The Dunning-Kruger Effect Is Probably Not Real | Office for Science and Society


  • The Dunning-Kruger Effect Is Probably Not Real | Office for Science and Society - McGill University

    – The Dunning-Kruger effect was originally described in 1999 as the observation that people who are terrible at a particular task think they are much better than they are, while people who are very good at it tend to underestimate their competence
    – The Dunning-Kruger effect was never about “dumb people not knowing they are dumb” or about “ignorant people being very arrogant and confident in their lack of knowledge.”
    – Because the effect can be seen in random, computer-generated data, it may not be a real flaw in our thinking and thus may not really exist

    • non ça c’est presque l’opposé ; syndrome de l’imposteur c’est quand on doute de ses capacités, quand on pense ne pas mériter la place qu’on a, quand on pense ne pas être aussi intélligent que les gens pensent. ce sont souvent des gens talentueux qui ont ça.

      donning = dumb people thinking they are smart
      imposter = smart people thinking they are dumb