company:khorasan group

  • Le Monde sur le tout nouveau superméchant, le Khorasan Group, encore plus méchant que Da3ch pourtant déjà beaucoup plus méchant qu’al-Qaïda :

    L’existence du groupe était restée secrète jusqu’ici, sans doute pour tenter de mieux le combattre. En effet, d’après les médias américains, l’Etat islamique serait, lui, davantage concentré sur une stratégie de conquête de territoire que sur la volonté d’attaquer l’Occident, contrairement à Khorasan.
    D’après The New York Times, des officiels américains ainsi que des experts en sécurité intérieure considèrent que « la focalisation sur l’EI a détourné l’attention de la menace terroriste qui a émergé du chaos de la guerre en Syrie ainsi que du fait que les menaces immédiates proviennent encore des groupes terroristes traditionnels tels que Khorasan et le Front Al-Nosra, directement affiliés à Al-Qaida ».
    Mais, nuance le quotidien, « il est difficile d’évaluer le sérieux des projets d’attaque terroriste » fomentés par de tels groupes, d’autant qu’« à plusieurs reprises, ces dernières années, le Front Al-Nosra et l’EI ont plutôt utilisé les combattants d’origine américaine pour mener des attaques en Syrie (…) plutôt que de les renvoyer aux Etats-Unis pour le faire ».

    Il est surtout difficile d’évaluer le sérieux de ces informations quand elles viennent exclusivement de la CIA et de Kerry.

    Sinon on peut aussi lire Pepe Escobar :

    Hold your F-22s. Not really. The tomahawking had barely begun when an Israeli, made in USA Patriot missile shot a Syrian Su-24 which had allegedly “violated” Israeli air space over the Golan Heights. How about that in terms of sending a graphic message in close coordination with the Pentagon?

    So this is not only about bombing The Caliph. It is a back-door preamble to bombing Bashar al-Assad and his forces. And also about bombing - with eight strikes west of Aleppo - a ghost; an al-Qaeda cell of the mysterious Khorasan group.

    No wonder global fans of the Marvel Comics school of geopolitics are puzzled. Two simultaneous villains? Yep. And the other bad guy is even more evil than The Caliph.

    Astonishing mediocrity Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national security adviser, has defined Khorasan as “a group of extremists that is comprised of a number of individuals who we’ve been tracking for a long time.”

    The Obama administration’s unison newspeak is that Khorasan includes former al-Qaeda assets not only from across the Middle East - including al-Qaeda in Iraq and Jabhat al-Nusra - but also Pakistan, as in an ultra-hardcore extension of the Pakistani Taliban.

    What a mess. Al-Qaeda in Iraq is the embryo of ISIS, which turned into IS. Jabhat al-Nusra is the al-Qaeda franchise in Syria, approved by CEO Ayman al-Zawahiri. Both despise each other, and yet Khorasan holds the merit of bundling Caliph’s goons and al-Qaeda goons together. Additionally, for Washington Jabhat al-Nusra tend to qualify as “moderate” jihadis - almost like “our bastards”. Too messy? No problem; when in doubt, bomb everybody [...]

    By contrast, there are about 190,000 live human beings left in bombed out Raqqa. Nobody is talking about collateral damage - although the body count is already on, and The Caliph’s slick PR operation will be certainly advertising them on YouTube. As for The Caliph’s goons, they will predictably use Mao tactics and dissolve like fish in the sea. The Pentagon will soon be bombing vast tracts of desert for nothing - if that’s not the case already.

    There is no “Free Syrian Army” - that Qatari myth - anymore. There are no “moderate” jihadis left in Syria. They are all fighting for The Caliph or for al-Zawahiri. And still the Obama administration extracted a Congressional OK to train and weaponize “moderate rebels”.

    La conclusion, avec sa petite référence rumsfeldienne des débuts de la Great War on Terror, est savoureuse :

    People who are really capable of defeating The Caliph’s goons don’t tomahawk. They are the Syrian Arab Army (roughly 35,000 dead so far killed in action against ISIS/ISIL/IS and/or al-Qaeda); Hezbollah; Iranian Revolutionary Guards advisers/operatives; and Kurdish militias. It won’t happen. This season’s blockbuster is the Empire of Chaos bombing The Caliph and the ghost in the GWOT machine. Two tickets for the price of one. Because we protect you even from “unknown unknown” evil.

  • L’#imminence selon les dirigeants étasuniens,

    U.S. forces launched air strikes against the little-known Khorasan Group Monday night.


    Khorasan Group was in the final stages of plans to execute major attacks against Western targets and potentially the U.S. homeland


    “We believe that attack-planning was imminent.”

    • How Imminent Is an ’Imminent’ Attack Threat ?

      #dictionnaire usuel versus dictionnaire dirigeants étasuniens.

      In government-speak, “imminent attack plotting” doesn’t necessarily mean an attack is imminent.

      Careful parsing of the language reveals a distinction between imminent plotting and an imminent attack.

      Likewise, an imminent threat doesn’t necessarily mean an imminent attack.

      And, in the view of the government, there’s more than one meaning for imminent, it turns out. defines imminent as “likely to occur at any moment.”

      But a Justice Department white paper released in February 2013 gives a more nuanced view.

      “An ’imminent’ threat of violent attack against the United States does not require the United States to have clear evidence that a specific attack on U.S. persons and interests will take place in the immediate future,” the memo reads.

      That’s because U.S. officials say they can’t wait until preparations for a terrorist act are completed before they take action to defend U.S. interests.

      So their idea of taking action against an “imminent threat” involves a more elastic time frame.