awful moment. For my sister, other things may be triggers: the moonlight shining on the edge of a knife. The shadow of a person back lit in a doorway. An Hispanic man’s accent. If we were going to insist on trigger warnings that work, they would need to look something like this:

      Trigger warning: Rompope.

      Trigger warning: a woman wrapped in a bed sheet.

      Trigger warning: the blade of a knife.

      The variability of human #perception and traumatic recall makes it impossible to provide the necessary specificity for trigger warnings to be effective. The nature of specificity is, in part, one reason that treatment for traumatic memories involves safely re-engaging with the images that populate the survivor’s memory of the event. According to Dr. Mark Beuger, an addiction psychiatrist at Deerfield Behavioral Health of Warren (PA), the goal of PTSD treatment is “to allow for processing of the traumatic experience without becoming so emotional that processing is impossible.” By creating a coherent narrative of the past event through telling and retelling the story to a clinician, survivors confront their fears and gain mastery over their thoughts and feelings.

      If a survivor has had adequate clinical support, they could engage online with thoughts or ideas that previously had been avoided.

      According to the National Center for Health, “#Avoidance is a maladaptive #control_strategy… resulting in maintenance of perceived current threat. In line with this, trauma-focused treatments stress the role of avoidance in the maintenance of PTSD. Prolonged exposure to safe but anxiety-provoking trauma-related stimuli is considered a treatment of choice for PTSD.” Avoidance involves distancing oneself from cues, reminders, or situations that remind one of the event that can result in increased #social_withdrawal. Trigger warnings increase social withdrawal, which contributes to feelings of #isolation. If a survivor who suffers from PTSD has had adequate clinical support, they could engage online with thoughts or ideas that previously had been avoided. The individual is in charge of each word he or she reads. At any time, one may close a book or click a screen shut on the computer. What is safer than that? Conversely, trigger warnings perpetuate avoidance. Because the intrusive memories and thoughts are internal, trigger warnings suggest, “Wait! Don’t go here. I need to protect you from yourself.”

      The argument that trigger warnings help to protect those who have suffered trauma is false. Most people who have experienced trauma do not require preemptive protection. Some may argue that it would be kind to avoid causing others distress with upsetting language and images. But is it? Doesn’t it sometimes take facing the horrific images encountered in trauma to effect change in ourselves and in the world?

      A few weeks ago, I came across a video about Boko Haram’s treatment of a kidnapped schoolgirl. The girl was blindfolded. A man was digging a hole in dry soil. It quickly became evident, as he ushered the girl into the hole, that this would not end well. I felt anxious as several men began shoveling soil in around her while she spoke to them in a language I could not understand. I considered clicking away as my unease and horror grew. But I also felt compelled to know what happened to this girl. In the 11-minute video, she is buried up to her neck.

      All the while, she speaks to her captors, who eventually move out of the frame of the scene. Rocks begin pelting the girl’s head. One after the other strikes her as I stared, horrified, until finally, her head lay motionless at an angle that could only imply death. That video (now confirmed to be a stoning in Somalia rather than by Boko Haram) forever changed my level of concern about young girls kidnapped in other countries.

      We are changed by what we #witness. Had the video contained a trigger warning about gruesome death, I would not have watched it. Weeks later, I would have been spared the rush of feelings I felt when a friend posted a photo of her daughter playfully buried by her brothers in the sand. I would have been spared knowing such horrors occur. But would the world be a better place for my not knowing? Knowledge helps us prioritize our responsibilities in the world. Don’t we want engaged, knowledgeable citizens striving for a better world?

      Recently, the idea of trigger warnings has leapt the gulch between social media and academic settings. #Universities are dabbling with #policies that encourage professors to provide trigger warnings for their classes because of #complaints filed by students. Isn’t the syllabus warning enough? Can’t individual students be responsible for researching the class content and reading #materials before they enroll? One of the benefits of broad exposure to literature and art in education is Theory of Mind, the idea that human beings have the capacity to recognize and understand that other people have thoughts and desires that are different from one’s own. Do we want #higher_education to comprise solely literature and ideas that feel safe to everyone? Could we even agree on what that would be?

      Art occurs at the intersection of experience and danger. It can be risky, subversive, and offensive. Literature encompasses ideas both repugnant and redemptive. News about very difficult subjects is worth sharing. As writers, don’t we want our readers to have the space to respond authentically to the story? As human beings, don’t we want others to understand that we can empathize without sharing the same points of view?

      Trigger warnings fail to warn us of the very things that might cause us to remember our trauma. They insulate. They cause isolation. A trigger warning says, “Be careful. This might be too much for you.” It says, “I don’t trust you can handle it.” As a reader, that’s not a message I want to encounter. As a writer, that is not the message I want to convey.

      Trigger warnings?



    • Essay on why a professor is adding a trigger warning to his #syllabus

      Trigger warnings in the classroom have been the subject of tremendous #debate in recent weeks, but it’s striking how little the discussion has contemplated what actual trigger warnings in actual classrooms might plausibly look like.

      The debate began with demands for trigger warnings by student governments with no power to compel them and suggestions by #administrators (made and retracted) that #faculty consider them. From there the ball was picked up mostly by observers outside higher ed who presented various #arguments for and against, and by professors who repudiated the whole idea.

      What we haven’t heard much of so far are the voices of professors who are sympathetic to the idea of such warnings talking about what they might look like and how they might operate.

      As it turns out, I’m one of those professors, and I think that discussion is long overdue. I teach history at Hostos Community College of the City University of New York, and starting this summer I’m going to be including a trigger warning in my syllabus.

      I’d like to say a few things about why.

      An Alternative Point of View

      To start off, I think it’s important to be clear about what trigger warnings are, and what purpose they’re intended to serve. Such warnings are often framed — and not just by critics — as a “you may not want to read this” notice, one that’s directed specifically at survivors of trauma. But their actual #purpose is considerably broader.

      Part of the confusion arises from the word “trigger” itself. Originating in the psychological literature, the #term can be misleading in a #non-clinical context, and indeed many people who favor such warnings prefer to call them “#content_warnings” for that reason. It’s not just trauma survivors who may be distracted or derailed by shocking or troubling material, after all. It’s any of us, and a significant part of the distraction comes not from the material itself but from the context in which it’s presented.

      In the original cut of the 1933 version of the film “King Kong,” there was a scene (depicting an attack by a giant spider) that was so graphic that the director removed it before release. He took it out, it’s said, not because of concerns about excessive violence, but because the intensity of the scene ruined the movie — once you saw the sailors get eaten by the spider, the rest of the film passed by you in a haze.

      A similar concern provides a big part of the impetus for content warnings. These warnings prepare the reader for what’s coming, so their #attention isn’t hijacked when it arrives. Even a pleasant surprise can be #distracting, and if the surprise is unpleasant the distraction will be that much more severe.

      I write quite a bit online, and I hardly ever use content warnings myself. I respect the impulse to provide them, but in my experience a well-written title and lead paragraph can usually do the job more effectively and less obtrusively.

      A classroom environment is different, though, for a few reasons. First, it’s a shared space — for the 75 minutes of the class session and the 15 weeks of the semester, we’re pretty much all #stuck with one another, and that fact imposes #interpersonal_obligations on us that don’t exist between writer and reader. Second, it’s an interactive space — it’s a #conversation, not a monologue, and I have a #responsibility to encourage that conversation as best I can. Finally, it’s an unpredictable space — a lot of my students have never previously encountered some of the material we cover in my classes, or haven’t encountered it in the way it’s taught at the college level, and don’t have any clear sense of what to expect.

      For all these reasons, I’ve concluded that it would be sound #pedagogy for me to give my students notice about some of the #challenging_material we’ll be covering in class — material relating to racial and sexual oppression, for instance, and to ethnic and religious conflict — as well as some information about their rights and responsibilities in responding to it. Starting with the summer semester, as a result, I’ll be discussing these issues during the first class meeting and including a notice about them in the syllabus.

      My current draft of that notice reads as follows:

      Course Content Note

      At times this semester we will be discussing historical events that may be disturbing, even traumatizing, to some students. If you ever feel the need to step outside during one of these discussions, either for a short time or for the rest of the class session, you may always do so without academic penalty. (You will, however, be responsible for any material you miss. If you do leave the room for a significant time, please make arrangements to get notes from another student or see me individually.)

      If you ever wish to discuss your personal reactions to this material, either with the class or with me afterwards, I welcome such discussion as an appropriate part of our coursework.

      That’s it. That’s my content warning. That’s all it is.

      I should say as well that nothing in these two paragraphs represents a change in my teaching practice. I have always assumed that if a student steps out of the classroom they’ve got a good reason, and I don’t keep tabs on them when they do. If a student is made uncomfortable by something that happens in class, I’m always glad when they come talk to me about it — I’ve found we usually both learn something from such exchanges. And of course students are still responsible for mastering all the course material, just as they’ve always been.

      So why the note, if everything in it reflects the rules of my classroom as they’ve always existed? Because, again, it’s my job as a professor to facilitate class discussion.

      A few years ago one of my students came to talk to me after class, distraught. She was a student teacher in a New York City junior high school, working with a social studies teacher. The teacher was white, and almost all of his students were, like my student, black. That week, she said, one of the classes had arrived at the point in the semester given over to the discussion of slavery, and at the start of the class the teacher had gotten up, buried his nose in his notes, and started into the lecture without any introduction. The students were visibly upset by what they were hearing, but the teacher just kept going until the end of the period, at which point he finished the lecture, put down his papers, and sent them on to math class.

      My student was appalled. She liked these kids, and she could see that they were hurting. They were angry, they were confused, and they had been given nothing to do with their #emotions. She asked me for advice, and I had very little to offer, but I left our meeting thinking that it would have been better for the teacher to have skipped that material entirely than to have taught it the way he did.

      History is often ugly. History is often troubling. History is often heartbreaking. As a professor, I have an #obligation to my students to raise those difficult subjects, but I also have an obligation to raise them in a way that provokes a productive reckoning with the material.

      And that reckoning can only take place if my students know that I understand that this material is not merely academic, that they are coming to it as whole people with a wide range of experiences, and that the journey we’re going on #together may at times be #painful.

      It’s not coddling them to acknowledge that. In fact, it’s just the opposite.


  • Juste Avant

    Dans « Juste Avant », un documentaire en 7 épisodes, sortie le 1er décembre 2019, Ovidie questionne la façon dont on éduque une adolescente quand on est mère et féministe, à travers une série de conversations avec sa fille de 14 ans. Les échanges mère-fille s’entrecroisent avec les témoignages des proches et les réflexions sur sa propre construction.

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    Juste Avant (5/7) - Toi, moi, et notre petit matriarcat

    Juste Avant (4/7) - Le temps de la capote à 1 franc

    Juste Avant (3/7) - « Tu sais ce que c’est le consentement ? »

    Juste Avant (2/7) - La maman ou la putain

    Juste Avant (1/7) - Moi à ton âge


    #maculinity #paternalistic #nightmare #digital_penetration #consent #college #high_school #social_network #Instagram #Snapchat #pressure #toxic_relationship #rape #post_MeToo #safe_place #sexuality #equality #contraception #STI #AIDS #HIV #school #abortion #condom #morning-after_pill #practical_knowledge #theoretical_knowledge #political_reflexion #distance #third_party #vaccination #pregnant #youth #traumatism #mariage #couple #tradition #divorce #matriarchy #co_parent #food #internet #beauty #weight_watchers #epilation #awareness #body

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    #bodycam #CCTV #vidéo-surveillance #surveillance #police #LDH-Belgique

  • Would you implant a #cryptocurrency wallet in your body?

    You swipe your hand across a service desk and instantly you have paid for your item. This is a potential option facing individuals that have subscribed to the idea of subdermal implants at the point of sale.There is already a small but growing ‘body-hacking’ community that has an open mind about the idea of these subdermal implants and other Human Enhancement Technologies (HET). This growing sector aims to fuse the world of technology and the human body.Subdermal implanting is the process of placing an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chip under your skin. Couple this with the private key of your #bitcoin wallet and you have a ready-made payment option that is impossible to lose.Would you be comfortable having a cryptocurrency wallet as a permanent addition to your body?What if this (...)

    #cryptocurrency-wallets #subdermal-implant #bodyhacking

  • La méditation en question

    On sait tous que de nombreuses entreprises de la Silicon Valley offrent des séances de méditation à leurs employés pour les aider à tenir le choc dans l’environnement complexe et stressant qu’ils doivent gérer. Mais ce n’est peut-être pas une bonne idée… Pour Kathleen Vohs, professeur de marketing à l’université (...)

    #Articles #bodyware #cognition

    • j’avoue avoir une petite préférence pour la manière dont Boing Boing a présenté cette étude, et qui a le mérite, à mon avis, de frapper là où ça fait mal : « Les employés qui pratiquent la méditation pleine conscience sont moins motivés, ayant réalisé la futilité de leur travail ».

    • [...]

      Dans le reste de son essai pour Aeon, Ute Kreplin mentionne les cas où la méditation a entraîné des attaques de panique, de la dépression, voire des épisodes psychotiques. Nul besoin de paniquer (c’est quand même assez rare), mais la psychologue en profite pour rappeler ce que les bouddhistes ont toujours dit de la méditation : son but n’est pas de calmer l’esprit, mais au contraire de remettre en cause la nature même de notre individualité. Et cela n’est pas sans risque, évidemment.


  • #hacking the Whole #body Approach to #health

    Eastern and Western approaches to medical practice have often been seen as complete opposites. In fact, many studies have show this view to be folly, and Eastern, also known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), practices are proven to help alleviate ailments ranging from arthritis, gynecological pain, and migraines to cancer treatment side effects. It has been a mystery why exactly the implementation of acupuncture, yoga, and other TCM practices seem to work, but a new scientific discovery is clearing up the Eastern medicine phenomena that has puzzled Western practitioners.This past March, a team of doctors led by researcher and doctor of pathology Neil Theise of NYU’s Langone School of Medicine discovered what they are referring to as a new organ.It’s name―the interstitium.Using pCLE, (...)

    #healthcare #tech

  • The quantified self: What counts in the neoliberal workplace - Phoebe Moore, Andrew Robinson, 2016

    Implementation of quantified self technologies in workplaces relies on the ontological premise of Cartesian dualism with mind dominant over body. Contributing to debates in new materialism, we demonstrate that workers are now being asked to measure our own productivity and health and well-being in art-houses and warehouses alike in both the global north and south. Workers experience intensified precarity, austerity, intense competition for jobs and anxieties about the replacement of labour-power with robots and other machines as well as, ourselves replaceable, other humans. Workers have internalised the imperative to perform, a subjectification process as we become observing entrepreneurial subjects and observed, objectified labouring bodies. Thinking through the implications of the use of wearable technologies in workplaces, this article shows that these technologies introduce a heightened Taylorist influence on precarious working bodies within neoliberal workplaces.

    The Quantified Workplace: Tracking Affective Labour, for a Change | phoebevmoore

    In my book, The Quantified Self in Precarity: Work, Technology and What Counts, I argue that all workplace transformations require extra work, but a different kind of work than what might be measured in hours clocked seen in the factory settings. People, in the context of constant transformations, are very often dealing with something scholars call ‘affective’ and ‘emotional’ labour. Hochschild (1983) first labelled the concept of ‘emotional labour’, illustrating self-management of emotion at work, whether it be through suppressing anger or frustration with customers or co-workers, or by providing entertainment and producing joy in others. Hochschild outlined such labour required of cabin crew and in debt collection work (1983). Later, Brook listed ‘nurses, Disneyland workers, retail and childcare workers, schoolteachers, psychotherapists, holiday representatives, call-centre workers, bar staff, waiters and many others’ (2009: 8) as requiring emotional labour. But Firth states that emotion ‘usually refers to an individuated physical feeling (not mental or intellectual) that is passive (not active) and has a more-or-less irrational relationship to the world and outer life’. Firth, building on a large existing literature, contrasts this to affective labour, which is a ‘necessary part of social and ecological assemblages, which passes through the unconscious field’ (2016, 131). These forms of labour, then, become a ‘moral’ obligation in the corporate context. Earlier, Negri (1999) looked at aspects of affect and posits that the use value of such labour cannot be quantified in contemporary conditions in the same way it was during previous eras, because such labour exists in a ‘non-place’, the immaterial. Labour is not directly ‘inside’ capital, nor is it a straightforward ‘nonwaged reproduction of the labourer, added to labour’s use value’ (Clough, 2007: 25) either. Regardless, these days, work seems to happen constantly, all the time, and is both nowhere and everywhere. Work is now all-of-life. So, how can tracking and monitoring for change management, such as seen in the study conducted here, be measured and understood?


    #quantified_work #body-studies #quantified_self #self-tracking #affective_labour #emotional_labour #agile #change management

  • Réguler la médecine personnalisée ?

    L’Institut de recherche Data&Society (@datasociety) vient de publier un très intéressant rapport sur la médecine personnalisée (qu’aux Etats-Unis on appelle plutôt precision medecine), cette médecine qui utilise des moyens de modélisation individuelle, de prévention personnalisée, basées sur des données, de l’analyse moléculaire ou génétique. Pour Kadija Ferryman (@kadijaferryman) et Mikaela (...)

    #A_lire_ailleurs #Usages #algorithme #bodyware #Santé

  • #Grossophobie, « minçophobie », #body-shaming : quelles différences, quelle pertinence pour ces termes ? | Simonæ

    Composé des termes « body » (« corps ») et « shaming » (« humiliation »), le body-shaming est le fait de se moquer du corps d’une personne, que ce soit à cause de sa corpulence, d’une malformation, de sa couleur de peau, de la présence de poils, de vergetures et de cicatrices, de ses boutons, d’une tache de naissance, de sa couleur de cheveux, ou encore à cause de la forme des seins (les saggy boobs, qui signifie « seins tombants », ou les petits seins) ; la liste n’étant malheureusement pas exhaustive. Le body-shaming est surtout subi par les femmes, même si parfois les hommes peuvent en être victimes. C’est parce que les femmes ne sont évaluées que sur leur corps, comme si leur capital beauté était leur seule valeur [1], que le body-shaming est une expression du #sexisme.

    #oppression et @beautefatale citée !

  • EnjoyPhœnix, la youtubeuse malade de ses commentaires | Slate.fr

    La youtubeuse EnjoyPhœnix, 22 ans, a fait plus de 1.300.000 vues en une semaine avec une vidéo de trente-six minutes, seule, face caméra, dans laquelle elle raconte ses troubles du comportement alimentaire.

    D’abord, son histoire en elle-même. On a une fille qui n’avait aucun problème de poids ni de rapport à son corps, qui se sentait bien et qui développe en quelques mois de graves troubles alimentaires.
    Aucun problème de poids, 15 kilos de perdus

    Elle explique que le premier déclencheur a été l’effet de masse des commentaires sur internet au sujet de ses rondeurs. Si on vous répète des centaines de fois que vous êtes grosse, vous finissez par vous dire que c’est sans doute vrai. Elle a commencé à développer un complexe et s’est mise au sport de façon intensive. Perte de poids : 5 kilos.

    La deuxième étape, c’est le moment où elle signe pour participer à l’émission « Danse avec les stars ». Elle se dit que la télé, ça grossit, qu’on va voir son corps en plan rapproché, dans des tenues moulantes, et puis la pression du show... Elle commence alors un régime draconien dont elle ne donne pas les détails (heureuse initiative de sa part), mais qui grosso modo correspond à ne plus rien bouffer. Elle perd 10 kilos de plus.

    On a donc une jeune femme sans aucun problème de poids qui perd au total 15 kilos et développe une boulimie-anorexie (même si dans sa vidéo, elle admet qu’elle a elle-même du mal à se voir comme une « malade »).

    #Youtubeuse #Body_shaming #Commentaires #Féminisme

  • Une plateforme pour la #génomique personnelle

    23andMe a-t-il du souci à se faire ? Une nouvelle génération d’entreprises se consacrant à la génomique personnelle est en train de voir le jour, et parmi elles Helix, à laquelle la Technology Review a consacré un récent article. Helix utilise une technique de « vrai » séquençage de l’ADN, et non de (...)

    #A_lire_ailleurs #Services #bodyware

  • Un troisième pouce pour étendre ses capacités naturelles

    La designer Dani Clode (@daniclode), récemment diplômée du Royal College of Arts, nous propose de nous doter d’un troisième pouce (vidéo). Un moyen de montrer que les prothèses peuvent être plus que des substituts et devenir de véritables attributs, souligne le magazine Dezzen. « Étymologiquement, « prothèse » signifie « ajouter », ce qui ne (...)

    #A_lire_ailleurs #Futurs #bodyware #wearable

  • Possible Bodies : Ultrasound Mishearings

    This summer, the Possible Bodies inventory travels to Hangar (Barcelona) to mutate with local affinity networks and communities of concern. During a two-week #Residency, the collective research will focus on biomedical 3D imaging and how it models, scans and renders “real bodies”. Possible Bodies is concerned by the merging of pharmacopornographic, Hollywood and military industries. In this techno-colonial and hetero-patriarchal landscape, violent ableist, misogynous and xenophobe (...)

    4. And more... / #Body_and_software, Residency

    « http://slicer.org »
    « https://itk.org »
    « http://wiki.echopen.org »

  • En quête de l’extase (2/3) : des commandos à la musique techno

    Stealing Fire, le livre de Steven Kotler et Jamie Wheal (voire la première partie de ce dossier) présente moult exemples de techniques d’altération de la #Conscience – notamment bien sûr les méthodes classiques, comme la méditation ou les hallucinogènes y sont abondamment traités. Mais on se contentera dans les lignes (...)

    #Articles #Usages #bodyware #cognition #performance #sport

  • En quête de l’extase (1/3) : entre la méditation et le Flow

    Les liens historiques entre la Silicon Valley et la contre-culture psychédélique des années 60 sont bien connus et ont suffisamment été traités. Mais qu’en est-il d’aujourd’hui ? En fait, les choses n’ont pas réellement changé. Plus que jamais, l’intérêt des technophiles pour ce qu’on nomme les « états altérés de #Conscience » reste (...)

    #Articles #Recherches #bodyware #cognition #performance #psychologie #sport

  • Exercice physique et capacités cognitives

    Quel est le meilleur moyen de stimuler son cerveau ? Selon deux #Recherches rapportées par The Independent cela reste l’exercice physique. Pour augmenter ses capacités cognitives, rien ne vaudrait un exercice aérobique, c’est-à-dire susceptible d’augmenter le rythme cardiaque pendant un temps assez long. Par exemple, une marche rapide, du vélo, du jogging… (...)

    #A_lire_ailleurs #bodyware #cognition

  • Le pouvoir du « neuroenchantement »

    Dans un récent article pour la revue Psychology Today, Samuel Veissière (qui a déjà écrit dans nos colonnes) présente les travaux de ses collègues de son laboratoire de l’université McGill sur le « neuroenchantement » : comment le prestige associé aux neurosciences peut exercer une influence sur les croyances et les comportements de (...)

    #A_lire_ailleurs #Recherches #biais_cognitifs #bodyware #cognition