• Israel seeks to complete “Jerusalem envelope” project this year « Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan, Jerusalem

    As the Israeli settlement enterprise expands throughout East Jerusalem, the state seeks to complete construction of the separation wall by the end of 2011. These two programs make up an integral part of the notorious 2020 plan, which seeks to create a clear Palestinian minority, of less more than 12% of the population, in Jerusalem by the year 2020. The plan, encompassing a vast orray of both formal and informal plans and policies of the Israeli state and various institutions enjoys the financial support of a significant number of American donors.

    #Israël #Jerusalem

  • Israeli forces demolish East Jerusalem home

    Israeli authorities on Monday demolished part of a Palestinian home in occupied East Jerusalem.

    Forces bulldozed nearly 90 square meters of Nasser Yousif Seyam’s home in Lafta village north of Sheikh Jarrah, leaving around 35 square meters standing, witnesses said.

    The family of nine must now live in one bedroom, one lounge and a corridor.

    #Israël #Jérusalem #occupation

  • Avant hier, conférence de presse au Département d’État. Un certain Philip J. Crowley répond aux questions des journalistes.

    M. Crowley se fend d’une déclaration officielle condamnant une déclaration par un officiel palestinien, qui n’a pas l’heur de plaire aux Israéliens et aux Américains. Et là, tout déraille.

    Un journaliste teigneux lui demande d’expliquer pourquoi un officiel américain, à Washington, prend le temps de condamner publiquement une déclaration d’un officiel palestinien, alors qu’il n’a pas condamné publiquement, la semaine précédente, la reprise des constructions juives à Jerusalem Est, les É-U se contentant d’évoquer la question en privé avec les israéliens.

    “QUESTION: Before moving on, P.J., on that, if you recognize that the Jerusalem – status of Jerusalem is so important to all sides, why were you so noncommittal when I asked the other day about the Israeli approval of new Jewish construction – new Jewish housing in East Jerusalem?”

    “QUESTION: Well, you’re right. There’s absolutely no equivalence between some guy mouthing off and giving his opinion, whether you agree with it or not, and actual bricks and mortar going up in an area that’s disputed. I mean, the equivalent – you come out and denounce this statement, which is mere – simply words, and it took a question from a reporter to get you to say anything about the actual, physical, on-the-ground construction there. So I don’t understand the equivalence that you’re – your idea of equivalence here. One seems to be much more serious than another.”

    “QUESTION: In the city of Hebron, which is home to 220,000 Palestinians and 600 settlers, there is an area called the Martyrs Street that is completely closed to Palestinians where they have to traverse on rooftops. Are you aware of a situation like this? Is this something that you would raise with the Israeli Government to sort of relieve the hardship of the Palestinians in Hebron?”

    #Palestine #Israël #Jerusalem #États-Unis

    • Le feuilleton continue le 2 décembre:
      “QUESTION: So before we get into the – all those WikiLeaks questions, which you were having before – I’m curious to know as to why, given your concern about actions or statements that can cause problems or incite violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories, and your unprompted condemnation of a Palestinian claim to the Western wall the other day – that you didn’t open up with a condemnation or at least an expression of concern about the Israeli Government’s announcement today that, in fact, 625 new houses for Jewish people will be built in East Jerusalem, and also the comments made by Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman, who said that much of the – that a lot of anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli sentiment is being sparked by Arab Israelis themselves, including former members of the Knesset —

      MR. CROWLEY: Well —

      QUESTION: Can you explain why – why no —

      MR. CROWLEY: I will not comment —

      QUESTION: — expression of that?”