• Rafah et El Fasher : guerre génocidaire et devoir de solidarité (+ autres textes)

    La Nakba continue
    Stop génocide à Gaza !
    Stop nettoyage ethnique en Cisjordanie occupée !
    AFPS : Soixante-seize ans après, la Nakba continue : ça suffit !
    Gilbert Achcar : Rafah et El Fasher : guerre génocidaire et devoir de solidarité
    Ami·es d’Hébron
    Mohammed R. Mhawish : Cela fait plus de 200 jours que nous montrons les souffrances de Gaza. Ne détournez pas le regard maintenant
    Ira Berkovic : Grande manifestation anti-guerre en Israël
    Soutenir les étudiant·es, briser le silence
    Établissement d’un nouveau campement Pro-Palestine à l’UQAM
    Collectif des élèves avocat.e.s solidaires avec la Palestine : Génocide en Palestine : les élèves avocat·es mobilisé·es face au mépris du droit international et de la liberté d’expression
    La FIQ exprime sa solidarité envers la population palestinienne
    Raquel Blankevoort : Historique : le syndicat national de l’enseignement supérieur de l’Université de Sydney vote en faveur du boycott des universités israéliennes
    Collectif Échec à la guerre : Pour en finir avec la complicité du Canada avec Israël
    Owen Schalk : De l’interdiction du keffieh et de la fragilité des supporters de l’apartheid
    Judy Haiven : Démentir l’évidence au nom de…
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    #international #palestine #israel #soudan

  • Tortures, humiliations, amputations… : CNN révèle l’horreur d’un camp de détention de Palestiniens

    Des photos prises par des israéliens montrent des dizaines de prisonniers encerclés de fils de fers barbelés, menottés, assis au sol les yeux bandés en pleine nuit. Les témoins décrivent un système disciplinaire inhumain où des dizaines de gazaouis sont obligés de rester immobiles de jour comme de nuit, interdits de parler entre eux ou même de s’allonger pour dormir. Régulièrement, les prisonniers sont passés à tabac par les soldats, entraînant des os et dents cassés.

    Le menottage permanent des prisonniers entraîne de profondes séquelles physiques allant parfois jusqu’à l’amputation des membres meurtris. Selon le témoignage d’un israélien ayant exercé dans ce camp, « les tabassages ne sont pas faits pour obtenir des informations. Ils sont faits par esprit de vengeance. ».

    Le camp de Sde Teiman est divisé entre prisons extérieures et des salles d’« hôpital ». Dans ces tentes où les Palestiniens blessés sont incarcérés, on trouve des lits auxquels les prisonniers sont enchaînés toujours les yeux bandés mais cette fois presque complètement nus. Totalement immobilisés, les détenus sont nourris avec une paille et munis de couches. Les traitements médicaux sont minimes sinon inexistants, et la plupart du temps exercés sans anesthésies par des médecins non qualifiés.

    Un lanceur d’alerte israélien ayant traité des blessés explique la logique justifiant ce traitement inhumain, adossée aux récits de l’extrême droite israélienne et reprise par l’armée : « Les gazaouis qui arrivent ici sont considérés comme des terroristes, et l’opinion courante ici est que les gazaouis méritent de mourir, et donc qu’ils ne méritent pas les mêmes soins médicaux que les autres. »

    #palestine #israël #gaza #génocide

  • Spain denies port call for ship carrying arms to Israel
    By Reuters May 16, 20249:27 PM GMT+2

    MADRID, May 16 (Reuters) - Spain has refused permission for an Israel-bound ship carrying arms to call at the southeastern port of Cartagena, Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares said on Thursday.
    Albares confirmed reports that the Marianne Danica was carrying a cargo of arms to Israel and had requested permission to call at Cartagena on May 21.
    He said refusing permission to dock in Spanish ports was consistent with Spain’s policy to ban the exports of all arms to Israel since the outbreak of the war in Gaza in October.
    “We have detected this ship, we have refused to allow it to dock, and I can tell you that this will be a consistent policy with any ship carrying Israeli arms and arms cargo that wants to dock in Spanish ports,” Albares told reporters in Brussels.
    It was carrying nearly 27 tons in explosive material from India’s Madras, El Pais reported. (...)


  • On apprend qu’Ilan Pappé, auteur de Le Nettoyage ethnique de la Palestinetout juste (re)paru en français (https://lafabrique.fr/le-nettoyage-ethnique-de-la-palestine) a été retenu lundi par le FBI à l’aéroport de Détroit (États-Unis) et interrogé sur ses opinions sur la guerre à Gaza, sur ses amitiés, etc. Les données de son téléphone ont été volées. La répression des voix critiques d’Israël et en soutien au peuple palestinien doit cesser !


    #international #palestine #israel

  • Dentro le #proteste contro #netanyahu e le loro contraddizioni

    Dal 7 Ottobre in poi, le proteste che da mesi mobilitano migliaia di persone cittadine israeliane contro l’esecutivo guidato da Bibi Netanyahu sono state dense, partecipate, continuative e addirittura conflittuali. Uno dei fulcri delle proteste, è ed è stato la questione degli ostaggi israeliani a Gaza da riportare a casa, obiettivo che molti israeliani non […]

    #Blackout_Inside #Israele

  • L’enfer est le même, que ce soit ici, à Rafah ou à Gaza City (et autres textes)

    Amira Hass : « L’enfer est le même, que ce soit ici, à Rafah ou à Gaza City »
    Heba Farouk Mahfouz : Trois habitants de Gaza décrivent la vie à Rafah
    Il n’y a aucun endroit sûr où aller pour les 600 000 enfants de Rafah, avertit l’UNICEF
    Jeremy Scahill : Selon l’Unicef, après sept mois de guerre et toutes les cicatrices qui en découlent, 600 000 enfants palestiniens ne peuvent être « évacués » de Rafah
    Gaza : Israël bafoue les ordonnances de la Cour internationale de justice
    Amos Goldberg : Oui, c’est un génocide
    Rafah – Gaza – Palestine : Jusque quand laissera-t-on Netanyahou massacrer les Palestiniens en toute impunité ?
    Jack Khoury et Yaniv Kubovich : Haaretz décrit le choix des FDI et la tragédie des « évacués »
    « Attachés, les yeux bandés, en couche-culotte : des lanceurs d’alerte israéliens décrivent les mauvais traitements infligés aux Palestiniens dans un centre de détention dissimulé »
    Oren Ziv : Israël rase tout un village bédouin pour agrandir une autoroute
    « Reconnaître, maintenant, l’Etat de Palestine » : lettre ouverte de 17 personnalités israéliennes
    L’Assemblée générale presse le Conseil de sécurité de considérer « favorablement » l’adhésion de la Palestine à part entière
    Gilbert Achcar : L’instrumentalisation de l’antisémitisme contre le peuple palestinien et ses défenseurs
    Roger Martelli : Propos lapidaires sur l’antisémitisme
    Qui a peur de la lutte contre l’antisémitisme ? Pour une gauche réellement antiraciste
    Vincent Brengarth : Apologie du terrorisme : l’instrumentalisation après l’intégration dans le droit commun il y a 10 ans
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    #international #palestine #israel

    • Dal campo situato all’interno della struttura militare di Sde Teiman arrivano testimonianze e prove crescenti che rivelano le condizioni di trattamento e detenzione degli abitanti di Gaza nella struttura. Vari rapporti e un documento UNWRA che riportano le testimonianze di oltre 100 detenuti rilasciati indicano che centinaia di individui sono detenuti in recinti all’aperto, con le mani ammanettate e gli occhi coperti per l’intera giornata, e gli è proibito muoversi o parlare; in caso contrario, affrontano severe punizioni. Secondo tutte le testimonianze, questi detenuti subiscono regolarmente gravi violenze, con conseguenti fratture, emorragie interne e e in alcuni casi il decesso .

      Dall’inizio della guerra in corso e in particolare dopo l’invasione di terra di Israele della Striscia di Gaza, migliaia di abitanti di Gaza, tra cui minori, donne, anziani e decine di operatori sanitari, sono stati arrestati. Molti di loro prelevati da ospedali e scuole. Finora, tutti gli sforzi per localizzare o ottenere informazioni sulla loro condizione e e il luogo di detenzione si sono rivelati infruttuosi.

      Un rapporto della ong ”Physicians for Human Rights”(PHR) , Medici per i Diritti Umani che da 30 anni mobilita professionisti sanitari, scienziati forensi e altri esperti in tutto il mondo per indagare e denunciare accuse di abusi ,ad aprile aveva denunciato e raccolto le testimonianze dei detenuti rilasciati, le risposte (inadeguate) offerte dai funzionari, le discussioni con gli operatori sanitari e i dati relativi a decine di decessi in custodia. Sde Teiman è una struttura di detenzione segreta come Guantanamo e Abu Ghraib dove con la complicità del personale medico militare si torturano i prigionieri palestinesi.

      La CNN ha raccontato quello che accade nella struttura in un servizio televisivo in cui si è avvalsa della testimonianmza di alcuni operatori medici ,ne parliamo con Daniel che lavora presso la ong PHR e che si occupa come medico delle condizioni dei detenuti palestinesi .

      #Sde_Teiman #Israël #torture #emprisonnement #prison
      #audio #podcast

    • Shut Down the Sde Teiman Facility Now

      The circumstances at Sde Teiman, particularly concerning the medical treatment provided there, reflect a moral and professional low point. We firmly believe every physician, healthcare worker, and organization representing the healthcare community has a responsibility to oppose its continued existence.

      “Each of us, whether it is the medical personnel or you, the supervising authorities at the Health and Defense ministries, is implicated in breaching Israeli law. Even more concerning for me as a physician is the breach of my commitment to providing equal treatment to all patients—a vow I pledged to uphold upon graduating two decades ago.”

      This conclusion was shared earlier this month by a physician working at the field hospital located within the Sde Teiman military facility. His testimony adds to the mounting evidence revealing the treatment and detention conditions of Gazans at the facility. Various reports and a UNWRA document compiling the testimonies of over 100 released detainees indicate that hundreds of individuals are being held in open-air pens, with their hands cuffed and eyes covered for the entire day, and are prohibited from moving or speaking; otherwise, they face severe punishment. According to all testimonies, these detainees regularly endure severe violence, leading to cases of fractures, internal bleeding, and even death.

      Since the start of the current war and particularly following Israel’s ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, thousands of Gazans, including minors, women, the elderly, and dozens of healthcare workers, have been detained. Many of them were apprehended from protected spaces such as hospitals and schools. So far, all efforts to locate or obtain information regarding their well-being and whereabouts have proven unsuccessful.

      The evidence and information disclosed to the public confirm the findings outlined in the ethical position paper we are releasing today. Within it, we analyze data collected from released detainees, the (inadequate) responses offered by officials, discussions with healthcare professionals, and data concerning dozens of deaths in custody. We are issuing this report because, drawing upon the lessons learned from secret detention facilities like Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, it is crucial to prevent their continued operations and recognize the misconception that they can ever be “reformed.”

      As you may recall, Israel’s Ministry of Health declared that detained Gazans would not be treated in public hospitals and would instead be transferred to medical facilities operated by the Israel Prison Service or the military- regardless of whether these facilities were equipped to provide adequate care. Subsequently, the ministry issued medical treatment guidelines, which, as our report concludes, violate medical ethics and disregard the fundamental principles of the healthcare professions. These guidelines were reinforced by medical professionals who supported the refusal to treat detained Gazans, even when they were brought in by the military. The report cautions that in light of the current circumstances at the facility, its medical personnel risk committing severe breaches of medical ethics.

      The Ministry of Health’s guidelines for the Sde Teiman facility enable these violations by allowing the participation of medical personnel in actions that constitute inhumane treatment or torture. Considering the numerous testimonies from both detainees and medical staff regarding the conditions at the facility, we conclude that the Sde Teiman facility must be immediately shut down, and detained Gazans in need of medical care should be transferred to a civilian medical facility that upholds ethical and professional medical standards.

      Over 600 medical professionals have already endorsed this ethical position paper. If you are a medical professional, we urge you to actively express your support by adding your signature to the petition.

      The circumstances at Sde Teiman, particularly concerning the medical treatment provided there, reflect a moral and professional low point. We firmly believe every physician, healthcare worker, and organization representing the healthcare community has a responsibility to oppose its continued existence.


  • Occupate le università: anche a Torino #tende piantate contro la #guerra

    Le università in tutto il mondo si riempiono di tende contro la guerra e il #genocidio perpetrato dallo Stato d’Israele contro i palestinesi e anche a Torino è iniziata oggi l’acampada a Palazzo Nuovo (Università di Torino), al Dipartimento di Fisica e al Politecnico. L’intenzione è di bloccare le lezioni ad oltranza. La protesta studentesca […]

    #L'informazione_di_Blackout #Gaza #Israele #Politecnico_di_Torino #Università_di_Torino

  • Samedi, la Présidente de l’Assemblée nationale, Yaël Braun-Pivet, s’est consacrée pleinement à une grande cause d’importance nationale en serial-likant sur un thème unique les messages suivants :

    Elisabeth Lévy

    Ce soir, pour la première fois de ma vie, je voterai à l’Eurovision. Et j’invite tous ceux qui veulent clouer le bec de l’horreur boréale, des islamo-insoumis et de tous les nigauds qui croient soutenir les Palestiniens en clamant leur haine d’Israel et/ou des juifs à faire de même. Tous avec Éden !

    Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet (à propos d’une manif « à Malmö pour protester contre l’autorisation d’Israël de participer au concours Eurovision »)

    J’avais déjà une mauvaise image de Malmö comme étant une des grandes villes d’Europe dans laquelle la communauté juive s’était réduite à peau de chagrin ces dernières années en raison de l’antisémitisme persistant, mais là je dois dire que cela dépasse l’entendement.

    Bernard-Henri Lévy

    Je n’ai jamais voté à l’#Eurovision. Mais je voterai #EdenGolan. Parce qu’elle est talentueuse. Parce qu’elle est courageuse. Et parce que, dans ce monde devenu fou, face au vent de haine contre les #Juifs sans précédent depuis 80 ans, face à la bêtise, sa victoire fera date.

    La Licra

    Le Concours #Eurovision2024 n’est pas réservé aux Européens mais il met à l’épreuve, en pareilles circonstances, nos valeurs communes.
    À Malmö doit triompher un message de paix et non l’extrémisme radical dont certains élus français se font les sinistres complices.

    Et hier d’annoncer fièrement :

    Pour la 1ère fois…
    A voté 🗳

    J’admire ce sens de la mesure.

  • Israel and the German Raison D’Etat

    Voici la position la plus à gauche qu’on peut prononcer en Allemagne sans ce faire lyncher par les medias et les partis parlamentaires. Ce problème explique l’opinion de l’auteur à la fin de l’article par rapport au génocide à Gaza. D’après lui deux forces génocidaires s’y opposent, le Hamas et l’armée d’Israël sous commande du gouvernement d’extrême droite.

    L’auteur se rapproche ainsi de la position absurde allemande qu’il explique dans son texte autrement indispensable pour comprendre le soutien inconditionnel et sans réserve d’Israël par l’état allemand.

    19.3.2024 by Daniel Marwecki - The Federal Republic has long been one of the Jewish state’s most loyal allies — but why exactly?

    “At a moment like this, there is only one place for Germany: by Israel’s side,” German Chancellor Olaf Scholz declared after Hamas’s terror attack on 7 October 2023. His words were followed by deeds. Since then, the number of German weapons exported to Israel has increased tenfold.

    Daniel Marwecki is a lecturer in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Hong Kong and the author of Germany and Israel: Whitewashing and Statebuilding (Hurst, 2020).

    Although Germany abstained rather than voted against a ceasefire at the UN General Assembly, its diplomatic support for Israel is unmistakable. For instance, the German government has suspended further payments to UNRWA, the relief agency for Palestinian refugees, while also declaring its willingness to defend Israel against the South African lawsuit alleging genocide at the International Court of Justice. Top German politicians travel to the region on what seems like a weekly basis — Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock alone has already been there five times to emphasize Israel’s right to self-defence and pledge German support.

    Anyone who has taken the time to compare the predominant media narratives in English- and German-language news in recent months will find that criticism of Israel’s actions is more subdued in Germany, and Palestinian voices are less present in the public sphere. However, the rift between how the conflict is viewed in the West and how it is viewed by large parts of the post-colonial world, in which the Israel-Palestine conflict is conventionally perceived through a completely different historical framework, is much greater than the differences within the West. For example, it is almost impossible to compare Arabic- and German-language media — instead, they constitute parallel worlds telling two different stories about one and the same war.

    After the United States, Germany is Israel’s most significant supporter in terms of military and diplomatic affairs. Yet it would be mistaken to consider Germany as completely isolated due to its comparatively staunch pro-Israeli position, or to believe that the “Global South” with its 6 billion people is united behind Gaza. The diplomatic position of India under Narendra Modi, for example, the most populous country in the world, is much closer to that of Germany than that of Brazil or South Africa. Moreover, even if the populations of Arab states, from the Gulf to North Africa, show solidarity with Gaza, their governments do not. There are no reports, at least, of boycott measures such as those implemented during the 1973 Arab–Israeli war.

    The complexity and historical significance of German policy towards Israel is far greater than is often assumed.

    Nevertheless, German support for Israel is not only based on geopolitics and cynicism, the bread and butter of international relations, but is also expressly understood as a moral imperative emerging from German history. As such, this support is more susceptible to criticism — and the longer the deaths in Gaza continue, the more this criticism will increase. In the London Review of Books, Pankaj Mishra writes that the German culture of remembrance has failed. Writing in TIME Magazine, Bruno Maçães, a geopolitical commentator who became famous for his coverage of the war in Ukraine, claims that the German government has been living in a segregated and racist fantasy world in which there is evidently no space for Palestinian victims.

    This article is less about the horror of 7 October, the gruesome war in Gaza, or the toxic German debates about Israel and antisemitism. I instead attempt to provide historical contextualization to Germany’s stance. After all, the history of German policy towards Israel is relatively unknown in Germany, which is mainly due to the narcissistic nature of German discourse on the Middle East: when Germans talk about Israel, they are usually talking about themselves. That means that the more discourse there is, the more ignorance is produced.

    The complexity and historical significance of German policy towards Israel is far greater than is often assumed. Because it is not possible to deal with this policy in a short text — I have already done so in my book — in what follows, I will instead put forward three theses in order to shed light on its most important historical aspects.
    Germany Gives Much More Support to Israel than Is Commonly Assumed

    In 2008, Angela Merkel gave a speech in the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, in which she described Israel’s security as “part of the German raison d’état”. This begs the question as to how far this promise of aid would go in the event of an existential crisis. The war in Gaza, which Germany supports both militarily and diplomatically, provides an answer to this question: quite far indeed.

    Since Merkel’s speech, the discussion about German solidarity with Israel has taken place with explicit reference to Germany’s raison d’état. As has often been pointed out (and ironically, as stated even in the Federal Agency for Civic Education’s “Political Lexicon for Young People”), the term dates back to the Age of Absolutism. German support for Israel’s security is thus raised to a cornerstone of German statehood, by and large precluding any democratic discourse.

    German solidarity with Israel is not simply a foreign policy interest, subject to the ever-changing international situation; rather, it is integral to the very essence of German democracy. When the Bundestag celebrated the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the Israeli state in 2018, Green party politician Katrin Göring-Eckhardt summed up this self-image by saying, “Israel’s right to exist is our own.”[1] What this perspective ignores is the fact that the founding of the Israeli state de facto resulted in the statelessness of the Palestinian people.

    However, the recent shift in Germany’s policy towards Israel, which is rooted in identity politics, obscures the historical roots of the relationship between the two states. In fact, the Federal Republic of Germany was important for Israel’s security at a time when the past was concealed rather than remembered.
    German Aid to Israel

    As mentioned above, Germany is regaded as Israel’s “second-best friend” after the US. Yet the current American–Israeli alliance began not with the founding of the state of Israel, but only after the 1967 Arab–Israeli War. One important reason for this was that the US did not want to drive the nationalist regimes in the Arab world, above all Egypt under Gamal Abdel Nasser, into the Soviet sphere of influence during the Cold War. Only after Israel inflicted its greatest defeat on Arab nationalism with its 1967 victory did the US become a fundamental military supporter of Israel.

    The almost 20 years that passed between the founding of the state and the Six-Day War were absolutely critical for Israel. During this period, the Jewish state was an experiment with an uncertain outcome: immigrants who had fled from Europe or the Arab states had to be integrated, the country had to be industrialized and made fit for war. These were huge tasks, and the Federal Republic of Germany, founded in 1949 as the successor state to the Nazi regime, provided indispensable assistance along the way.

    Thanks in no small part to German aid, Israel was not only able to stabilize itself in the Middle East after winning the Six-Day War, it was also able to radically expand its territory.

    Between 1953, the year the reparations stipulated by the 1952 Israeli–West-German Reparations Agreement came into effect, and 1965, when Germany and Israel formally established diplomatic relations, West Germany was the only country to provide Israel with all three common forms of intergovernmental support: economic aid via the Reparations Agreement, secret military aid for war efforts, and a generous financial grant agreed upon in 1960.

    If one adds up the German aid to Israel and compare it with that provided by the US, England, and France, it becomes clear that Germany, of all countries, was Israel’s most important supporter during its precarious early days.

    Israel’s main negotiator, Nahum Goldmann, called the agreement “a downright salvation” for Israel. David Horowitz, director general of the Israeli Ministry of Finance, argued against individual indemnification and in favour of state reparations because “only reparations to Israel would make the difference between economic survival or collapse” — the reason being that the aid issued as part of the reparations included steel, equipment for industrial plants and factories, ships, machinery, and much more.

    For West Germany, which had been reconstructed and became wealthy immediately after World War II, the cost of all of this was negligible. For Israel, on the other hand, still a poor country made up of survivors and refugees, the reparations provided an extremely helpful boost to industrialization. More aid for economic reconstruction was soon to follow.
    Military Relations

    In December 1957, Shimon Peres, then Deputy Minister of Defence, visited the West German Minister of Defence, Franz Josef Strauss, in his snow-covered residence in Rott am Inn, Bavaria. Peres wrote about this meeting, which marked the starting point of military relations between Germany and Israel:

    Within only a few months of our first meeting, very valuable equipment began to reach the Israeli army. It consisted of German army surplus and equipment manufactured in Germany … We obtained ammunition, training devices, helicopters, spare parts and many other items. The quality was excellent and the quantities were considerable — compared with what we had been used to, though they were still far short of what the Egyptians were receiving. For the first time the impoverished Israeli army, which had had to skimp and scrape and stretch its thin resources to the utmost, felt almost pampered.

    What began in Bavaria would expand in the following years into an extensive, covert military cooperation, the exact content of which cannot be fully researched to this day. What is certain is that in 1962, another large aid package was put together, which provided all kinds of equipment essential to Israel’s ongoing war effort, from howitzers to helicopters and airplanes. Later, tanks manufactured in the US were added via a three-way trade.

    After taking office in 1965, Israel’s first ambassador to Germany, Asher Ben-Natan, told German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard in a confidential conversation that a war in the Middle East would “only last a few days”. Israel, said the ambassador, “must therefore always be ready. German aid had made a major contribution to the country’s development, and German military aid had also played a very important role in Israel’s security.”

    Thanks in no small part to German aid, Israel was not only able to stabilize itself in the Middle East after winning the Six-Day War, it was also able to radically expand its territory.
    Support for Israel Sought to Facilitate West Germany’s Rehabilitation on the Cheap

    Why do contemporary German politicians make so little mention of this early history of Germany’s Israel policy — especially in light of the fact that the Federal Republic was so much more important for Israel’s existence back then than it is today?

    The reason for this is not simply ignorance of Germany’s own history, but rather the fact that the early support for the Jewish state was obviously part of a larger rehabilitation effort that was intended to facilitate Germany’s integration into the Western bloc. For this reason, the early West German policy towards Israel does not lend itself to the self-congratulatory moral tales that Germans like to tell about their relationship with Israel today.

    At the beginning of 1966, West German public broadcaster ZDF aired an interview by Günter Gaus with Konrad Adenauer, who shaped the West German government more than almost any other person during his 14-year chancellorship. Asked about his reparations policy, Adenauer said:

    We had done the Jews so much wrong — the atrocities we committed against them had to be atoned for somehow or rectified if we were to regain any respectability at all among the peoples of the world … Even today, the power of the Jews, especially in America, should not be underestimated.

    This connection between the idea of rehabilitating Germany and the anti-Semitic prejudice of Jewish influence, tellingly appended with the phrase “even today”, was certainly not the only reason why the early Federal Republic turned to Israel, but it was the dominant one.

    Anyone today who finds themselves in disbelief about the histrionic and toxic nature of the debate on Israel in Germany would do well to recall the origins of Germany’s policy towards Israel.

    There is plenty of evidence to support this. Another example is that the German journalist Rolf Vogel, a confidant of Konrad Adenauer, was involved in a scandalous deal at the end of the 1950s in which the Federal Republic bought a large number of Uzi submachine guns from Israel. Vogel is credited with a sentence that sums up German policy towards Israel at the time: “The Uzi in the hands of German soldiers is certainly worth more than all the brochures against anti-Semitism.”

    Yigal Allon, a member of parliament from the left-wing Ahdut HaAvodah party who would later become defence minister, opposed the arms sales. He considered such sales to be degrading and had no illusions about the Federal Republic: “The Germans have purchased these weapons not because the weapons are good, but because they are Jewish. The Germans desperately need rehabilitation.”

    It was obvious why the Germans needed rehabilitation, seeing as the Nazi dictatorship was only a few years past. The German population was heavily implicated in this process, while the perpetrators and silent profiteers lived largely undisturbed in the Federal Republic.

    The rehabilitation thesis is logically derived from the historical situation of the post-war period: as has now been extensively documented in research, the denazification of West Germany was discontinued with the founding of the Federal Republic. A close relationship with the newly founded Jewish state was the cheapest possible way of signalling a reformed democracy when no such thing yet existed.

    It is crucial to bear in mind that at the time, hardly anything was further from the minds of Israel’s population than establishing relations with Germany. In fact, the prospect of negotiating reparations with West Germany plunged the nascent state into its most severe crisis. This also demonstrates just how precarious Israel’s predicament was at the time. In other words: the price Israel had to pay to secure its existence was the absolution of (West) Germany.

    After Germany and Israel exchanged ambassadors in 1965, West Germany was determined to “normalize” relations with Israel, with the latter insisting that Germany’s immediate past meant that it had special obligations towards Israel. Just how “normal” Germany had become, however, was ironically demonstrated by the figure of Rolf Pauls, the first West German ambassador to Israel, who was emblematic of German rehabilitation policy. Pauls, a former Wehrmacht officer on the Eastern Front, spoke of “world Jewry” and accused the Israelis of expecting benefits without giving anything in return, but also felt that Israel had to be accommodated to some extent, because otherwise, “from Jerusalem to London to New York, the Jews would let the dogs loose”.

    Anyone today who finds themselves in disbelief about the histrionic and toxic nature of the debate on Israel in Germany would do well to recall the origins of Germany’s policy towards Israel. Relations have always been shaped by Germany’s past, albeit in a different way than some people imagine today.
    Germany’s Balancing Act Has Failed

    After the dissolution of the pro-Arab and pro-Palestinian German Democratic Republic and its annexation to the Federal Republic, Germany regained its former dominant position in a no longer divided Europe. Not least in order to assuage Western allies’ fears that Germany was once again striving to become a superpower, the Federal Republic continued its transatlantic policy after the Cold War, collected the “peace dividend”, and remained an economic power that knew how to assert its economic interests while embellishing them in the vocabulary of human rights.

    The discourse surrounding the politics of Germany’s history in Germany also shifted away from forgetting and prioritized “redemption through remembrance,” a phrase formulated by German President Richard von Weizsäcker in 1985. This was also linked to a shift in Germany’s Israel policy away from “normalization”, which always had Arab oil interests in mind, and towards what is now considered the German “raison d’état”.

    Parallel to the changes in Germany’s policy towards its past and towards Israel (which are inherently intertwined), the Oslo Accords were established in the 1990s with the aim of finding a peaceful solution to the Israel–Palestine situation. The mutual recognition between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization — the first treaty signed in 1993 hardly went beyond this point — brought a sigh of relief to the German Bundestag. As Christian Democratic parliamentarian Karl Lamers put it at the time, Germany’s “special relations with Israel” had on occasion led to a “painful discrepancy” because “it seemed as if the wellbeing of Israel was connected to the continued homelessness of the Palestinians.”

    Despite the fact that the Oslo Accords have been considered a failure for over two decades, Germany remains to this day a principal financial backer of the Palestinian Authority.

    Germany invested not only hope but also money in the Oslo Accords. Yet the process broke down in 2000, when negotiations between Ehud Barak and Yassir Arafat came to an inconclusive end at Camp David.

    That Israel’s security is the cornerstone of Germany’s raison d’état did not originate with Merkel, but rather with the Second Intifada, which began after the Oslo Accords’ failure. Three years before Merkel’s aforementioned speech in 2008, Rudolf Dressler, Germany’s ambassador to Israel at the time, wrote that from a German perspective, a solution to the conflict could only be achieved if Israel’s security against terror was guaranteed — Israel’s security, Dressler said, had to become central to Germany’s “raison d’état”.

    Despite the fact that the Oslo Accords have been considered a failure for over two decades, Germany remains to this day a principal financial backer of the Palestinian Authority, which was established as a result of the process, and never tires of emphasizing the need for negotiations over a two-state solution, despite there being no viable path to such a solution, even prior 7 October. The dichotomy that Karl Lamers spoke of in 1993 remains in effect more than 30 years later.
    The Impossibility of the German Position

    At the Munich Security Conference in February of this year, a moderator asked German Chancellor Olaf Scholz whether he had any proof to support his claim that Israel was respecting international law in its actions in Gaza. The chancellor responded not with a yes or no, but with an incomprehensible word salad.

    This illustrates the dilemma that has engulfed Germany since the terrorist attack on 7 October and Israel’s subsequent war against Hamas: on the one hand, Germany shows solidarity with Israel, both in the objectives it has formulated for the war and — as far as possible — in helping carry them out. On the other hand, it wants to remain poised as a guardian of international law and a “rules-based world order”. But these two ends are mutually exclusive. Olaf Scholz knows this as well.

    Israel’s military objective of destroying Hamas cannot be achieved in compliance with international law. This is due to the sheer nature of urban counter-insurgency as well as the fact that Hamas, which has woven itself into the fabric of Gaza’s civilian population, has explicitly designed it that way. However, this does not mean, as some Germans claim, that Hamas bears sole responsibility for the destruction of Gaza. The statements made by some top Israeli politicians and the country’s conduct throughout the war do not in any way indicate that the response to the cruel terrorist attack on 7 October is in accordance with international law.

    The current war is an existential war between Israel and Hamas in which the boundary between military and civilian targets seems to have been erased. Hamas made its intentions clear on 7 October 2023: the annihilation of Israel. It was a crime of a genocidal nature. For its part, Israel, led by a bipartisan war cabinet, will not rest until Hamas is destroyed or lays down its arms. This means mass civilian deaths the likes of which this conflict has never before seen.

    German foreign policy not only lacks the means to do its part to end this war. Even the language is lacking: Israel and Gaza can hardly be discussed with undivided empathy in Germany at the moment.

    Translated by Gegensatz Translation Collective.

    [1] This and the following quotes can be found in my book, Germany and Israel: Whitewashing and Statebuilding (Hurst, 2020).

    #Israël #Allemagne #Palestine #nazis #génocide

  • Israel and the German Raison D’Etat | Daniel Marwecki

    ... the early [années 1950 et 1960] support for the Jewish state was obviously part of a larger rehabilitation effort that was intended to facilitate Germany’s integration into the Western bloc. For this reason, the early West German policy towards Israel does not lend itself to the self-congratulatory moral tales that Germans like to tell about their relationship with Israel today.

    At the beginning of 1966, West German public broadcaster ZDF aired an interview by Günter Gaus with Konrad Adenauer, who shaped the West German government more than almost any other person during his 14-year chancellorship. Asked about his reparations policy, Adenauer said:

    We had done the Jews so much wrong — the atrocities we committed against them had to be atoned for somehow or rectified if we were to regain any respectability at all among the peoples of the world … Even today, the power of the Jews, especially in America, should not be underestimated.

    This connection between the idea of rehabilitating Germany and the anti-Semitic prejudice of Jewish influence, tellingly appended with the phrase “even today”, was certainly not the only reason why the early Federal Republic turned to Israel, but it was the dominant one.

    #histoire #rfa #israelallemagne #antisémitisme

    • The #rehabilitation thesis is logically derived from the historical situation of the post-war period: as has now been extensively documented in research, the denazification of West Germany was discontinued with the founding of the Federal Republic. A close relationship with the newly founded Jewish state was the cheapest possible way of signalling a reformed democracy when no such thing yet existed.

      It is crucial to bear in mind that at the time, hardly anything was further from the minds of Israel’s population than establishing relations with Germany. In fact, the prospect of negotiating #reparations with West Germany plunged the nascent state into its most severe crisis. This also demonstrates just how precarious Israel’s predicament was at the time. In other words: the price Israel had to pay to secure its existence was the absolution of (West) Germany.

      After Germany and Israel exchanged ambassadors in 1965, West Germany was determined to “normalize” relations with Israel, with the latter insisting that Germany’s immediate past meant that it had special obligations towards Israel. Just how “normal” Germany had become, however, was ironically demonstrated by the figure of Rolf Pauls, the first West German ambassador to Israel, who was emblematic of German rehabilitation policy. Pauls, a former Wehrmacht officer on the Eastern Front, spoke of “world Jewry” and accused the Israelis of expecting benefits without giving anything in return, but also felt that Israel had to be accommodated to some extent, because otherwise, “from Jerusalem to London to New York, the Jews would let the dogs loose”.

      Anyone today who finds themselves in disbelief about the histrionic and toxic nature of the debate on Israel in Germany would do well to recall the origins of Germany’s policy towards Israel. Relations have always been shaped by Germany’s past, albeit in a different way than some people imagine today.

  • #rafah: attacco di #Israele, gli #USA mandano un segnale forte.

    In questi giorni la notizia dell’attacco a Rafah da parte di Israele nonostante Hamas avesse accettato l’accordo di tregua ha scatenato moltissime reazioni a livello globale, sia dal punto di vista degli Stati coinvolti in questa guerra genocida sia da parte delle attivazioni e mobilitazioni che chiedono il cessate il fuoco. Di particolare peso le […]

    #L'informazione_di_Blackout #biden #palestina

  • #rafah: le trattative tra #Israele ed Hamas ed il sostegno (apparentemente) in bilico degli Stati Uniti

    Un approfondimento con Eliana Riva, caporedattrice di Pagine Esteri, sullo stato delle trattative in corso al momento al Cairo tra la resistenza palestinese e Israele, un piano complesso che ha visto la delegazione palestinese accettare una bozza di accordo presentata dai mediatori israeliani ma che si è successivamente incagliato sulla questione di un cessate-il-fuoco definitivo, […]

    #L'informazione_di_Blackout #biden #palestina

  • L’état sioniste et les Etats-Unis cités nommément

    Israël/Gaza : les menaces contre la CPI favorisent une culture de l’impunité, fustigent des experts de l’ONU

    Israël/Gaza : les menaces contre la CPI favorisent une culture de l’impunité, fustigent des experts de l’ONU

    Des experts de l’ONU* ont exprimé vendredi leur profonde consternation face aux déclarations émises par des responsables américains et israéliens menaçant d’exercer des représailles contre la Cour pénale internationale (CPI), ses fonctionnaires et les membres de leurs familles.

    « À l’heure où le monde devrait s’unir pour mettre fin à la terrible effusion de sang à #Gaza et demander justice pour les personnes illégalement tuées, blessées, traumatisées ou prises en otage depuis le 7 octobre, il est affligeant de voir des représentants d’État menacer de prendre des mesures de rétorsion contre une Cour qui poursuit la justice internationale », ont déclaré ces experts dans une déclaration conjointe.

    Il est choquant de voir des pays qui se considèrent comme les champions de l’État de droit tenter d’intimider un tribunal international indépendant et impartial pour empêcher l’obligation de rendre des comptes

    Le vendredi 4 mai, le Bureau du Procureur a dénoncé les déclarations qui « menacent de prendre des mesures de rétorsion contre la Cour ou contre le personnel de la Cour » pour les actions entreprises par le Procureur. La déclaration du Bureau du Procureur rappelle à tous les individus que les menaces de représailles peuvent constituer une infraction contre l’administration de la justice en vertu de l’article 70 du Statut de Rome.

    « Il est choquant de voir des pays qui se considèrent comme les champions de l’État de droit tenter d’intimider un tribunal international indépendant et impartial pour empêcher l’obligation de rendre des comptes », ont déclaré les experts.

    « Les menaces de représailles violent les normes des droits de l’homme relatives aux attaques contre le personnel judiciaire et dépassent les limites acceptées de la liberté d’expression. Nous appelons tous les États à respecter l’indépendance de la Cour en tant qu’institution judiciaire et à protéger l’indépendance et l’impartialité de ceux qui travaillent au sein de la Cour », ont ajouté les défenseurs des droits humains.

    Les experts ont rappelé que les responsables politiques et les fonctionnaires jouent un rôle important dans l’élaboration de l’agenda des médias, du débat public et de l’opinion. Par conséquent, un comportement et une attitude éthiques de leur part, y compris dans leurs communications publiques, sont essentiels pour promouvoir l’État de droit, la protection des droits de l’homme et la confiance du public dans les systèmes démocratiques de gouvernance, ont-ils averti.

    Ces dernières semaines, les autorités des #États-Unis et d’#Israël ont fait des déclarations incendiaires au sujet de la #CPI, qualifiant les actions potentielles du Procureur de « sans foi ni loi », de « honteuses » et tout mandat éventuel d’« agression scandaleuse » et d’« abomination ».

    Ces commentaires persistent depuis plus d’une semaine, alors que des rapports indiquent que les dirigeants du Congrès américain préparent d’éventuelles mesures de rétorsion, notamment des sanctions à l’encontre des personnes qui travaillent pour la Cour et des efforts visant à réduire le financement de la CPI, si des mandats d’arrêt sont délivrés à l’encontre de responsables israéliens, et que le ministre israélien des Finances menace de retenir également les fonds destinés à l’Autorité palestinienne.

    Les experts qui souscrivent à cette déclaration sont :
    Margaret Satterthwaite, Rapporteure spéciale sur l’indépendance des juges et des avocats ; Francesca Albanese, Rapporteure spéciale des Nations Unies sur les droits de l’homme dans les territoires palestiniens occupés depuis 1967 ; Ben Saul, Rapporteur spécial sur la promotion et la protection des droits de l’homme et des libertés fondamentales dans la lutte antiterroriste ; Cecilia M Bailliet, Experte indépendante sur les droits de l’homme et la solidarité internationale ; Siobhán Mullally, Rapporteur spécial sur la traite des êtres humains, en particulier des femmes et des enfants ; Paula Gaviria Betancur, Rapporteure spéciale sur les droits de l’homme des personnes déplacées dans leur propre pays ; Irene Khan, Rapporteure spéciale sur la promotion et la protection du droit à la liberté d’opinion et d’expression ; George Katrougalos, Expert indépendant sur la promotion d’un ordre international démocratique et équitable ; Bernard Duhaime, Rapporteur spécial sur la promotion de la vérité, de la justice, de la réparation et des garanties de non-répétition ; Marcos A. Orellana, Rapporteur spécial sur les implications pour les droits de l’homme de la gestion et de l’élimination écologiquement rationnelles des substances et déchets dangereux ; Gina Romero, Rapporteure spéciale sur les droits à la liberté de réunion pacifique et d’association ; Ashwini K.P., Rapporteur spécial sur les formes contemporaines de racisme, de discrimination raciale, de xénophobie et de l’intolérance qui y est associée ; Graeme Reid, Expert indépendant sur la protection contre la violence et la discrimination fondées sur l’orientation sexuelle et l’identité de genre ; Surya Deva, rapporteur spécial sur le droit au développement ; Aua Baldé (président-rapporteur), Gabriella Citroni (vice-présidente), Angkhana Neelapaijit, Grażyna Baranowska, Ana Lorena Delgadillo Pérez, groupe de travail sur les disparitions forcées ou involontaires ; Tomoya Obokata, rapporteur spécial sur les formes contemporaines d’esclavage, y compris leurs causes et leurs conséquences ; Astrid Puentes, rapporteur spécial sur le droit à un environnement propre, sain et durable ; Farida Shaheed, rapporteur spécial sur le droit à l’éducation ; Michael Fakhri, rapporteur spécial sur le droit à l’alimentation ; Pedro Arrojo-Agudo, rapporteur spécial sur les droits de l’homme à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement ; Dorothy Estrada Tanck (présidente), Claudia Flores, Ivana Krstić, Haina Lu, et Laura Nyirinkindi (vice-présidente), Groupe de travail sur la discrimination à l’égard des femmes et des filles ; Jose Francisco Calí Tzay, Rapporteur spécial sur les droits des peuples autochtones ; Nicolas Levrat, Rapporteur spécial sur les questions relatives aux minorités ; Alexandra Xanthaki, Rapporteure spéciale dans le domaine des droits culturels ; Mary Lawlor, Rapporteur spécial sur la situation des défenseurs des droits de l’homme ; Balakrishan Rajagopal, rapporteur spécial sur le droit à un logement convenable ; Richard Bennett, rapporteur spécial sur la situation des droits de l’homme en Afghanistan ; Matthew Gillett (président-rapporteur), Priya Gopalan (vice-président chargé du suivi), Miriam Estrada-Castillo et Mumba Malila, groupe de travail sur la détention arbitraire ; Reem Alsalem, rapporteur spécial sur la violence à l’égard des femmes et des filles, ses causes et ses conséquences ; Barbara G. Reynolds (présidente), Bina D’Costa, Dominique Day, Groupe de travail d’experts sur les personnes d’ascendance africaine ; Olivier De Schutter, Rapporteur spécial sur l’extrême pauvreté et les droits de l’homme ; Anaïs Marin, Rapporteure spéciale sur la situation des droits de l’homme en Biélorussie.

  • Washington juge vraisemblable qu’Israël ait violé le droit international à Gaza, selon un rapport
    Publié le : 11/05/2024 – France 24

    Les États-Unis jugent vraisemblable qu’Israël ait violé le droit humanitaire international à Gaza sans pouvoir toutefois le conclure de manière définitive, et continueront à livrer des armes à ce pays, selon un rapport du département d’État.

    Très attendu et rendu public vendredi 10 mai, le rapport indique qu’il est « raisonnable d’estimer » qu’Israël a utilisé des armes d’une manière incompatible avec le droit humanitaire international et donc la loi américaine, mais que les États-Unis n’ont pas pu parvenir à ce stade à des « conclusions » définitives, faute d’informations suffisantes.

    Dans le cas contraire, les États-Unis auraient été contraints de cesser la livraison d’armes à Israël pour sa guerre contre le Hamas, lancée en représailles à l’attaque sanglante du mouvement islamiste palestinien le 7 octobre et qui a fait des dizaines de milliers de victimes palestiniennes. (...)


    • alors :

      La France appelle Israël à cesser « sans délai » son opération à Rafah
      https://www.france24.com/fr/moyen-orient/20240511-%F0%9F%94%B4-en-direct-la-france-appelle-isra%C3%ABl-%C3%A0-cesse ?

      La France appelle Israël à cesser « sans délai » son opération militaire à Rafah qui menace de créer une « situation catastrophique » pour la population de la bande de Gaza, a indiqué son ministère des Affaires étrangères dans un communiqué publié sur X dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi.

      « Nous appelons les autorités israéliennes à cesser cette opération militaire sans délai et à reprendre la voie des négociations, seule voie possible pour conduire à la libération immédiate des otages et obtenir un cessez-le-feu durable », a indiqué le Quai d’Orsay à propos de la situation à Rafah.

      #Israël #Territoirespalestiniens l La France déplore le lancement le 7 mai d’une opération militaire de l’armée israélienne à Rafah. Une telle opération menace de provoquer une situation catastrophique pour les populations civiles de Gaza.

      Déclaration ➡️ https://t.co/x3tpYqHnaa pic.twitter.com/mhNkswCrzw
      — France Diplomatie🇫🇷🇪🇺 (@francediplo) May 10, 2024

  • Déclaration de membres palestiniens de la direction nationale de Standing Together – 30/1/2024 (+ autre texte)

    En tant que citoyens palestiniens d’Israël, notre existence quotidienne est marquée par la discrimination systémique, la persécution, la négligence et la violence. Nous vivons dans un état de tension constante, sans reconnaissance de notre histoire, de notre identité et de notre culture palestiniennes. Depuis l’attaque du Hamas le 7 octobre, nous sommes confrontés à une société israélienne profondément traumatisée et à des dirigeants politiques qui ont capitalisé sur ces atrocités pour inciter encore plus à la violence contre nous. Notre situation est devenue encore plus intenable, car nous sommes confrontés à un traumatisme collectif et à la crainte d’une seconde Nakba, ainsi qu’à un profond chagrin et à l’oppression au sein de notre société.

    + Josh Yunis : La nouvelle assimilation. Réflexions sur les manifestations sur les campus (mai 2024)


    #international #palestine #israel #usa

  • Slovenia to recognise Palestinian state
    9 May 2024 16:30 BST | Middle East Eye

    Slovenia has initiated the procedure for the recognition of a Palestinian state, the country’s Prime Minister Robert Golob said.

    The move, which was announced in March, is being used as leverage to end Israel’s war in Gaza.

    “The horrors we see every day in Gaza are inadmissible and must stop,” Golob was quoted as saying on the government’s X account.

    “I call on Israel to put an immediate end to its attacks on Gaza and to use the negotiating table.”

    The date of Slovenia’s official recognition depends on the ongoing negotiations around a ceasefire, but Golob said 13 June would be the latest they would push the recognition.

    #IsraelSlovénie #reconnaissance_Palestine

  • Un descendant de l’aristocratie sioniste veut quitter le peuple juif. Israël le laissera-t-il faire ?

    Pourquoi Avraham Burg, qui a été président de la Knesset, président par intérim et chef de l’Agence juive, demande à Israël d’annuler son inscription en tant que Juif.

    Avraham Burg a été un homme aux nombreux titres. Descendant d’une des familles aristocratiques du mouvement religieux sioniste, il a été président de la 15e Knesset (1999-2003), un membre important du « groupe des huit » à la gauche du Parti travailliste à la fin des années 1980 et au début des années 1990, président de l’Agence juive (1995-1999) et, selon le protocole, il a été président par intérim d’Israël, entre la démission d’Ezer Weizman et l’élection de Moshe Katsav à ce poste, pendant son mandat de Président de la Knesset. Aucun CV ne pourrait être plus sioniste et plus juif.


    #international #israel

    • Maintenant, cependant, « Avrum », comme il est largement connu, est décidé à en abandonner un : sa désignation en tant que Juif selon le registre de la population du ministère de l’Intérieur. Dans une demande qu’il va soumettre au tribunal de district de Jérusalem, Burg écrit qu’il ne se considère plus comme appartenant à la nationalité juive. Il ajoute que sa conscience ne lui permet pas d’être classé comme membre de cette nation, parce qu’elle implique « d’appartenir au groupe des maîtres ». En termes simples et clairs, affirme-t-il, « je ne peux plus me sentir identifié à ce collectif ».

  • Si réellement Biden se déclare désormais dans une position critique de la façon qu’a Israël de mener son massacre à Gaza, tu vas voir qu’en moins d’une semaine, notre paysage médiatique va changer et que notre gouvernement, ainsi que l’ensemble de nos éditocrates, vont se déclarer, à leur tout, extrêmement critiques envers Israël.

  • Manifs en Israël : il n’y qu’en France que Netanyahou est un saint

    Depuis des semaines, les manifestations contre le gouvernement prennent de l’ampleur. Les Israéliens exigent à des élections anticipées, un cessez-le-feu immédiat, ainsi que la libération des otages toujours détenus par le Hamas.


    #international #israel