• Le Mahabharata de C. Rajagopalachari

    Pourquoi les mythes fondateurs des nations sont-ils toujours aussi violents ?

    C’est comme l_’Anneau des Nibelungen_ que certains extrémistes prennent pour le mythe national allemand.

    Le Mahabharata en bref

    A long time ago, two families were to inherit a vast kingdom known as the Kuru Empire. The five sons of Pandu, called the Pandavas, were brave warriors, each of them born with divine blood running through their veins. They were virtuous, examples of humanity at its peak. They were endowed with wisdom, patience, strength, knowledge and compassion. Their cousins, the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra, were called the Kauravas. The Kauravas were greedy, always hankering after more wealth. Since neither Pandu nor Dhritarashtra were suited to reign over the kingdom, the throne had to be equally divided between these two families. However, the Kauravas cheated the Pandavas out of their share and drove them into a long exile. They constantly try to kill them throughout their exile, but the Pandavas persist. At long last, they return to claim their rightful inheritance, but the Kauravas are not ready to part with even a portion of the kingdom. With the stage set, the Pandavas and the Kauravas meet in an epic battle on a field which had already been washed several times over with the blood of warriors. On Kurukshetra, they would fight a mighty war which would leave both sides crippled. And on this battlefield, the Blue God, Krishna, explains the righteous duty the Pandavas have to fulfill by exterminating their vile cousins. This is a story of love, avarice, wisdom, patience and respect for one’s fellow man. Every known moral lies hidden in the Mahabharata, and it is for this reason that it is considered one of the greatest stories ever composed.


    Vue par de la persoective des protagonistes du Mahabharata la religion hindoue est effrayante et l’idéologie Hindutva lui correspond mieux que le blabla qu’on nous fait avaler à propos du grand pacifiste Ghandi.

    Selon la philosophe scientifique indienne Meera Nanda, résumée par Alan Sokal, l’Hindutva propage un message relevant des pseudosciences. Plusieurs de ses théoriciens rejettent la prétention occidentale à une raison scientifique universelle considérée comme un « rejeton posthume du colonialisme », voire une forme de violence envers les autres cultures. Ils voient dans les textes sacrés hindous comme le Rig-Veda l’expression de connaissances très avancées en physique des particules, en cosmologie, en biologie et mathématiques : ainsi, la mention dans un hymne d’une « forme à dix doigts » voudrait dire que l’univers a dix dimensions, comme dans la théorie physique des supercordes. En 2001, sous le gouvernement du BJP, les nationalistes hindous ont obtenu la création dans les universités indiennes de cursus d’astrologie védique, de karmakāṇḍa (rituel hindouiste), de vastu shastra (architecture sacrée), de yoga et de « mathématiques védiques ». Ils font réécrire les manuels d’histoire pour effacer les contributions des savants musulmans et autres non-hindous. Cette politique suscite des protestations chez les scientifiques indiens eux-mêmes. Un des promoteurs de cette politique pseudoscientifique est Narendra Modi, premier ministre du Gujarat en 1999 : selon lui, les anciens brahmanes connaissaient l’arme nucléaire et la télévision et c’est seulement leur sagesse qui leur interdisait d’en faire un plus grand usage. Il a d’abord fait appliquer cette doctrine dans le système d’enseignement de son État ; il l’étend à toute l’Inde lorsqu’il arrive au pouvoir comme Premier ministre en 2014, tout en écartant des programmes tout ce qui se rattache au monde musulman ou à des formes plus éclairées de l’hindouisme. 1 600 scientifiques indiens ont signé une pétition contre ce qu’ils appellent la « Modi-fication » de l’enseignement. La dynastie musulmane des Moghols, l’assassinat du Mahatma Gandhi, le changement climatique et, en 2023, la théorie de l’évolution de Darwin ont ainsi été rayés des programmes scolaires.

    Tout cela est assez incroyable vu le statut de pays de puissance informatique, pharmaceutique et spatiale. Il faudrait se rappeller que sous les nazis aussi la recherce scientifique avancée faisait bon ménage avec l’idéologie farfelue du « Ahnenerbe » de Heinrich Himmler.

    #religion #hindouisme #Inde #hindutva #fascisme #nazis

  • #Paraguay official resigns after signing agreement with fictional country

    A Paraguayan government official was replaced after it was revealed that he signed a memorandum of understanding with representatives of a fugitive Indian guru’s fictional country, who also appear to have duped several local officials in the South American country.

    The revelation sparked a scandal — and lots of social media mockery — in Paraguay but it’s hardly the first time self-described representatives of the United States of #Kailasa duped international leaders. Earlier this year, they managed to participate in a United Nations committee meeting in Geneva and also signed agreements with local leaders in the United States and Canada.

    Arnaldo Chamorro was replaced as chief of staff for Paraguay’s Agriculture Ministry on Wednesday shortly after it was revealed that he signed a “proclamation” with representatives of the United States of Kailasa.

    Among other things, the Oct. 16 “proclamation” expressed a “sincere wish and recommendation for the government of Paraguay to consider, explore and actively seek the establishment of diplomatic relations with the United States of Kailasa and support the admission of the United States of Kailasa as a sovereign and independent state in various international organizations, including, among others, the United Nations,” according to a copy of the agreement posted on social media.

    Representatives of the fictional country met with Chamorro and Agriculture Minister Carlos Giménez, Chamorro said in a radio interview.

    During the interview, Chamorro recognized he didn’t know where Kailasa was located and said he signed what he characterized as a “memorandum of understanding” because they offered to help Paraguay with a variety of issues, including irrigation.

    Photos posted in Kailasa’s social media accounts also showed representatives of the fictional country signing agreements with local leaders of the María Antonia and Karpai municipalities. The social media account celebrated each of these signings.

    On Kailasa’s website, the fictional country is described as the “revival of the ancient enlightened Hindu civilizational nation which is being revived by displaced Hindus from around the world.” It is led by a self-styled guru, Nithyananda, who is wanted in India on several charges, including sexual assault. His whereabouts are unknown.

    Representatives of the United States of Kailasa participated in two U.N. committee meetings in Geneva in February, according to media reports.

    In March, Newark City Hall in New Jersey acknowledged it had gotten scammed when it signed a sister city agreement with Kailasa.




    Nithyananda (born Arunachalam Rajasekaran;[a] 1 January 1978), known among followers as Nithyananda Paramashivam or Paramahamsa Nithyananda, is an Indian Hindu guru, “godman”, and cult leader.[2] He is the founder of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, a trust that owns temples, gurukulas, and ashrams in many countries.

    Following charges of rape and abduction filed in Indian courts, he fled India and has remained in hiding since 2019. He is subject of a court-issued non-bailable warrant relating to the allegations.[3][4][5]

    In 2020, he announced the founding of his own self-proclaimed island nation called Kailaasa.


    #micro-Etat #micro-nation #micro-nations #micro-Etats #Kailaasa #hindouisme

  • Cargo Cult Democracy : Interview with the philosopher Divya Dwivedi on democracy, caste, and the future of India

    Quand on regarde de près le colonialisme, les guerres à l’époque de l’impérialisme et les persécutions racistes de notre ère on
    leur découvre systématiquement un fond de conflit de classe. Ce dénominateur commun permet d’identifier le système de castes hindoue comme projet de camp d’exploitation meurtrier pour sous-hommes. Les combattants antifascistes on terminé le « Tausendjährige Reich » allemand après douze ans alors que le règne des nobles et castes supérieures hindoues en Inde dure depuis des millénaires et continue à assassiner au quotidien.

    The continuous killing and oppression of the lower caste people is a crime which is incomparable to the terrible genocides of the last century, it is much worse because it is oldest apartheid system and the most hidden system of enslavement in the world.

    Derrière les conflits religieux en Inde on cache systématiquement l’antagonisme de classes qui est la vraie nature du systèm de castes.

    Our opinion writers, who shape public opinion about politics, are all upper caste, with some exceptions such as Kancha Iliah. These opinion writers never speak of caste, but only about Hindu versus Muslims, and Hindu versus Hindutva. The very discussion of caste appears to be untouchable for the liberal commentariat, as if the mention of caste is a spell that could summon the spectre of anti-caste revolution.

    L’indépendance de l’Inde n’a pas encore été accomplie. Elle le ne le sera qu’une fois 90 pour cent du peuple indien libéré de sa caste et du système de castes en général.

    ... colonialism was indeed a traumatic experience for the upper caste elites, who lost their dominance over the lower caste people to some extent. As Phule, in Ghulamgiri [Slavery], explained the upper caste interests in decolonisation, “[the bhats] are afraid that if we, the shudras, really become the brothers of the English, we will condemn their wily religious books and then these bhats who are so proud of their caste will have to eat dust; the lazy idlers will not be able to gorge themselves on the food produced by the sweat of our brow.” The movement for transfer of power sought to contain the effects of colonialism and to receive the power over the institutions and the territorial state created through colonialism. Therefore, the transfer of power movement cannot be called independence movement. The independence movement is yet to take place, which will make all Indians the free and equal agents in the construction of an egalitarian polity. Independence of India is possible only through the annihilation of caste.






    #Inde #caste #lutte_des_classes #philosopie #hindouisme #fascisme

  • Le Monde selon #Modi, la nouvelle #puissance indienne

    « Aucune puissance au monde ne peut arrêter un pays de 1,3 milliard d’habitants. Le 21e siècle sera le siècle de l’Inde ».
    #Narendra_Modi, nationaliste de droite, à la tête de l’Inde depuis 2014, est le nouvel homme fort de la planète. 3ème personnalité la plus suivie sur Twitter, au centre de « l’Indopacifique », une nouvelle alliance contre la Chine. C’est l’histoire d’un tournant pour l’Inde et pour le monde.


    #film #film_documentaire #documentaire
    #Inde #Savarki #culte_de_la_personnalité #nationalisme #cachemire_indien #purge #militarisation #couvre-feu #RSS #patriotisme #religion #propagande_hindoue #colonialisme #impérialisme #BJP #parti_nationaliste_hindou #pogrom #islamophobie #Amit_Shah #Vibrant_Gujarat #hologramme #réseaux_sociaux #journée_internationale_du_yoga #yoga #soft_power #fierté_nationale #Alliance_indo-pacifique #Indo-Pacifique #armée #Routes_de_la_soie #route_de_la_soie #collier_de_perles #Chine #armes #commerce_d'armes #Ladakh #frontières #zones_disputées #disputes_frontalières #différends_frontaliers #litige_frontalier #zones_frontalières #zone-tampon #Israël #revanche_nationaliste #temple_Ajodhya #hindouisme #déchéance_de_nationalité #citizenship_amendment_act #citoyenneté #primauté_des_Hindous #résistance #milices_privées

  • La Grande Transformation (XIII)

    Georges Lapierre


    Aperçus critiques sur le livre de Karl Polanyi
    La Grande Transformation
    (à suivre)

    La question sociale que traite Karl Polanyi se trouve dans l’effectivité d’une pensée (appelons-la la pensée de l’État) qui, sous la forme objective qu’elle a prise (c’est l’argent), met l’humain (la subjectivité ou la vie sociale) à son service. Notre pensée de l’échange s’est à ce point libérée de notre subjectivité sur laquelle reposait jusqu’à présent notre vie sociale qu’elle nous domine entièrement. Elle nous a réduits à n’être plus qu’une pure apparence de l’humain. C’est de la science-fiction : l’homme entièrement au service de sa propre pensée, pensée qui lui a échappé et qui le domine. Notre réalité n’est plus qu’une apparence de l’être ; et cette pensée de l’échange portée par l’argent, dans sa machinerie qui nous échappe totalement, s’acharne à détruire notre apparence de réalité. Nous disons qu’elle détruit la nature alors que c’est bien nous comme pure apparence de l’humain qu’elle réduit et détruit sans relâche. Nous connaissons dans notre chair et dans nos os, dans les profondeurs les plus intimes de notre être le paradoxe que représente la pensée comme aliénation de la pensée.

    Les gouvernements cherchent à résoudre ce paradoxe qu’ils ont eux-mêmes contribué à créer en maintenant la société, qui repose sur le don, dans la totale dépendance de ce qui lui est contraire, l’activité marchande. J’écrivais que l’emploi de la monnaie efface l’aspect social de l’échange ainsi que l’engagement de chacun des partenaires dans cet échange. La monnaie dédouane l’échange, elle le désamorce de sa charge subjective liée à la recherche d’une reconnaissance sociale. La monnaie et son emploi sont à mettre en relation avec une tournure d’esprit particulière chez les deux protagonistes de la transaction : ne pas donner à la transaction un caractère social, ne pas chercher à lui donner une impossible publicité. (...)

    #échange #argent #aliénation #économie #État #Karl_Polanyi #Louise_Michel #Madeleine_Biardeau #hindouisme #résistance_indienne #insurrection_zapatiste #Notre-Dame-des-Landes

  • Virus cases exceed 7 million in India - Asia Times

    India’s coronavirus cases surged past seven million on Sunday, taking it ever closer to overtaking the United States as the world’s most infected country.Health ministry data showed a rise of almost 75,000 cases on Sunday, taking the total to 7.05 million, second only to the US which has recorded 7.67 million infections.Experts say that the true number may be much higher, with testing rates in the vast country of 1.3 billion people – home to some of the planet’s most crowded cities – much lower than in many other countries. This is borne out by a string of studies measuring antibodies to the virus among the Indian population that have indicated infection rates could be several times higher than officially recorded.
    India’s death toll of 108,334 as of Sunday is also lower than in the US and other countries with higher caseloads. The United States has recorded 214,000 deaths while Brazil, with two million fewer infections than India, has lost nearly 150,000 lives so far.Possible factors for this include India’s relatively young population, immunity thanks to other diseases, and under-reporting. The rise in infections in India comes as the government continues to lift restrictions to boost an economy battered by a severe lockdown imposed in March. On Thursday, cinemas are set to re-open – albeit at 50% capacity – and experts fear the upcoming festival season when large crowds gather for public celebrations will exacerbate the situation. Anticipating a fresh surge in cases, the government has issued strict guidelines and capped the number of revellers for the two main Hindu festivals of Dussehra on October 25 and Diwali next month. On Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a mass awareness campaign, encouraging the public to wear masks, practise hand hygiene and maintain physical distance. “Our collective efforts have helped saved many lives. We have to continue the momentum and protect our citizens from the virus,” Modi tweeted. The virus initially hit major metropolises such as Mumbai and New Delhi, but has since spread to almost every corner of the huge country, including the remote Andaman and Nicobar islands. Recently, the daily number of new cases has fallen from a peak of almost 100,000 in mid-September to around 60,000-70,000.But Preeti Kumar of the Delhi-based Public Health Foundation of India said it was too early to assume India has passed the peak.


  • L’autonomie empêchée

    Le statut d’autonomie relative dont bénéficiait le Jammu-et-Cachemire au sein de l’Union indienne a été brutalement révoqué le 5 août 2019. Ce tournant constitutionnel attise les tensions de la région et reflète une pratique hégémonique du gouvernement indien au nom du nationalisme hindou.

    #International #guerres_de_religion #Inde #autonomie #fascisme #hindouisme

  • Blood and Soil in Narendra Modi’s India | The New Yorker

    Un très long et très bien informé article sur le fascisme de Modi, et la façon dont l’extrême-droite du RSS a su mobiliser la fureur hindouiste pour détruire la démocratie. Avec des exemples sur les médias et la haine anti-musulman.

    On ressort ébranlé et plus que jamais convaincu que nous avons là toutes les représentations du fascisme telle qu’il a existé dans les années 30 est bien à l’œuvre en Inde.

    On August 11th, two weeks after Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent soldiers in to pacify the Indian state of Kashmir, a reporter appeared on the news channel Republic TV, riding a motor scooter through the city of Srinagar. She was there to assure viewers that, whatever else they might be hearing, the situation was remarkably calm. “You can see banks here and commercial complexes,” the reporter, Sweta Srivastava, said, as she wound her way past local landmarks. “The situation makes you feel good, because the situation is returning to normal, and the locals are ready to live their lives normally again.” She conducted no interviews; there was no one on the streets to talk to.

    Other coverage on Republic TV showed people dancing ecstatically, along with the words “Jubilant Indians celebrate Modi’s Kashmir masterstroke.” A week earlier, Modi’s government had announced that it was suspending Article 370 of the constitution, which grants autonomy to Kashmir, India’s only Muslim-majority state. The provision, written to help preserve the state’s religious and ethnic identity, largely prohibits members of India’s Hindu majority from settling there. Modi, who rose to power trailed by allegations of encouraging anti-Muslim bigotry, said that the decision would help Kashmiris, by spurring development and discouraging a long-standing guerrilla insurgency. To insure a smooth reception, Modi had flooded Kashmir with troops and detained hundreds of prominent Muslims—a move that Republic TV described by saying that “the leaders who would have created trouble” had been placed in “government guesthouses.”

    The change in Kashmir upended more than half a century of careful politics, but the Indian press reacted with nearly uniform approval. Ever since Modi was first elected Prime Minister, in 2014, he has been recasting the story of India, from that of a secular democracy accommodating a uniquely diverse population to that of a Hindu nation that dominates its minorities, especially the country’s two hundred million Muslims. Modi and his allies have squeezed, bullied, and smothered the press into endorsing what they call the “New India.”

    Kashmiris greeted Modi’s decision with protests, claiming that his real goal was to inundate the state with Hindu settlers. After the initial tumult subsided, though, the Times of India and other major newspapers began claiming that a majority of Kashmiris quietly supported Modi—they were just too frightened of militants to say so aloud. Television reporters, newly arrived from Delhi, set up cameras on the picturesque shoreline of Dal Lake and dutifully repeated the government’s line.

    As the reports cycled through the news, the journalist Rana Ayyub told me over the phone that she was heading to Kashmir. Ayyub, thirty-six years old, is one of India’s best-known investigative reporters, famous for relentlessly pursuing Modi and his aides. As a Muslim from Mumbai, she has lived on the country’s sectarian divide her whole life. She suspected that the government’s story about Kashmir was self-serving propaganda. “I think the repression is probably worse than it’s ever been,” she said. She didn’t know what she might find, but, she told me, “I want to speak to those unheard voices.”

    #Inde #Narendra_Modi #Fascisme #Hindouisme

  • Sortie du nouveau numéro de la revue Carnets de géographes

    Jean-Baptiste Bing
    Géographicité de la #verticalité. [Texte intégral]

    Julien Gingembre
    Le #Sillon_Lorrain : quelle recomposition territoriale dans un espace multipolaire ? [Texte intégral]

    Anthony Goreau-Ponceaud
    #Hindouisme et pratiques spatiales des #Tamouls en Île-de-France [Texte intégral]
    Hinduism and spatial practices of Tamils ​​in Île-de-France

    #France #diaspora

    Stéphanie Lotz-Coll
    La #friche_militaire urbaine, un nouvel espace convoité ? [Texte intégral]

    Chiara Kirschner
    La gestion de l’#incertitude dans l’#itinérance_récréative : le #corps créatif à l’œuvre [Texte intégral]

    Laura Péaud
    Faire discipline : la géographie à la #Société_de_Géographie_de_Paris entre 1800 et 1850 [Texte intégral]

    Florence Orillard, Mathilde Gralepois et Laura Verdelli
    La prévention des #inondations dans les opérations d’aménagement des interfaces ville-port, un levier de #gentrification indirecte ? Le cas du Havre (France) [Texte intégral]
    #risques #Le_Havre #villes_portuaires #ports

    Adrian Foucher
    Du mobile à l’immobile [Texte intégral]
    Récit d’expérience migratoire dans les « #barracks » de #Belgrade
    #migrations #Serbie

    Basile Michel
    Construction de #cartes_mentales synthétiques : mise en avant des #représentations_spatiales collectivement partagées [Texte intégral]
    Le cas des travailleurs créatifs de quartiers urbains centraux de #Nantes et #Marseille

    Chloé Nicolas-Artero
    Une géographe engagée face aux rapports de pouvoir autour de l’#eau : retour réflexif sur les situations d’enquête au #Chili [Texte intégral]

    Camille Rouchi
    Une thèse CIFRE en collectivité territoriale : concilier la recherche et l’action ? [Texte intégral]

    Camille Robert-Boeuf
    Analyser le jardin collectif urbain en géographie : une lecture du #jardinage par les #émotions [Texte intégral]
    #jardins_urbains #jardinage_urbain #agriculture_urbaine

    David Villeneuve
    Enquêter auprès des chrétiens d’#Irak : considérations méthodologiques sur un terrain en « milieu difficile » [Texte intégral]


  • City Forgotten: The Fate of India’s Small Cities - a film by @AyonaDatta from the research platform Learning from Small Cities in India

    City Forgotten: The Fate of India’s Small Cities
    Malegaon, a small town near Nashik, Maharashtra, is driven solely by the power loom industry and is forgotten by the state and private sector since the Malegaon, a small town near Nashik, Maharashtra, is driven solely by the power loom industry and is forgotten by the state and private sector since the bomb blasts of 2006. Through the eyes of its residents, local activists and civil society members, City Forgotten tells the story of Malegaon’s fall from the Manchester of India to a town in decline, where its women and minorities continue to aspire for and claim their constitutional rights to education despite the lack of any real prospects for its future generations.


    #Inde #communautarisme #hindouisme #islam #industrie #émeutes

  • Women’s Rights in India After Marriage, Legal Rights of Women

    Somme toute je préfère la Chine où l’égalité des sexes est un principe fondamental de la législation qui ne connaît pas d’exception pour les religieux. Afin de protéger leurs cultures il y a des exceptions pour les minorités nationales et la montée du capitalisme a fait renaître des pratiques pré-révolutionnaires. Ceci conduit à quelques abus qui n’ont rien en commun avec le caractère systématique et brutal du traitement des femmes mariées en Inde.

    “Once married, a woman should only leave her in-laws’ house when she is taken for her final rites.” This cliched line is often used in daily soaps and movies to denote the unwavering loyalty and devotion an Indian woman is expected to show her husband and her in-laws.

    While it might be tempting to dismiss this as mere melodrama, restricted only to our TV screens, the truth is far more chilling.

    Countless women across the country live by these words, suffering abuse and trauma at the hands of their husband and in-laws.

    Marriage Registration Laws in India - Complete Legal Guidelines

    Due to diverse cultures in India, it became difficult for the framers of law in this regard to lay down a due process for registration and solemnization of marriage, keeping in mind the fact that if any law or policy is found adversely affecting any custom of any religion, it is likely to face popular protest.

    Uniting diverse cultures: The Hindu Marriage Act & The Special Marriage Act
    Currently, there are two legislation framed to solve the challenge of Marriage Registration Laws in diverse cultures, they are –

    The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
    The Special Marriage Act, 1954

    The Hindu Marriage Act , 1955 deals with marriage registration in case both husband and wife are Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs or, where they have converted into any of these religions.

    It is to be noted that Hindu Marriage Act deals with only marriage registration that has already been solemnized.

    Whereas, the Special Marriage Act, 1954 lay down the procedure for both solemnization and registration of marriage, where either of the husband or wife or both are not Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs.

    It is the duty of the judiciary to ensure that the rights of both the husband and wife are protected. In case this union between the husband and wife breaks, it should be determined that if this break-up was a result of actions of any of the parties or not.

    Conditions for a Valid Marriage in India [All Religions] | PocketLawyer

    Legal Requirements for Getting Married in India

    If you’re a foreigner who’s dreamed of getting married in India, you may be disappointed to know that it’s a lengthy and time consuming process to do it legally. You should be prepared to spend around 60 days in India. Here are the basic legal requirements for getting married in India.

    Special Marriage Act, 1954 - Wikipedia

    The Special Marriage Act, 1954 is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted to provide a special form of marriage for the people of India and all Indian nationals in foreign countries, irrespective of the religion or faith followed by either party. The Act originated from a piece of legislation proposed during the late 19th century.

    In 1872 Act III, 1872 was enacted but later it was found inadequate for certain desired reforms...

    The Special Marriage Act, 1954 replaced the old Act III, 1872. The new enactment has 3 major objectives:

    To provide a special form of marriage in certain cases,
    to provide for registration of certain marriages and,
    to provide for divorce.

    "Necessary conditions for a registered marriage (tax4india.com) - WebCite query result

    Tax4india ›› Indian Law›› Marriage & Divorce Law ›› Registered Marriage
    Necessary Conditions For A Marriage
    degrees of prohibited relationship

    A man and any of the person mentioned in part I of the first schedule and a woman and any of the person mentioned in Part II of the said schedule are with in the degrees of prohibited relationship.


    PART I

    Father’s widow (step-mother).
    Mother’s mother
    Mother’s father’s widow (step grand-mother).
    Mother’s mother’s mother.
    Mother’s mother’s father’s widow.
    Mother’s father’s mother.
    Mother’s father’s father’s widow (step great grand-mother.)
    Father’s mother.
    Father’s father’s widow (step grand-mother).
    Father’s mother’s mother.
    Father’s mother’s father’s widow (step great grand-mother).
    Father’s father’s mother.
    Father’s father’s father’s widow (step great grand-mother).
    Son’s widow.
    Daughter’s daughter.
    Daughter’s son’s widow.
    Son’s daughter.
    Son’s son’s widow.
    Daughter’s daughter’s Daughter.
    Daughter’s daughter’s son’s widow.
    Daughter’s son’s daughter.
    Daughter’s son’s son’s widow.
    Son’s daughter’s daughter.
    Son’s daughter’s son’s widow.
    Son’s son’s daughter.
    Sister’s daughter.
    Brother’s daughter.
    Mother’s sister.
    Father’s sister
    Father’s sister.
    Father’s brother’s daughter.
    Father’s sister’s daughter.
    Mother’s sister’s daughter.
    Mother’s brother’s daughter.
    For the purpose of this part, widow includes a divorced wife.


    Mother’s husband(step father).
    Father’s father.
    Father’s mother’s husband(step grand-father).
    Father’s father’s father.
    Father’s father’s mother’s husband(step great grand-father).
    Father’s mother’s father.
    Father’s mother’s mother’s husband (step great grand-father).
    Mother’s father.
    Mother’s mother’s husband (step grand-father).
    Mother’s father’s father.
    Mother’s father’s mother’s husband.
    Mother’s mother’s father.
    Mother’s mother’s mother’s husband.
    Daughter’s husband.
    Son’s son.
    Son’s daughter’s husband.
    Daughter’s son.
    Daughter’s daughter’s husband.
    Son’s son’s son.
    Son’s son’s daughter’s husband.
    Son’s daughter’s son.
    Son’s daughter’s daughter’s husband.
    Daughter’s son’s son.
    Daughter’s son’s daughter’s husband.
    Daughter’s daughter’s son.
    Daughter’s daughter’s daughter’s husband.
    Brother’s son.
    Sister’s son.
    Mother’s brother.
    Father’s brother.
    Father’s brother’s son.
    Father’s sister’s son.
    Mother’s sister’s son.
    Mother’s brother’s son.

    The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 - Wikipedia

    The Hindu Marriage Act by an Act of the Parliament of India enacted in 1955. Three other important acts were also enacted as part of the Hindu Code Bills during this time: the Hindu Succession Act (1956), the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act (1956), the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act (1956).

    The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act 1986 - Wikipedia

    The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act was a controversially named landmark legislation passed by the parliament of India in 1986 to allegedly protect the rights of Muslim women who have been divorced by, or have obtained divorce from, their husbands and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The Act was passed by the Rajiv Gandhi government to nullify the decision in Shah Bano case. This case caused the Rajiv Gandhi government, with its absolute majority, to pass the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 which diluted the secular judgement of the Supreme Court.

    Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum - Wikipedia

    Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum (1985 SCR (3) 844), commonly referred to as the Shah Bano case, was a controversial maintenance lawsuit in India, in which the supreme court delivered a judgment favoring maintenance given to an aggrieved divorced Muslim woman. Then the Congress government, panicky in an election year, gave into the pressure of Muslim orthodoxy and enacted a law with its most controversial aspect being the right to maintenance for the period of iddat after the divorce, and shifting the onus of maintaining her to her relatives or the Wakf Board. It was seen as discriminatory as it denied right to basic maintenance available to non-Muslim women under secular law.

    #Inde #famille #femmes #droit #politique #histoire #hindouisme #islam #laïcisme #divorce #discrimination

  • Le terrorisme de la vache

    La sacralité de la vache et l’interdiction religieuse de la consommation de bœuf ont toujours constitué, depuis leur invention tardive à l’époque médiévale, de puissants moteurs de fédération de la communauté hindoue. Elles continuent aujourd’hui à être instrumentalisées par l’extrême-droite nationaliste, comme en témoigne la vague de lynchages qui frappe le pays.

    Essais & débats

    / #nationalisme, #minorités, sacré, #hindouisme

    #Essais_&_débats #sacré

  • Proliferation of hate and intolerance

    Paul Brass provides a wealth of ethnographic and historical evidence on the causes of Hindu-Muslim violence in India in The Production of Hindu-Muslim Violence in Contemporary India . His analysis here centers on the city of Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh, and he believes that his findings have broad relevance in many parts of India. His key conclusion is worth quoting:

    It is a principal argument of this book that the whole political order in post-Independence north India and many, if not most of its leading as well as local actors — more markedly so since the death of Nehru — have become implicated in the persistence of Hindu-Muslim riots. These riots have had concrete benefits for particular political organizations as well as larger political uses. Hindu-Muslim opposition, tensions, and violence have provided the principal justification and the primary source of strength for the political existence of some local political organizations in many cities and towns in north India linked to a family of militant Hindu nationalist organizations whose core is an organization founded in 1925, known as the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Included in this family, generally called the Sangh Parivar, are an array of organizations devoted to different tasks: mass mobilization, political organization, recruitment of students, women, and workers, and paramilitary training. The leading political organization in this family, originally called the Jan Sangh, is now the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), currently (2001) the predominant party in India’s governing coalition. All the organizations in the RSS family of militant Hindu organizations adhere to a broader ideology of Hindutva, of Hindu nationalism that theoretically exists independently of Hindu-Muslim antagonisms, but in practice has thrived only when that opposition is explicitly or implicitly present. (6-7)

    #Inde #religion #hindou #islam #hindouisme #violence #livre

  • Mahabharata Resources

    Introductions to Mahabharata

    Jaya - Siddhinathananda Swami, Explains the meaning of Jaya, the other name of Mahabharata, its connection with Sacrifice via the number eighteen which pervades Mahabharata.

    Introduction to Mahabharata by Dr. P. Lal

    Peter Brook’s The Mahabharata


    The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli, published between 1883 and 1896

    Mahabharata – all volumes in 12 PDF-files

    The Ganguli English translation of the Mahabharata is the only complete one in the public domain.

    Du Mahâbhârata, Traductions de textes sanskrits tirés du Mahâbhârata et étude de l’oeuvre

    Das Mahabharata des Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, deutsche Komplettübersetzung von Undine & Jens (2008-2014) basierend auf den Übersetzungen von Kisari Mohan Ganguli (1883-1896) und Manmatha Nath Dutt (1895-1905)

    Hare Krishna Homepage, Das Mahabharata

    #religion #hindouisme #mythologie #Mahabharata #Inde

  • B. R. Ambedkar

    B. R. Ambedkar est toujours admiré par les pauvres d’Inde qui n’ont que peu d’estime pour le Mahātmā Gandhi vénéré par les hindous modérés des classes moyennes.

    Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar ([14 April 1891 – 6 December 1956), popularly known as Babasaheb, was an Indian jurist, economist, politician and social reformer who inspired the Modern Buddhist Movement and campaigned against social discrimination against Untouchables (Dalits), while also supporting the rights of women and labour. He was Independent India’s first law minister and the principal architect of the Constitution of India.

    His later life was marked by his political activities; he became involved in campaigning and negotiations for India’s independence, publishing journals advocating political rights and social freedom for Dalits, and contributing significantly to the establishment of the state of India.

    In 1956 he converted to Buddhism, initiating mass conversions of Dalits.


    This epithet is commonly applied to prominent people like Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Munshiram (later Swami Shraddhananda), Lalon Shah, Ayyankali and Jyotirao Phule.

    Manusmriti Dahan Din (Manusmriti Burning Day)

    The Manusmṛti Dahan Diwas (Manusmriti Burning Day) during Maha-Sangharsha of Mahad Satyagraha, was day on 25 December 1927 that Manusmṛti was publicly burned by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar is an important mile stone in Dalit struggle against Brahminism. Manusmṛti is probably the most burnt book in India every year by Dalits and Ambedkarites.

    Dr. Ambedkar came from Bombay by boat “Padmavati” via Dasgaon port, instead of Dharamtar, though it is longer distance, because in the event of boycott by bus owners, they could walk down five miles to Mahad. A pit six inches deep and one and half foot square was dug in, and filled with sandle wood pieces. On its four corners, poles were erected, bearing banners on three sides. Banners said,

    “Manusmṛti chi dahan bhumi”, i.e. Crematorium for Manusmṛti.
    Destroy Untouchability and
    Bury the Brahmanism.

    Dalit Buddhist movement

    Twenty-two vows of Ambedkar
    Inscription of 22 vows at Deekshabhoomi, Nagpur

    After receiving ordination, Ambedkar gave dhamma diksha to his followers. The ceremony included 22 vows given to all new converts after Three Jewels and Five Precepts. On 14 October 1956 at Nagpur, Ambedkar performed another mass religious conversion ceremony at Chandrapur.

    He prescribed 22 vows to his followers:

    I shall have no faith in Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara, nor shall I worship them.
    I shall have no faith in Rama and Krishna, who are believed to be incarnation of God, nor shall I worship them.
    I shall have no faith in Gauri, Ganapati and other gods and goddesses of Hindus, nor shall I worship them.
    I do not believe in the incarnation of God.
    I do not and shall not believe that Lord Buddha was the incarnation of Vishnu. I believe this to be sheer madness and false propaganda.
    I shall not perform Shraddha nor shall I give pind.
    I shall not act in a manner violating the principles and teachings of the Buddha.
    I shall not allow any ceremonies to be performed by Brahmins.
    I shall believe in the equality of man.
    I shall endeavour to establish equality.
    I shall follow the Noble Eightfold Path of the Buddha.
    I shall follow the ten paramitas prescribed by the Buddha.
    I shall have compassion and loving-kindness for all living beings and protect them.
    I shall not steal.
    I shall not tell lies.
    I shall not commit carnal sins.
    I shall not take intoxicants like liquor, drugs, etc.

    (The previous four proscriptive vows [#14–17] are from the Five Precepts.)

    I shall endeavour to follow the Noble Eightfold Path and practice compassion and loving-kindness in everyday life.
    I renounce Hinduism, which disfavors humanity and impedes the advancement and development of humanity because it is based on inequality, and adopt Buddhism as my religion.
    I firmly believe the Dhamma of the Buddha is the only true religion.
    I consider that I have taken a new birth.
    I solemnly declare and affirm that I shall hereafter lead my life according to the teachings of Buddha’s Dhamma.

    Democracy and Class Struggle : Bhagat Singh On Dalit Question by Ashok Yadav

    “Bring revolution through social movements and then be prepared for political and economic revolutions.” This is yet another important formulation of Bhagat Singh. Right from Jotiba Phule to Dr Ambedkar all have stressed upon the importance of social revolution in bringing about the final revolutions in political and economic sectors. Bhagat Singh who otherwise devoted major part of his short life for socialism and national liberation did not digress much from India’s great social revolutionaries in prescribing the trajectory of revolution. Bhagat Singh had started off his revolutionary life by making national liberation from subjugation of British rule the sole preoccupation. In a very short span of time he had realised that the ground for political-economic revolution in India cannot be prepared unless social revolution is effected. This was a great and stirring journey of Bhagat Singh in the realm of philosophy.

    (Note: All the quotations of Bhagat Singh from the article have been translated in English by this writer from the Hindi version. The article in question has been taken from Bhagat Singh’s collected works published by Rajkamal Prakashan)

    Source : http://www.countercurrents.org/yadav231209.htm

    Graham Staines

    Graham Stuart Staines (1941 – 22 January 1999) was an Australian Christian missionary who, along with his two sons Philip (aged 10) and Timothy (aged 6), was burnt to death by a gang while sleeping in his station wagon at Manoharpur village in Keonjhar district in Odisha, India on 22 January 1999. In 2003, a Bajrang Dal activist, Dara Singh, was convicted of leading the gang that murdered Graham Staines and his sons, and was sentenced to life in prison.

    Communist Party of India (Marxist)

    The party emerged from a split from the Communist Party of India in 1964. The CPI(M) was formed at the Seventh Congress of the Communist Party of India held in Calcutta from October 31 to November 7, 1964.

    The strength of CPI(M) is concentrated in the states of Kerala, West Bengal and Tripura. As of 2015, CPI(M) is leading the state government in Tripura. It also leads the Left Front coalition of leftist parties. As of 2013, CPI(M) claimed to have 1,065,406 members.


    In the last elections held in February 2013, the Left Front won 50 out of 60 seats in the Assembly, 49 of which went to the Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPM).[61] As of 2013, Tripura is the only state in India where the communist party is in power. Formerly, two more states—West Bengal and Kerala—had democratically elected communist governments.


    West Bengal

    #Inde #hindouisme #bouddhisme #communisme #dalit #Ambedkar

  • Le #skinhead devenu #moine en #Normandie

    À #Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, en Normandie, se trouve le #temple de #Gopalji_Mandir. Ce lieu de culte de l’ordre monastique #vaisnava est la seule congrégation religieuse hindouiste légalement reconnue par le gouvernement français. Une dizaine de fidèles y vivent autour de #William_Deligny, supérieur du monastère, qui ne cache pas son passé de skinhead.

    William Deligny incarne le voyage d’une vie entre deux mondes. Dans les années 80, « #P'tit_Willy » arborait Doc Martens, bomber et insignes nazis au sein de la bande parisienne des skinhead de Gambetta à Paris. Baigné pendant dix ans dans l’ultra-#violence, William a senti qu’il changeait et que « l’#amour venait le chercher ». De lectures en rencontres spirituelles, il est comme aspiré par l’hindouisme et part en Inde. À son retour, il n’a qu’une obsession : implanter l’hindouisme en France. Dans le temple fondé avec trois autres fidèles en 2002, William Deligny organise le quotidien du monastère, prie, guide les retraites, reçoit les fidèles, les curieux, et raconte son passé pour propager la #non-violence.

    #hindouisme #religion #France #extrême-droite #conversion

  • #INDE • Les extrémistes #hindous veulent annuler #Noël | Courrier international

    Depuis l’arrivée au pouvoir des national-hindouistes du Bharatiya Janata Party (#BJP, littéralement Parti du peuple indien) en mai, le gouvernement indien fait tout pour promouvoir une idéologie extrémiste hindoue. De nombreux responsables politiques multiplient depuis des mois, et sans jamais être contredits, les provocations pour mettre à l’honneur l’#hindouisme tout en rognant des droits aux #minorités religieuses du pays. Si 82 % des Indiens sont hindouistes, le pays compte également 14,2 % de #musulmans – soit 172 millions de personnes – et 2,3 % de #chrétiens. Par ailleurs, la Constitution garantit la #laïcité ou plus exactement le « #sécularisme », c’est-à-dire l’équidistance de l’Etat avec toutes les communautés religieuses.

    Et voici donc que Noël, jour férié en Inde, est dans la ligne de mire des nationalistes hindous. Premier point, des groupes proches du pouvoir veulent organiser des cérémonies de ghar vaspi ("retour à la maison") le 25 décembre. Il s’agit de convertir – ou de reconvertir – des musulmans et des chrétiens, parfois de force, à l’hindouisme. (...)

    Autre nouvelle, le Premier ministre Narendra Modi a expliqué que le jour de Noël serait désormais célébré comme « Jour de la gouvernance », tandis que la ministre de l’Education a momentanément envisagé d’ouvrir les écoles ce jour-là. Sur le site Scroll.in, le journaliste Sidharth Bhatia se souvient d’avoir fêté Noël quand il était enfant à Bombay ; cela était tout à fait normal pour un petit garçon hindou. (...)

    What Atal Bihari Vajpayee would do | The Indian Express

    “Good Governance Day” brings a sense of farce and foreboding. It is a farce because it smacks more of a Hallmark marketing gimmick than serious governance.


    The sheer mendacity and clumsiness of the attempt could not detract from the ominous context that surrounded it. The RSS and the Sangh Parivar are vitiating the atmosphere against Christians. We wanted to make religion less relevant to politics; the RSS wants to make it the only thing relevant to politics. Many will, of course, have a sense of schadenfreude. What else did you expect from the Modi government? Was it not a delusion to think that the BJP could transcend its RSS roots?

    Des groupes hindouistes soupçonnés de conversions forcées en Inde - Asie-Pacifique - RFI

    Familles, écoliers, hommes et femmes membres de diverses organisations hindouistes, ils étaient plusieurs milliers à venir assister au rassemblement de l’Arya Samaj dans le centre de New Delhi ce jeudi 25 décembre.

    Cette organisation hindouiste commémorait l’anniversaire de la mort d’un de ses leaders historiques. Il était à l’origine d’une vague de conversions de chrétiens et de musulmans dans les années 20. La tenue de cette cérémonie, qui s’est déroulée sans heurts, avait été critiquée dans les médias indiens qui ont fait état de plusieurs cas de conversions forcées ces dernières semaines dans le pays.

    Amit Sharma, membre de l’Arya Samaj et présent au rassemblement, nie cependant toute volonté de prosélytisme : « On ne force personne. N’importe qui, qu’il soit musulman ou chrétien, peut se convertir à l’hindouisme s’il le souhaite. Ça dépend simplement d’eux, et ils sont les bienvenus. »

    Plusieurs autres organisations hindouistes sont toutefois soupçonnées d’avoir récemment converti des dizaines de personnes de manière frauduleuse. Dans la ville d’Agra, une centaine de musulmans estiment avoir été dupés, le 8 décembre dernier. La polémique est remontée jusqu’au Parlement. Les députés de l’opposition accusent le Premier ministre Narendra #Modi de laisser le champ libre à la droite hindouiste, la famille politique dont il est issu.

  • Tous les actes qui sont punis de mort par Dieu dans sept religions | Slate.fr

    Le blog Visual.ly a publié récemment une infographie, repérée par le site Fast Co Design, qui recense tous les actes qui mettent suffisamment Dieu en colère pour qu’il vous punisse de mort. L’équipe du blog explique qu’elle a fait appel à une journaliste impartiale pour comparer les textes de sept grandes religions ou courant de pensée philosophique : le #confucianisme, le #bouddhisme, l’#hindouisme, les trois grandes religions monothéistes, le #catholicisme, le #judaïsme et l’#islam (catholiques et juifs étant regroupés puisque les sources utilisées sont les textes de l’Ancien testament, communs aux deux branches), et enfin le #mormonisme.
    Cette infographie suffit à rappeler, note le blog, à quel point les textes sacrés sont violents et cruels, la peine de mort constituant aux origines des cultures religieuses une sanction relativement banale pour ce qui nous paraît aujourd’hui constituer dans certains cas de petites offenses. Il s’agit bien entendu ici d’une interprétation hyper-littérale des lois divines : si ces condamnations à mort par le Tout-Puissant étaient prévues dans les textes religieux et les traités de lois traditionnelles s’y rapportant, elles sont rarement effectives de nos jours.

    #religion #infographie #peine_de_mort #Dieu #punition

  • Louée soit l’humaine imperfection

    Il y a quelque chose d’orwellien dans le nouveau roman de Tarun Tejpal, porté par ce lyrisme baroque qui a contribué à faire de lui l’une des voix majeures de la #Littérature indienne contemporaine. Il y explore, sous la forme d’un récit allégorique, les pathologies du puritanisme et les dérives de (...) / #Inde, #Idées, #Islam, Littérature, #Minorité_nationale, #Religion, #Fiction, #Hindouisme - (...)


  • Quand l’#Inde se regarde en peintures | Philippe Pataud Célérier

    Encore peu connu, l’art indien contemporain s’est profondément renouvelé ces dernières décennies. Beaucoup développent une vision originale, plongeant dans les racines historiques du pays et pointant les tares de la société. / Inde, #Art, #Culture, #Religion, Société, #Hindouisme, #Peinture - (...) / Inde, Art, Culture, Religion, Société, Hindouisme, Peinture - 2011/12


  • Britain’s first Hindu free school puts meditation on the timetable | Education | The Guardian

    Pradip Gajjar, project director for the school, said: “If you look at things happening around #meditation, the growth of yoga – a school that’s not just adding this but embedding these things is very appealing to people of other faiths and none.”

    #éducation #hindouisme