
  • Les annonces préalables de l’#AFP quant au contenu de la résolution étasunienne étaient mensongères : il n’a jamais été question d’un « cessez-le-feu immédiat »

    La représentante de la Guyane à l’ONU explique l’#escroquerie étasunienne ;

    Explanation of position by Her Excellency Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Permanent Representative of Guyana to the United Nations, delivered at the UNSC meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Guyana abstained on this draft resolution for a number of reasons which I will elaborate:

    First, contrary to media reports, this resolution does not call for an immediate ceasefire. Instead, we note that it “determines the imperative for a ceasefire” and calls for support for diplomatic efforts that are ongoing outside of the UN. While those efforts must be commended, given the responsibility and mandate of this Council, Guyana could not support a resolution that does not unequivocally call for an immediate ceasefire. Nearly 32,000 persons have been killed in Gaza since 7 October, the majority of whom are women and children. More than 74,000 have been maimed. Initial UN assessments have concluded that it would take years to clear the 23 million tons of rubble and unexploded weapons scattered across Gaza. The latest IPC report projects famine between now and May 2024. In summary, this man-made disaster cannot be halted without an immediate ceasefire, and it is this Council’s responsibility to unequivocally demand one, even as it acknowledges the efforts of Qatar, Egypt and the United States. 

    Second, the demand for a ceasefire should not be linked to or conditioned on the release of hostages. The taking of hostages is strictly prohibited under international law and their release must be unconditional. Guyana reiterates its call for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. Two wrongs cannot make a right and the Palestinian people should not be collectively punished and themselves held hostage for the crimes of others. 

    Third, in our view this text lacked attribution in a number of key areas. While the draft includes the condemnation of Hamas for the October 7th attacks and demands they immediately grant humanitarian access to the hostages, and rightfully so, there is no attribution or demands to the Israeli authorities for what is taking place in Gaza. 

    For example, who is responsible for 1.5 million Palestinians taking refuge in Rafah? And who has announced a planned military ground offensive there? To whom is the demand for compliance with obligations under international law regarding the protection of civilians and civilian objects, humanitarian access, and the protection of humanitarian relief and medical personnel, their assets and infrastructure applicable? Who has erected and maintained the existing barriers to the provision of humanitarian assistance at scale? Who is responsible for the forcible displacement of the civilian population in Gaza? Who is preventing the use of all available routes to and throughout the entire Gaza Strip? Who does not respect deconfliction and notification mechanisms? We know the answers to these questions. We have heard briefer after briefer both from the UN system and civil society describe the situation on the ground, explaining where the problems are and who is responsible for creating these problems. Why then were the relevant demands in the resolution not clearly addressed to the occupying power? Not even once was this done. 

    Indeed, if one were to read this resolution without background knowledge, it would be difficult to ascertain which party in this conflict is committing the atrocities in Gaza – atrocities which necessitated this draft resolution being put forward. In a resolution of 41 paragraphs, 2,036 words, the occupying power is mentioned once in the penultimate paragraph.

    Fourth, preambular paragraph 7 was of particular concern to Guyana. This Council is the organ with the Charter responsibility for addressing threats to peace, breaches of the peace and acts of aggression. How can we endorse the idea of “ongoing and future operations” in Gaza as long as measures are taken to “reduce significantly civilian harm?” This idea was rejected by several delegations during the course of the negotiations. In Guyana’s view, this is in direct contravention of the Council’s responsibility. It would set a dangerous precedent and make the Council complicit in the atrocities being committed in Gaza now and in the future. 

    Fifth and final, we took note of the four paragraphs treating with the mandate of the Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza. While we applaud the Coordinator’s efforts, we are of the view that the scale of efforts that would be required in Gaza after the war would warrant a key role for UNRWA given its decades of experience in the Strip and its capacity vis-à-vis other agencies operating there. This Council has heard many times of the indispensability of UNRWA. It is the lifeline for Palestinians. We were, therefore, disappointed that the only mention of UNRWA in the draft pertained to the investigations into the allegations against a small number of its staff. Guyana, supported by several delegations, had requested an affirmation of UNRWA’s important mandate in the text but this was not taken onboard. 

    Mr. President,

    This Council still has an opportunity to take action to end the suffering of all parties. Civilians in Gaza need a respite. Palestinians need a respite. Israelis need a respite. Both need a respite from this continuous cycle of violence and pain. That is the real window of opportunity – the strong desire by the people of Palestine and Israel for peace. Guyana is prepared to work with other Council members to respond to their needs and legitimate aspirations, including the two-state solution. This must not be postponed.  

    I thank you.

  • La mer Rouge sous la pression des houthistes yéménites

    La multiplication des assauts houthistes en mer Rouge affecte d’ores et déjà fortement le commerce maritime d’Israël, dont les bâtiments sont les premières cibles revendiquées des rebelles. Le 9 décembre, le groupe avait déclaré dans un communiqué qu’il « empêcherait le passage des navires à destination de l’entité sioniste » si la nourriture et les médicaments ne pouvaient pas entrer dans la bande de Gaza.

    Quels que soient le pavillon des navires ou la nationalité de leurs propriétaires, les bâtiments à destination d’Israël « deviendront une cible légitime pour nos forces armées », précisait la milice yéménite.

    Certaines compagnies maritimes ont donc décidé de détourner leurs navires et préfèrent désormais contourner l’Afrique pour rallier la Méditerranée, ajoutant quelque 13 000 kilomètres à leur itinéraire et de dix à quatorze jours de navigation. Près d’une vingtaine de navires israéliens empruntent ainsi actuellement cette longue route, dont des bâtiments de ZIM, le plus gros armateur israélien. L’allemand Hapag-Lloyd et le chinois Cosco ont aussi dérouté des navires. Mais pas le français CMA CGM, numéro trois mondial des porte-conteneurs, qui n’a pas renoncé au passage par la mer Rouge et le canal de Suez, même sans soutien de navires militaires.


    Les attaques des houthistes, principalement au moyen de drones bon marché (entre 10 000 et 50 000 euros pièce) mettent aussi au défi la soutenabilité des moyens engagés par les marines militaires pour les contrer. Ces dernières semaines, l’US Navy et la marine française ont dû tirer des missiles d’une valeur de plusieurs millions d’euros pour protéger leurs bâtiments ou des navires commerciaux. « Quand on “tue” un Shahed [un drone iranien low cost] avec un Aster [le missile français notamment utilisé en mer Rouge], en réalité c’est le Shahed qui a tué l’Aster », a ainsi estimé le chef d’état-major des armées françaises, le général Thierry Burkhard, lors d’un colloque le 7 décembre, à l’Institut Montaigne, à Paris.

  • 80 rabbins et étudiants rabbiniques de toutes obédiences et affiliations politiques ont publié une déclaration vidéo appelant la communauté juive dans son ensemble et les représentants américains à appeler dès maintenant à un cessez-le-feu à Gaza. via @CJNVtweets


    We are U.S. Rabbis and Rabbinical students and at this moment of great moral reckoning, we are speaking out with one voice.

    Those of us grieving both Israeli and Palestinian loved ones this week know there is no military solution to our horror.

    We know that many Jews in our communities are feeling confused, afraid, and despairing over the events of these past two weeks.

    Together with Jews in Israel, we are in deep grief over the 1400 Israelis who were brutally killed by Hamas.

    We are terrified for the over 200 Israeli hostages - adults, children and infants - who remain in captivity.

    However, the U.S. and Israeli governments are using our grief to justify genocidal violence directed against the people of Gaza.

    As we speak, over 6000 Palestinains have been killed,including 2,400 children

    According to Defense for Children International, the Israeli military is killing one child in Gaza every 15 minutes.

    Scores of people are still buried in the rubble with no one able to rescue them.

    Israel has cut off all access to electricity, water and medicine - and now Gaza is on the verge of running out of fuel. Threatening the lives of 2.2 million people.

    In the face of this terrifying, violence, we say no!

    We uplift the Torah value of v’chai bahem– live by Torah. Torah should be a source of life, not death.

    As Jews, as Rabbis, as human beings we are pleading with our communities to rise through our despair and our grief to save lives.

    As Americans, we call upon our leaders to stop supporting and enabling this nightmare

    We call upon all Americans to call their representatives and demand that they act immediately

    Our tradition is an Eytz Hayim - a tree of life. Life, not death, are its fruits.

    We ask you to join our calls for a complete ceasefire now.

    Ceasefire means no more bombing

    Ceasefire means no ground war

    Ceasefire means all Israeli hostages must be released now.

    Ceasefire means immediate engagement by the international community toward a just and lasting peace in Israel-Palestine.

    Ceasefire is the only way to prevent more death and destruction.

    All human beings are made b’tzelem Elohim - in the image of the Divine. All human life is sacred and precious.

    Too many precious lives are being killed.

    The voice of the Jewish people, now more than ever, must be clear and united:

    Never Again is Now.

    Never again for anyone.

    Not in our names.

    Ceasefire now!

    #cessez_le_feu #Israël #Gaza

  • Ariel Gold אריאל ✡️☮️🕊 sur X :

    We know, as Jews, the consequences of dehumanization, ghettoization, denial of food & medicine, the warning signs of fascism. We know what it is like to have the world, the US, ignore our cries to live. We know as Jews what it is like to be penned in & systemically slaughtered.🧵

    We know, as Jews, the lie that if we accept transport, if we evacuate, our lives will be spared. We know what it is like to have entire family lines wiped out. We know genocide when we see it. We are seeing it now in Gaza. Never Again means for anyone. NEVER AGAIN IS NOW!


  • Syrian Kurds back Macron’s initiative for UN ceasefire plea during pandemic- Kurdistan 24
    The leader of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) expressed support on Wednesday for an initiative by French President Emmanuel Macron to rally United Nations’ Security Council members behind a worldwide military truce amid the coronavirus pandemic.
