’Too Much Estrogen’ : The Golden Globes, Chris Christie and Men Who Don’t Want to Share Culture


  • Deux femmes qui présentent les Golden Globes : « trop d’oestrogènes » pour certains - ’Too Much Estrogen’ : The Golden Globes, Chris Christie and Men Who Don’t Want to Share Culture | Soraya Chemaly

    Smith, in the meantime, thinks that the Globes should have just been called “Girls.” Eww. The event, he explains, “was a deep dive into a pool of estrogen.” This is unsurprising, but his response is not uncommon when it comes to perceptions of gender and visibility. This is like my friend, with whom I share a great liking for many HBO series that are almost uniformly dominated by men’s stories, explaining without a shred of irony that “Orange is the New Black” simply has too many women for him to be interested in watching.


    The Globes red carpet and crowd shots suggested a nice gender parity, everyone seemed to have a spouse or a date, usually of the opposite sex. There were a lot of glamorous and talented women. And they talked.


    But, the night was a celebration of an industry in which women are remarkably discriminated against, hypersexualized, and subjected to double standards regarding how they look, age, paid and invested in. Yes, there’s that uncomfortable phrase, “discriminated against.”

    #cinéma #sexisme