
  • Enquête sur nos (très) chers « eurocrates »

    Alors que le chef de file du PCF aux européennes veut « baisser le salaire de monsieur Juncker », Mediapart s’est penché sur les très confortables rémunérations et autres avantages de l’administration et la fonction publique européenne. Si les 60 000 « agents » qui travaillent pour l’UE sont loin d’être à plaindre, certains jugent leurs émoluments tout à fait justifiés.

    #EUROPE #UE,_Fonctionnaires,_Fonction_Publique,_salaires,_diplomates,_commission,_Bruxelles

  • European Border and Coast Guard: The Commission welcomes agreement on a standing corps of 10,000 border guards by 2027

    Today, the Council green-lighted the political agreement reached last week to reinforce the European Border and Coast Guard, giving it the right level of ambition to respond to the common challenges Europe is facing in managing migration and borders.

    The centre piece of the reinforced Agency will be a standing corps of 10,000 border guards – ready to support Member States at any time. The Agency will also have a stronger mandate on returns and will cooperate more closely with non-EU countries, including those beyond the EU’s immediate neighbourhood. Agreed in the record time of just over 6 months, the new European Border and Coast Guard represents a step-change in the EU’s ability to collectively better protect Europe’s external borders.

    Welcoming the agreement, First Vice-President Frans Timmermans said: “In an area of free movement without internal border controls, strengthening and managing Europe’s external borders is a shared responsibility. I am glad to see that a 10,000-strong standing corps with the necessary equipment will help Member States to better protect our borders and our citizens. By working together constructively and swiftly, we can create a safer Europe.”

    Commissioner for Home Affairs, Migration and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos added: “From now onwards, the European Border and Coast Guard will have the full operational capacity and powers needed to effectively and fully support Member States on the ground, at all times. Better controlling our external borders, fighting irregular migration, carrying out returns and cooperating with third countries – we can only succeed if we do this together. Ultimately, this will also help preserve the long-term viability of the Schengen area of free movement.”

    The Agency supports Member States and does not replace their responsibilities in external border management and return. The reinforced European Border and Coast Guard Agency will be equipped with more resources and capabilities including:

    A standing corps of 10,000 border guards: A standing corps of 10,000 border guards will be set up by 2027 and will ensure that the Agency can support Member States whenever and wherever needed. The standing corps will bring together Agency staff as well as border guards and return experts seconded or deployed by Member States, who will support the over 100,000 national border guards in their tasks. In addition, the Agency will have a budget to acquire its own equipment, such as vessels, planes and vehicles.

    Executive powers: The standing corps will be able to carry out border control and return tasks, such as identity checks, authorising entry at the external borders, and carrying out borders’ surveillance – only with the agreement of the host Member State.
    More support on return: In addition to organising and financing joint return operations, the Agency will now also be able to support Member States at all stages of return process with Member States remaining responsible for taking return decisions. This support will include for example by identifying non-EU nationals with no right to stay or acquiring travel documents.
    Stronger cooperation with non-EU countries: The Agency will be able – subject to prior agreement of the country concerned – to launch joint operations and deploy staff outside the EU, beyond countries neighbouring the EU, to provide support on border and migration management.
    Antenna offices: The Agency will be able to set up antenna offices in Member States and in a non-EU country (subject to a status agreement) to support logistically its operational activities and guarantee the smooth running of the Agency’s operations.

    Next steps

    The European Parliament’s LIBE Committee still has to confirm the political agreement reached in trilogues on 28 March. Then both the European Parliament and the Council will have to formally adopt the Regulation. The text will then be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and the European Border and Coast Guard’s enhanced mandate will enter into force 20 days later. The new European Border and Coast Guard standing corps will be available for deployment starting from 2021, once it becomes fully operational and will reach its full capacity of 10,000 border guards by 2027.


    The European Border and Coast Guard was established in 2016, building on existing structures of Frontex, to meet the new challenges and political realities faced by the EU, both as regards migration and internal security. The reliance on voluntary Member States’ contributions of staff and equipment has however resulted in persistent gaps affecting the efficiency of the support the European Border and Coast Guard could offer to Member States.

    In his 2018 State of the Union Address President Juncker announced that the Commission will reinforce the European Border and Coast Guard even further. The objective of this upgrade was to equip the Agency with a standing corps of 10,000 operational staff and with its own equipment to ensure that the EU has the necessary capabilities in place — constantly and reliably. On 28 March, the European Parliament and the Council reached a political agreement on the Commission’s proposal, which was confirmed by the Council.
    Après #Frontex, #Frontex_plus (
    Après Frontex plus, #Frontex_plus_plus

    #renvois #expulsions #frontières #contrôles_frontaliers #asile #migrations #réfugiés #externalisation #business

  • L’UE propose une enveloppe de 20 milliards d’euros pour la Défense dans son budget RTBF avec Agences - 29 Avril 2018

    L’union européenne de la Défense se concrétise financièrement avec une dotation conséquente de près de 20 milliards d’euros dans le projet de budget préparé par la #commission_européenne pour la période 2021-2027, selon des documents de travail vus par l’AFP.

    Sans surprise, le #fonds_européen_de_défense se taille la part du lion avec une dotation pour l’ensemble de la période de 7 milliards pour l’industrie de la défense et une autre de 3,5 milliards pour la recherche et le développement conjoints de technologies et d’équipements.

    Une seconde enveloppe de 6,5 milliards d’euros est consacrée à la #mobilité #militaire en Europe. L’espace n’est pas en reste avec un financement programmé de 13 milliards d’euros pour les systèmes de navigation par satellites #Galileo et #EGNOS.

    « Cela correspond exactement à ce qui est annoncé depuis le lancement du Fonds de Défense avec une dotation de 1,5 milliard d’euros par an », a déclaré à l’AFP l’eurodéputé français Arnaud Danjean, spécialiste des questions militaires.

    Le Fonds doit permettre de financer des projets montés en coopération, a souligné M. Danjean.

    La dotation pour la mobilité vise pour sa part à renforcer les capacités logistiques avec des #infrastructures routières et ferroviaires utilisables pour déplacer des unités et des équipements militaires de l’#Italie à la #Pologne, de la #France à l’#Estonie.

    « Tout cela relève du symbole plus que d’une capacité crédible », a toutefois jugé sous couvert de l’anonymat un eurodéputé membre de la commission des budgets.

    L’objectif de l’#union européenne est de se renforcer en tant qu’acteur mondial, mais également de se préparer à un éventuel désengagement des Etats-Unis. 

    L’effort financier demandé est aussi justifié par les économies potentielles. « En procédant à des acquisitions communes, nous pouvons économiser près d’un tiers des dépenses actuellement consacrées à la Défense », soutient le président de la commission européenne Jean-Claude_Juncker.

    « L’UE compte actuellement 178 systèmes d’armes différents contre 30 seulement aux Etats-Unis », se plait-il à rappeler.

    « Lorsque les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement déclarent que l’Europe doit à l’avenir se mobiliser encore plus fortement pour protéger la population et assurer sa sécurité, ils doivent traduire leurs paroles en actes, répondre aux questions par des moyens financiers concrets », _ a estimé M. Juncker en février.

    Compétence des états membres, la défense est un poste budgétaire nouveau dans le #budget_européen. Aucun euro n’avait été budgétisé pour la mobilité militaire sur l’exercice 2014-2020 et la dotation du fonds européen de défense était de 590 millions d’euros.

    #guerre #infrastructure_de_transport européenne en état de délabrement #impôts #budget

  • Europe’s quiet offensive against people helping refugees –

    Three years ago today (31 October), EU pressure on Italy forced the end of one of the EU’s most successful humanitarian missions, ‘Mare Nostrum’, a search-and-rescue operation that in just one year brought 130,000 refugees safely to Europe’s shores. Ben Hayes and Frank Barat look back on three years since the end of Operation Mare Nostrum.

    Frank Barat is coordinator of the War and Pacification program at the Transnational Institute. He has edited several books, the latest being Freedom is a Constant Struggle with Angela Davis. Ben Hayes is a fellow of the Transnational Institute and an independent researcher.

    As the death toll mounted in the wake of this decision, including 1,200 victims at sea five months later, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) stepped into the breach, launching their own rescue missions in a desperate attempt to save lives. Their efforts were part of a wave of compassion across Europe that year, as people organised convoys to refugee reception centers, warmly greeted arrivals at German train stations and lined highways to provide food and water to those making the arduous trek from war-torn regions of Syria and elsewhere.

    As European politicians retreated from their humanitarian obligations, its citizens demonstrated Europe’s tradition of compassion, solidarity and commitment to the Geneva Conventions.

    In his first State of the Union address, EU Commission President Juncker had even praised the volunteers as representative of the kind of “Europe I want to live in”. Yet just a few short years later, the Union looks very different, and Juncker is silent as those very same activists are now being treated as criminals rather than heroes.

  • Commission statement on the management of flows of persons at the borders between Slovenia and Croatia

    President Juncker met on 29 April in the margins of the European Council the Prime Ministers of Slovenia and Croatia, Miro Cerar and Andrej Plenković, on the management of flows of persons at the borders between Slovenia and Croatia and they stated the following:

    “We had constructive talks in a solution-oriented spirit.

    We agree that EU law reinforcing the controls at the #Schengen borders and the security of our Union must be applied and implemented. In this context, we welcome the fact that Croatia will have full access to the Schengen Information System by 27 June 2017.

    The Commission stands ready to and will assist Slovenia and Croatia in providing effective and non-bureaucratic short and long-term solutions for the implementation of the systematic checks at the borders. Slovenia and Croatia both consider the Commission’s technical guidelines as very helpful and as a very good basis for their further cooperation.

    Slovenia and Croatia agree that they will notify the Commission – in accordance with the Schengen Borders Code – of the decision to carry out targeted checks whenever the waiting time at specified land border crossing points between the two countries is longer than 15 minutes.”
    #frontières #Slovénie #Croatie #contrôles_aux_frontières #contrôles_frontaliers #externalisation #fermeture_des_frontières

    • Slovenia: Amendments to Aliens Act enables state to activate closure of the border

      Since its independence in 1991, Slovenia has already been confronted twice with a mass influx of refugees and migrants. The first time was during the war in ex-Yugoslav Republics when 60,000 refugees (equalling 3% of the Slovenian population) found shelter in public and, mostly, private dwellings for several years. The second time was at the occasion of the unprecedented “humanitarian corridor” (analysed in The Peace Institute publication Razor-wired: Reflections on migration movements through Slovenia in 2015) during the 2015-16 European-wide migratory movements, when approximately 500,000 persons transited through Slovenia, but with less than 200 claiming international protection on its territory.

  • European Commission announces up to €108 million in emergency funding to Bulgaria to improve border and migration management

    Following the announcement made by President Juncker at the press conference after the Informal Meeting of the 27 Heads of State or Government in Bratislava, the European Commission announces up to €108 million in emergency funding to Bulgaria.

    #Bulgarie #asile #migrations #réfugiés #externalisation #business #frontières #contrôles_frontaliers #politique_migratoire #UE #EU
    cc @albertocampiphoto @daphne @marty

  • VIDÉO – Mélenchon tacle Juncker et défend les lanceurs d’alertes au Parlement européen

    Au Parlement européen ce mardi 12 avril 2016, Jean-Luc Mélenchon a pris la parole pour dénoncer la fraude et l’évasion fiscale. Il a pointé du doigt l’Union européenne, qui a installé ces pratiques dans son « code génétique ».

  • Turkey’s Erdogan threatened to flood Europe with migrants -Greek website

    The account of the meeting, in English, was produced in facsimile on the website. It does not state when or where the meeting took place, but it appears to have been on Nov. 16 in Antalya, Turkey, where the three met after a G20 summit there.

    “We can open the doors to Greece and Bulgaria anytime and we can put the refugees on buses ... So how will you deal with refugees if you don’t get a deal? Kill the refugees?” Erdogan was quoted in the text as telling the EU officials.

    It also quoted him as demanding 6 billion euros over two years. When Juncker made clear only half that amount was on offer, he said Turkey didn’t need the EU’s money anyway.

    The EU eventually agreed a 3 billion euro fund to improve conditions for refugees in Turkey, revive Ankara’s long-stalled accession talks and accelerate visa-free travel for Turks in exchange for Ankara curbing the numbers of migrants pouring into neighbouring Greece.

    In heated exchanges, Erdogan often interrupted Juncker and Tusk, the purported minutes show, accusing the EU of deceiving Turkey and Juncker personally of being disrespectful to him.

    The Turkish leader was also quoted as telling Juncker, a former prime minister of tiny Luxembourg, to show more respect to the 80-million-strong Turkey. “Luxembourg is just like a little town in Turkey,” he was quoted as saying.

    #turquie #marchandages #réfugiés #migrants

    A la base de ces « minutes » incroyables entre les « responsables » européens et Erdogan, une dépêche Reuters.

  • Crise des réfugiés : la Commission montre la voie à suivre

    Dans le dossier de la gestion de la crise des réfugiés, la Commission fixe, pour les 6 prochains mois, des priorités d’action que M. Juncker exposera ce soir, lors de la réunion informelle extraordinaire des chefs d’État et de gouvernement.

    –-> « Retour à la normale et rétablissement dans les six mois des transferts de #Dublin vers la #Grèce ».
    #réfugiés #asile #migrations #politique_migratoire

  • Greece has become the EU’s third protectorate | openDemocracy’s-third-protectorate

    Les protectorats de l’Union Européenne dans les Balkans : le Kosovo, la Bosnie-Herzégovine et désormais la Grèce.

    The EU looks increasingly like an empire, having just created its third protectorate in the Balkans. Greece will effectively be run by the EU the way Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina already are.

    #Grèce #Bosnie_Herzégovine #Kosovo #protectorat #Union_Européenne

    • #Why_oh_why on se demande

      Why have Mrs. Merkel, Mr. Dijsselbloem and Mr. Juncker embraced these policies? Protectorates are by their nature utterly inefficient. Parachuted external envoys do not understand local culture, have no access to local networks, and apply solutions ill-suited to local environments. Cheating is the rule of the game in protectorates. The metropolis cannot admit its failure, and it therefore pretends that things are moving forward. The periphery cannot do without external help, but implementing imposed policies is not practical either. Even the most euro-enthusiastic observers stop short of arguing that EU policies in Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina and now Greece are successful, but an exit strategy is feared even more than an ongoing stalemate.

  • Institutions Européennes : Juncker, Président de la Commission européenne, pété comme un coing...

    Les peuples européens sont entre de bonnes mains ! Il est évident que tous les gouvernants européens sont des clowns dociles, choisis pour leurs qualités théâtrales et leur soumission totale à leurs Maîtres. En échange : alcool, sexe, pédophilie, argent...

  • BBC News - Researchers ’appalled’ as EU chief scientist role is axed

    “I am appalled at the abolition of the CSA post,” said Prof Nigel Brown, president of the Society for General Microbiology.

    “Many of the major challenges facing Europe - climate change, food security, healthy ageing, disease control - require scientific input to policy at the very highest level. This is disastrously short-sighted.”

    Some British members of the European Parliament were angry about the closing of the post, when they believed they had received assurances from the incoming President that the role would be preserved.

    “I am deeply disappointed by this news. I wait to hear the details but on the face of it this looks like a complete volte face by Mr Juncker,” said Julie Girling, Conservative MEP for South West England and Gibraltar.

    “I fear Mr Juncker has caved in to the green lobby.”

    Environmental groups though were keen to stress that the closing of the post wasn’t a victory for them. They argue that the EU already has a formal system in place gathering evidence and assessing risks. They believe the CSA role distorted the process.

    They pointed to a dispute over endocrine disrupting chemicals, so called gender-benders. According to campaigners, the involvement of the CSA added to confusion over the role of these agents.

    “Scrapping the CSA post was about the integrity of science advice, the clarity and independence and it’s about getting the science right,” said Doug Parr from Greenpeace.

    “Those critical of the decision are misunderstanding what’s going on in Brussels - they think that somehow a CSA equals integrity of the scientific process and good advice, I don’t think it does.”

    Greenpeace share concerns with other researchers that the row may damage the overall role of science within Europe.

    It remains unclear as to what President Juncker will now do, though there are rumours he may appoint advisors across five key areas of policy.

    This might lead, according to Prof Alberto Alemanno, from HEC Paris, to a broader definition of what science means.

    “We only had the chief scientist represent the hard sciences, but not the social sciences,” he said.

    “If we are going to have five policy areas perhaps we will adopt a broader perspective towards the sciences, it is also possible to interpret the Juncker decision in a more positive way.”

  • Conseils Européens de Juin et Juillet : la tension monte

    26 Juin – 16 juillet 2014 : 3 semaines qui vont marquer en Europe. Les 26 et 27 juin, lors du Conseil européen, les chefs d’État et de gouvernements ont proposé Mr Juncker (tête de liste européenne du parti PPE, vainqueur des élections du 25 mai) comme président de la Commission européenne pour la période 2014/2019. Nous ne pouvons que nous réjouir de voir le Conseil suivre l’esprit du Traité sur l’Union européenne (TUE) de 2008 (art 7 §7), mais aussi une motion de l’UEF Europe, qui avait fait un certain (...)
