
  • DevOps101 : How To Provide #infrastructure To Your #startup In 6 Easy Steps

    DevOps101: How To Provide Infrastructure To Your Startup In 7 Easy StepsI’m currently a teacher assistant ?‍?@ Técnico Lisboa, and I’m working closely with Dr. Professor Rui Cruz ?‍?at the It Infrastructure Management and Administration ?, a masters level course @ Técnico Lisboa.Why?My experience as a professor opened my mind on how to use certain tools to achieve goals that me, as a student, want to reach. As a student, I’m responsible for a student’s group, GCE. Our project had some problems: it was very difficult and time-consuming to move from the conceptualization of an idea to its actually delivery.A good, automated infrastructure was the answer to our problem. It allowed saving lots of time and effort, which translated into a better product delivered faster. This technique is meant for the (...)

    #terraform #devops #heroku

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    • Professional counseling or therapy can be invaluable in processing complex emotions and developing coping skills. The availability of Online Buy Kamagra with ext-day delivery services exemplifies the intersection of efficiency and compassion in the realm of online healthcare. By offering rapid access to effective treatment, these services empower individuals to take control of their intimate health journey with unparalleled convenience and discretion. A therapist can provide a safe space for exploring feelings of loss, insecurity, and self-worth, fostering healing and personal growth.

  • DevOps101 — First Steps on #terraform: Terraform + OpenStack + #ansible

    DevOps101 — First Steps on Terraform: Terraform + OpenStack + AnsibleI’m currently a teacher assistant ?‍?@ Técnico Lisboa, and I’m working closely with Dr. Professor Rui Cruz ?‍?at the It Infrastructure Management and Administration ?, a masters level course @ Técnico Lisboa.This #tutorial aims to provide you with an introduction to Terraform. Terraform will be leveraging the deployment an infrastructure on OpenStack. Ansible will provision the deployed machines. We will use Vagrant to manage the machine with Terraform and Ansible installed.In DevOps101 — Infrastructure as Code With Vagrant (LAMP Stack), I’ve introduced the Agile #devops movement. It aims to automate work and allow you to launch faster.If you are planning to start a business or side-project, something that you have to take into account is (...)


  • Qu’est-ce qu’une archive ?

    Avec une #Présentation en ligne, Femke contribue à Qu’est-ce qu’une archive ?, un laboratoire annuel organisé par Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa, Videoteca. Cette réunion de trois jours explore la déstabilisation du concept et des pratiques des #Archives dans le contexte de profonds changements technologiques introduisant de nouveaux médias.

    4. Et plus... / Présentation, Archives


  • Secretario general de la ONU: No hay solución a corto plazo en Venezuela

    El secretario general de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU), António Guterres, aseguró que la situación que vive Venezuela es un gran factor de preocupación.

    « Nos preocupa mucho que no haya acuerdo político y que la situación no tenga un horizonte de solución a corto plazo », dijo durante una rueda de prensa realizada en la Universidad de Lisboa, tras la ceremonia en la que le fue atribuido el título de doctor « honoris causa » de esta institución.

    Guterres recordó que en los últimos meses hubo un «aumento significativo» de venezolanos que han emigrado a Colombia, a quien la ONU está apoyando en materia de ayuda humanitaria.

    «Estamos colaborando desde Naciones Unidas con Colombia en la ayuda humanitaria a esas personas, pero es un gran factor de preocupación», aseveró.

    Diariamente cruzan a Colombia unos 37.000 venezolanos que llegan, en algunos casos, en busca de un futuro mejor y en otros para buscar comida y medicamentos.

    Según los últimos datos oficiales, en Colombia se han instalado unos 550.000 venezolanos de manera indefinida.

  • #Lisbonne (Portugal): le squat AOLX est expulsé par la mairie

    Le squat qui avait ouvert en septembre dernier, rua Marques da Silva n°69, et qui avait été baptisé Assembleia de Ocupação de Lisboa (AOLX) a été expulsé ce mardi 30 janvier au matin par la Câmara Municipal (Mairie de Lisbonne) avec l’appui de la Polícia Municipal. Les flics sont entrés dans la matinée en forçant […]

    #expulsion #Portugal

  • AIDA Country Report : #Portugal

    The new Country Report on Portugal, the 21st country covered by the Asylum Information Database, provides a detailed account of the country’s legal framework, policy and practice relating to the asylum procedure, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers and content of international protection.

    Portugal has been at the centre of the implementation of the relocation programme from Italy and Greece, with a total 1,507 asylum seekers relocated so far. Asylum seekers arriving in the country through relocation had initially had their cases fast-tracked, though this trend seems to have subsided due to the increasing number of cases before the Aliens and Borders Service (SEF), the authority responsible for examining asylum claims.

    Portugal has also set up a special coordination framework bringing together different reception providers in the context of relocation. Relocated asylum seekers benefit from an 18 to 24-month support programme by service providers such as the Platform for Reception of Refugees (PAR), followed by the Portuguese Refugee Council (CPR), the Municipality of Lisbon, União de Misericórdias, the Portuguese Red Cross, and other municipalities. Provisional figures suggest that one third of relocated asylum seekers in working age who are now coming to the end of the 18-month integration programme have secured employment in Portugal.

    Reception arrangements for relocation run parallel to the reception system already established for spontaneously arriving asylum seekers, whereby reception responsibility is allocated to different actors depending on the type and stage of procedure an applicant is in. Asylum seekers in the regular procedure receive reception conditions from the Institute of Social Security (ISS), in admissibility and accelerated procedures by CPR, in appeal procedures by Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML), and in the border procedure by the SEF.

    The border procedure remains a crucial feature of the Portuguese asylum system, as it foresees systematic detention of asylum seekers pending the examination of inadmissibility and accelerated procedure grounds at the border, which lasts 7 days. A total 260 applicants had their claims processed in detention at borders and transit zones in 2016, the vast majority in Lisbon airport. The border procedure is applied to asylum seekers, with the exception of certain categories of vulnerable groups. Whereas unaccompanied children and families were previously exempted from detention at the border, a change in practice has been witnessed in 2016, whereby these persons are only released from detention and allowed into the territory after a couple of weeks.

    In 2016, Portugal registered 1,469 asylum applications, predominantly from Syria, Eritrea, Ukraine and Iraq. All four nationalities were granted protection at a nearly 100% rate by the SEF. Nationals of Ukraine and Iraq, as well as some Syrian nationals, are only granted subsidiary protection, meaning that they are entitled to shorter residence permits and more stringent rules on travel documents and naturalisation than refugee status holders.
    #asile #migrations #réfugiés #statistiques #chiffres #accueil #logement #hébergement #procédure_d'asile #détention_administrative #rétention #relocalisation #vulnérabilité #travail #santé #éducation

    Lien vers le #rapport :

  • paysage (Ossip Mandelstam)  _

    un temps de Grèce antique, brume exceptionnelle
    dans les pins à la cîme du mont ; plus rien qui
    ne s’embrouille. sirènes ondulatoires parvenant
    d’en-bas... les gris s’évertuent à chasser les violets,
    ils y réussissent, et ces petites murailles de pierre
    taillée, si antiques, semblent bien peu, à l’abri
    de quelques buis. il n’y a déjà plus rien à percevoir,
    le temps est parti s’abriter dans la nuit,
    quelque part hors d’atteinte de notre vue...
    il n’y a plus que les troncs des pins,
    leurs parasols mouillés, affrontant le vide,
    et le défi pointilliste des grands espaces.

     c] bituur esztreym aka e-m gabalda, 2000-2014, LAL1.3.
    em Mandelstam em Lisboa