Racism and Xenophobia Update for June 2011 » Inter Antifa Russia


  • Racism and Xenophobia Update for June 2011
    Le site multilingue russe “Inter Antifa” tient chaque mois une liste (macabre) des crimes de la mouvance néo-nazie et de leurs activités. Beaucoup d’infos par ailleurs sur ce site.
    “At least six people became victims of racist and neo-Nazi attacks in June 2011, with three of those dying due to their injuries. These figures bring the year-to-date totals to 14 deaths, 58 people injured, and an additional 5 people receiving death threats across 15 regions of Russia.

    We recorded at least three acts of vandalism motivated by hatred or neo-Nazi ideology in June. In addition to ideological objects, monuments etc., the attacks on Muslim graves continued in a cemetery in the Nizhny Novgorod Region. At least seven Muslim graves in Nizhny Novgorod cemeteries have been objects of ideological vandalism since the beginning of this year; in total, there have been at least 33 acts motivated by hatred or neo-Nazi ideology across the country, with Muslim graves and monuments becoming a primary target. Ideological monuments and buildings remain vulnerable, with 12 and 11 cases, respectively, of vandalism committed on each so far this year.”
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