
« La vie sociale tout entière gît sous mon regard. » — F. Pessoa

  • The AI Takeover Is Coming. Let’s Embrace It.

    [T]he White House released a chilling report on AI and the economy. It began by positing that “it is to be expected that machines will continue to reach and exceed human performance on more and more tasks,” and it warned of massive job losses.

    Yet to counter this threat, the government makes a recommendation that may sound absurd: we have to increase investment in AI. The risk to productivity and the US’s competitive advantage is too high to do anything but double down on it.


    In September, Google announced an enormous upgrade in the performance of Google Translate, using a system it’s calling Google Neural Machine Translation (GNMT). Google’s Pereira called the jump in translation quality “something I never thought I’d see in my working life.”

    “We’d been making steady progress,” he added. “This is not steady progress. This is radical.”

    #Apprentissage_profond #Google_Neural_Machine_Translation #Intelligence_artificielle #Numérique #OpenAI #Économie

    • L’angle de l’article est râlant :

      Our medical system is deeply flawed; intelligent agents could spread affordable, high-quality healthcare to more people in more places. Our education infrastructure is not adequately preparing students for the looming economic upheaval; here, too, AI systems could chip in where teachers are spread too thin.

      Bah oui, réparons le monde à grands coup de technologie, ça va marcher, c’est sûr.

      To ignore this trend — to not plunge headlong into understanding it, shaping it, monitoring it — might well be the biggest mistake a country could make.

      Let’s make American AI great (again)

      Désolé pour la mauvaise humeur ^^