La Brique

Journal local de critique sociale

  • Pourquoi la vie sexuelle des femmes est-elle meilleure sous le socialisme ?

    Derrière ce titre un poil racoleur se cache une étude très sérieuse de l’universitaire Kristen Ghodsee sur le féminisme des anciens pays de l’Est. Le raisonnement qui fait passer de l’économie à l’orgasme est simple : la volonté des pays du bloc de l’Est d’enrôler les femmes dans la force de travail, couplée aux luttes des féministes communistes, ont permis la création d’une série de dispositifs favorisant l’indépendance économique des femmes. Celle-ci rend possible une plus grande égalité dans les couples (hétérosexuels), ce qui a des répercussions directes sur l’intimité : être moins préoccupée par sa survie quotidienne, moins accaparée par le travail domestique, moins dépendante de son mari, rend plus disponible pour la (...)

    #En_vedette #Féminismes

    • Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism And Other. Arguments for Economic Independence

      A spirited, deeply researched exploration of why capitalism is bad for women and how, when done right, socialism leads to economic independence, better labor conditions, better work-life balance and, yes, even better sex.

      In a witty, irreverent op-ed piece that went viral, Kristen Ghodsee argued that women had better sex under socialism. The response was tremendous — clearly she articulated something many women had sensed for years: the problem is with capitalism, not with us.

      Ghodsee, an acclaimed ethnographer and professor of Russian and East European Studies, spent years researching what happened to women in countries that transitioned from state socialism to capitalism. She argues here that unregulated capitalism disproportionately harms women, and that we should learn from the past. By rejecting the bad and salvaging the good, we can adapt some socialist ideas to the 21st century and improve our lives.

      She tackles all aspects of a woman’s life – work, parenting, sex and relationships, citizenship, and leadership. In a chapter called “Women: Like Men, But Cheaper,” she talks about women in the workplace, discussing everything from the wage gap to harassment and discrimination. In “What To Expect When You’re Expecting Exploitation,” she addresses motherhood and how “having it all” is impossible under capitalism.

      Women are standing up for themselves like never before, from the increase in the number of women running for office to the women’s march to the long-overdue public outcry against sexual harassment. Interest in socialism is also on the rise — whether it’s the popularity of Bernie Sanders or the skyrocketing membership numbers of the Democratic Socialists of America. It’s become increasingly clear to women that capitalism isn’t working for us, and Ghodsee is the informed, lively guide who can show us the way forward.

      #livre #indépendance_économique #capitalisme