• Turning walls into bridges — the transformative power of ‘unruly’ migration

    When we allow ourselves to consider struggles over the Mediterranean border as resistance, a clearer picture of border abolition emerges.

    In 2015, when visiting a school occupied by refugee protestors in Berlin, activist and philosopher Angela Davis remarked: “The refugee movement is the movement of the 21st century.” In 2022, Davis returned to the city and spoke at a square that protestors had occupied a decade earlier. Standing before a jubilant crowd, Davis pointed back to the comment she had made seven years earlier, noting: “I was attempting to argue then, as I try to do today, that the refugee movement encapsulates our planet’s struggle for a better future.”

    Davis’ remarks are and remain important. While certainly overstating the unified character of the refugee movement, she offered a provocation, inviting us to reflect on the political significance and transformative power of contemporary struggles over human movement. In public discourse, such significance and power are commonly downplayed or ignored, if not erased.

    People on the move, for lack of a better term, are often considered victims of circumstance, who, abused and exploited, dwell in the margins of society. Portrayed as desperate and passive, their struggles to move — and often to stay — are rendered unpolitical. Such victimization is key in denuding them of political agency and meaning. As the political theorist Sandro Mezzadra once wrote: “The world of victims exists outside of politics.”

    “At stake in every politics of border control is an attempt to control the borders of the political.” With this witty phrase, political theorists Angela Mitropoulos and Brett Neilson ask us to pay attention to the borders of the political and the ways in which political subjects are made and unmade. The placing of “migrantized” subjects outside the realm of the political is a bordering practice. The space of recognition seems occupied by other actors — political parties, unions, social movements.

    To counteract that, Mitropoulos and Neilson propose to complicate common distinctions made between migrant movements and social movements. Instead of considering migrant movements simply “in a kinetic sense” — or as passages from one place to another — and instead of understanding social movements merely in a political and representational sense, they ask us to situate both somewhere in-between “’movement as politics’ and ‘movement as motion.’”

    In the book I wrote a few years back on contemporary struggles around migration, I tried to do that. By placing the notions of “migration” and “resistance” in close proximity to one another, I was not meaning to suggest that all and any migratory acts should be considered acts of political resistance — that would be naïve and misguided. Rather, the intention was to open up a perspective, a way of seeing.

    If we allowed ourselves to consider “unauthorized” forms of human movement as political — and even as some of the most important transformative practices of our time — what do we learn about the planetary regulation of human life and movement? What can we find out about forms of global injustice and the role of borders in maintaining and reinforcing these? What do we learn about political resistance itself?

    As this all may sound a bit abstract, it could be helpful to look at a particular example: In the European context, the Mediterranean border has become one of the central spaces where struggles over unauthorized migration play out. For decades, the European Union and its member states have experimented with ways to militarize this border to prevent boat arrivals.

    European politicians have justified deterrence measures not only by portraying people who seek to cross as all kinds of security threats, but also by considering them victims of unscrupulous smuggling gangs. In doing so, they have promoted the illusion that border “protection” could go hand-in-hand with the protection of people on the move – à la: “If you poor souls don’t move in the first place, and stay away from Europe, you don’t get exploited by smugglers and drown in the sea.”

    Now, what happens if we push back against this dominant narrative and consider cross-Mediterranean movements in the register of political resistance?

    For one, we see that people who board overcrowded boats are more than what Europe’s paternalistic stories turn them into. As political subjects, they engage in transgressive acts of escape that require courage, organization, knowledge, skill and solidarity among groups on the move. Through disobedient movements, they become harraga, an Arabic term describing those who “burn borders” and navigate themselves into European territory. As Amade M’charek writes:

    “Harraga [is] an activity that burns state-rules: rules that stipulate that this border can only be crossed in this way and not in another; or that papers are only legal in this way and not in another. … what people engaged in harraga do is mess up boundaries.”

    When we allow ourselves to consider struggles over the Mediterranean border in the register of resistance, we can also see how novel practices of solidarity have emerged. Needing to adapt to freedom of movement struggles in dangerous border zones, civil society and activist groups had to invent ways to become present in spaces often deemed not merely outside of sovereign space but even outside the realm of politics as such.

    Actors like Alarm Phone (which assists people on boats in distress through an activist hotline), the civil fleet (which carries out rescue operations), or civil airplanes (which monitor the sea from above) have entered the contested space of the Mediterranean. The solidarities that have formed en route have proven important not merely for transgressive maritime movements but also for documenting horrendous forms of border violence that had previously gone unseen.

    Over the past decade, the Mediterranean border has been opened up for interrogation through struggles over movement. We now have a much better understanding of the violent regulation of migration, and what Martina Tazzioli and Nicholas De Genova have called a “confinement continuum” that people on the move are confronted with: “being targeted, exploited, kidnapped, blackmailed, abused, raped, tortured and sometimes killed.”

    The harrowing border violence that has led to tens of thousands of deaths at sea is a response to disobedient movements. The Mediterranean has not only become a deathscape — due to the adverse biophysical forces at work there (the rough sea, the strong winds) — but a space of suffering due to transnational and transcontinental coalitions of border enforcers that “protect” borders, not people.

    When we take a step back and consider Mediterranean migration as resistance, we can see even more. While we see how borders violently try to keep particularly racialized populations in particular places, we also get a sense of the transformative power of “unruly” migration. Over the past decade, and despite border militarization, more than 2.5 million people have subverted the Mediterranean obstacle. We can consider these transgressive movements as what I called them elsewhere: forms of “practical border abolitionism.”

    People who have moved have claimed a presence in Europe, and this presence will not be eradicated. Nonetheless, in times when calls for border closure, the end to asylum, and mass deportations become increasingly mainstream — and go hand-in-hand with a normalization of violence targeting people on the move — there is a desperate need for broad coalitions of resistance. In order to collectively resist ethno-nationalist fantasies and the incredibly violent, racialized and divisive work that borders do all around our world, we need to breach the sovereign and national scripts that delimit who count as political subjects and who do not.

    “Walls turned sideways are bridges,” Angela Davis once wrote. When we consider unauthorized migration in the register of resistance, we suddenly see the ones who keep turning walls into bridges: people on the move themselves.

    #liberté_de_mouvement #ouverture_des_frontières #murs #ponts #Maurice_Stierl #résistance #mouvement #migrations

    ping @karine4 @_kg_ @isskein

  • Apple announces changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store in the European Union - Apple

    Apple today announced changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store impacting developers’ apps in the European Union (EU) to comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA). The changes include more than 600 new APIs, expanded app analytics, functionality for alternative browser engines, and options for processing app payments and distributing iOS apps. Across every change, Apple is introducing new safeguards that reduce — but don’t eliminate — new risks the DMA poses to EU users. With these steps, Apple will continue to deliver the best, most secure experience possible for EU users.
    The new options for processing payments and downloading apps on iOS open new avenues for malware, fraud and scams, illicit and harmful content, and other privacy and security threats. That’s why Apple is introducing protections — including Notarization for iOS apps, an authorization for marketplace developers, and disclosures on alternative payments — to reduce risks and deliver the best, most secure experience possible for users in the EU. Even with these safeguards in place, many risks remain.

    La réponse du principal challenger d’Apple en matière de distribution d’apps hors App Store :

    Tim Sweeney sur X :

    Apple’s plan to thwart Europe’s new Digital Markets Act law is a devious new instance of Malicious Compliance.

    They are forcing developers to choose between App Store exclusivity and the store terms, which will be illegal under DMA, or accept a new also-illegal anticompetitive scheme rife with new Junk Fees on downloads and new Apple taxes on payments they don’t process.

    Apple proposes that it can choose which stores are allowed to compete with their App Store. They could block Epic from launching the Epic Games Store and distributing Fortnite through it, for example, or block Microsoft, Valve, Good Old Games, or new entrants.

    The Epic Games Store is the #7 software store in the world (behind the 3 console stores, 2 mobile stores, and Steam on PC). We’re determined to launch on iOS and Android and enter the competition to become the #1 multi-platform software store, on the foundation of payment competition, 0%-12% fees, and exclusive games like Fortnite.

    Epic has always supported the notion of Apple notarization and malware scanning for apps, but we strongly reject Apple’s twisting this process to undermine competition and continue imposing Apple taxes on transactions they’re not involved in.

    There’s a lot more hot garbage in Apple’s announcement. It will take more time to parse both the written and unwritten parts of this new horror show, so stay tuned.

    Célébration, cependant, chez Fortnite :

    Remember Fortnite on iOS?

    How bout we bring that back.

    Later this year Fortnite will return in Europe on iOS through the @EpicGames Store.
    (shoutout DMA - an important new law in the EU making this possible). @Apple, the world is watching.

    #mobile #jeux_vidéo #jeu_vidéo #business #apple #epic_games #dma #digital_markets_act #ue #union_européenne #ouverture

  • Unpicking the notion of ‘safe and legal’ routes


    The last ten years have brought a growing recognition of the need to address the issue of mixed and irregular migratory movements through the introduction of pathways that enable people to move from one country and continent to another in a safe and legal manner. As well as averting the need for refugees and migrants to embark on dangerous and expensive journeys involving unscrupulous human smugglers, such routes promise to mitigate the negative perceptions of states with respect to the impact of such movements on their sovereignty, security, and social stability.

    This essay examines the context in which the discourse on safe and legal routes has emerged and identifies the different types of organised pathways that have been proposed by states and other stakeholders. Focusing particularly on population movements from the global South to the global North, it discusses the opportunities, difficulties, and dilemmas associated with this approach to the governance of cross-border mobility. More specifically, it scrutinises the increasingly popular assumption that the introduction of such routes will lead to significant reductions in the scale of mixed and irregular migration.
    The context

    In the mid-1980s, the world’s most prosperous states began to express concern about the growing number of foreign nationals arriving irregularly on their territory, many of whom subsequently submitted applications for refugee status. Regarding such movements as a threat to their sovereignty, and believing that many of those applications were unfounded, over the next two decades those countries introduced a range of restrictive measures designed to place new physical and administrative barriers in the way of unwanted new arrivals, especially those originating from the global South.

    The limitations of these measures were dramatically exposed in 2015-16, when up to a million people, initially from Syria but subsequently from several other countries, made their way in an unauthorised manner to the European Union, many of them travelling via Türkiye. Reacting to this apparent emergency, the EU adopted a strategy pioneered in earlier years by Australia and the United States, known as “externalisation”. This involved the provision of financial and other incentives to low- and middle-income states on the understanding that they would obstruct the outward movement of irregular migrants and readmit those deported from wealthier states.

    At the same time, governments in the developed world were beginning to acknowledge that mixed and irregular movements of people could not be managed by exclusionary measures alone. This recognition was due in no small part to the efforts of human rights advocates, who were concerned about the negative implications of externalisation for refugee and migrant protection. They also wanted to highlight the contribution that foreign nationals could make to destination countries in the global North if they were able to move there in a regular and orderly manner. The common outcome of these different discourses was a growing degree of support for the notion that the establishment of safe and legal routes could minimise the scale and mitigate the adverse consequences of mixed and irregular movements.

    This was not an entirely new approach. As then UN secretary-general Kofi Annan had argued in the early 2000s, international migration, if governed in an appropriate manner, could have “win-win outcomes”, bringing benefits to countries of origin, countries of destination, and migrants alike. But to attain those outcomes, certain conditions had to be met. In the words of the Global Commission on International Migration (GCM), a body established by Mr. Annan:

    It is in the interest of both states and migrants to create a context in which people migrate out of choice and in a safe and legal manner, rather than irregularly and because they feel they have no other option. Regular migration programmes could reinforce public confidence in the ability of states to admit migrants into their territory on the basis of labor market needs. Programmes of this kind would also help to create a more positive image of migrants and foster greater public acceptance of international migration.

    Migration governance initiatives

    In recent years, and especially since the so-called “European migration crisis” of 2015-16, this notion has been taken up by a number of different migration governance initiatives. Focusing primarily on labour migration, the 2018 Global Compact for Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration (GCM) cited “enhanced availability and flexibility of pathways for regular migration,” as one of its key objectives. Endorsed by the majority of UN member states, the GCM extended this approach to the realm of forced migration, encouraging the international community to “develop or build on existing national and regional practices for admission and stay of appropriate duration based on compassionate, humanitarian or other considerations for migrants compelled to leave their countries of origin.”

    At the same time, the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR), also adopted in 2018 and which was even more widely endorsed by the international community, underlined the necessity for people who were fleeing persecution and armed conflict to have access to safe and legal routes. “There is a need,” it said, “to ensure that such pathways are made available on a more systematic, organised and sustainable basis, that they contain appropriate protection safeguards, and that the number of countries offering these opportunities is expanded overall.”

    Similar approaches have emerged in the context of regional migration governance initiatives. The EU’s 2011 Global Approach to Migration and Mobility, for example, acknowledged the importance of “preventing and reducing irregular migration and trafficking in human beings” by “organising and facilitating legal migration and mobility.” The more recent EU Pact on Migration and Asylum also “aims to reduce unsafe and irregular routes and promote sustainable and safe legal pathways for those in need of protection.” “Developing legal pathways,” it says, “should contribute to the reduction of irregular migration.”

    In 2022, the Summit of the Americas, a meeting of states that focussed on the issue of human mobility in the western hemisphere, endorsed the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection. Using language similar to that of the EU Pact, it committed participating states to “a shared approach to reduce and manage irregular migration,” and to “promoting regular pathways for migration and international protection.” Signatories expressed their commitment “to strengthen fair labor migration opportunities in the region,” and “to promote access to protection and complementary pathways for asylum seekers, refugees and stateless persons.”

    As indicated by the declaration’s reference to “labor migration opportunities”, the recognition of the need for safe and legal pathways to be established is closely linked to another recent development: a growing and global shortage of workers. In many industrialised states, members of the existing labour force are aging, taking retirement, quitting, or changing their jobs. The Covid-19 pandemic prompted those countries to introduce new border controls and stricter limits on immigration. Taking advantage of these circumstances, employees have been able to demand better wages and working conditions, thereby pushing up the cost of producing goods and providing services. Confronted with these threats to their profitability, the private sector has been placing growing pressure on governments to remove such restrictions and to open the door to foreign labour.
    Safe and legal routes

    As demonstrated by the migration governance initiatives described in the previous section, there is now a broad international consensus on the need to provide safe and legal routes for people who wish or feel obliged to leave their own country. There is also an agreement, supported by a growing volume of academic research, that the provision of such routes has a role to play in reducing the scale of mixed and irregular migration and in boosting the economies of destination states. But what specific forms might those safe and legal routes take? The next section of this essay answers that question by describing the principal proposals made and actions taken in that respect.
    Labour migration programmes

    One such proposal has been labour migration programmes established on a permanent, temporary, or seasonal bases. The rationale for such programmes is that they would allow people from poorer countries who are in need of employment to fill gaps in the labour markets of more prosperous states. As well as boosting the economies of destination countries, such programmes would allow the migrants concerned to enhance their skills and to support their countries of origin by means of remittances.

    Until recently, for example, there have been only limited legal opportunities for the citizens of Central and South American countries, especially those with lower levels of skill, to join the US workforce. At the 2022 Summit of the Americas, however, President Biden indicated that he would introduce a package of measures designed to manage northward migration more effectively, including the establishment of safe and legal routes for Latin Americans. According to one US spokesperson, “we will have announcements related to labor pathways as part of the Los Angeles Declaration, designed to ensure that those pathways meet the highest labor standards and are not used for abuse or for a race to the bottom.”

    Mexico, another signatory to the declaration, has already taken steps in this direction, offering border worker visas to Guatemalans and Belizeans wishing to work in the country’s southernmost states—an initiative intended to meet the labour needs of the area while reducing the number of people from those two countries arriving and working in an irregular manner.

    Turning next to Germany, in 2015-16, at a time when the country was receiving large numbers of new arrivals from the Western Balkan states, most of whom submitted unsuccessful asylum claims, a new employment regulation was introduced. This opened the labour market for nationals of those countries, on condition that they had a valid job offer from a German employer.

    Since that time, EU member states more generally have begun to acknowledge the need to recruit employees from outside the bloc. Thus in April 2022, the European Commission launched what it described as “an ambitious and sustainable legal migration policy,” including “specific actions to facilitate the integration of those fleeing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine into the EU’s labour market.” In the emphatic words of the commissioner for home affairs, “legal migration is essential to our economic recovery […] while reducing irregular migration.”

    A more preemptive approach to the issue has been taken by Australia, whose Pacific Labour Mobility Scheme allows businesses to recruit seasonal and temporary workers from ten Pacific island states. The purpose of the scheme is to meet Australia’s domestic labour market needs, to promote regional cooperation and development, and, in doing so, to avert the kind of instability that might provoke unpredictable and irregular movements of people.
    Refugee-related programmes

    When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, large numbers of people displaced by the hostilities began to make their way to neighbouring and nearby member states of the European Union. While the EU has made vigorous and often inhumane efforts to exclude asylum seekers originating from other parts of the world, even if they had strong claims to refugee status, in the case of Ukraine steps were quickly taken to regularise the situation of the new arrivals. Refugees from Ukraine were allowed to enter the EU without a visa, to enjoy residence and work rights there for up to three years, and to move freely from one member state to another.

    This arrangement, known as “temporary protection”, was based on a number of considerations: the geographical proximity of Ukraine to the EU, the great difficulty that the EU would have had in trying to obstruct the movement, a humanitarian concern for people who had been obliged to flee by the conflict, and a particular readiness to support the citizens of a friendly country that was suffering from the aggression committed by Russia, a state with a long history of enmity to the EU and NATO. While it remains to be seen how effectively the Ukrainians can be absorbed into the economies and societies of EU member states, in the short term at least, the temporary protection system provided a means of channeling a very large and rapid movement of people into routes that were safe and legal.

    Looking beyond the specifics of the Ukrainian situation, UNHCR, the UN’s agency for refugees, has in recent years made regular calls for governments—predominantly but not exclusively in the global North—to establish and expand the scale of state-sponsored refugee resettlement programmes. Such efforts enjoy limited success, however, partly because of the serious cuts made to the US resettlement quota by the Trump administration, and partly because of the restrictions on movement introduced by many other countries as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the aftermath of the 2015-16 “migrant crisis”, moreover, European countries were reluctant to consider the admission of additional refugees, even if they were to arrive in an organised manner.

    In a more positive development, the decade since the beginning of the Syrian refugee emergency in 2012 has delivered a new focus on the establishment of privately- sponsored resettlement programmes, enabling families as well as neighbourhood, community, and faith-based groups in the global North to sponsor the reception and initial integration of refugees from countries of asylum in the global South. Canada has taken a particular lead in this respect, establishing private sponsorship programmes for Afghan, Syrian, and Ukrainian refugees, with Australia, the US, and some European countries also experimenting with this particular form of safe and legal route.

    A similar approach can be seen with respect to the notion of “humanitarian corridors”, an initiative taken by Italian church-affiliated groups. Self-funded but closely coordinated with the government in Rome, this programme has enabled religious communities in Italy to welcome hundreds of refugees from Ethiopia, Greece, and Lebanon. Discussions are currently underway with a view to expanding this model to other European states.

    Recent years have seen a growing interest in the notion of labour mobility for refugees, arrangements whereby refugees with specific skills and qualifications are allowed to leave their country of asylum in order to take up pre-arranged employment opportunities in another state. An approach first proposed more than a decade ago but largely unimplemented since that time, the potential of such initiatives has now been recognised by Australia, Canada, and the UK, all of which have recently established pilot programmes of this type.

    In similar vein, humanitarian organisations have promoted the notion that refugees in developing countries of asylum should be able to benefit from scholarship programmes in states that are better equipped to provide them with appropriate education at the secondary and tertiary levels. The implementation of this approach has been boosted considerably by the emergencies in Syria and Ukraine, both of which have prompted universities around the world to make special provisions for refugee students.

    When people move from one country to another in the context of a refugee crisis, a common consequence is for family members to be separated, either because some have been left behind in the country of origin, or because they lose contact with each other during their journey to a safer place. In response to this humanitarian issue, the international community has for many years supported the notion of family reunification programmes, organised with the support of entities such as the International Organization for Migration, UNHCR, and the Red Cross movement. Most recently, there has been a recognition that such programmes also have a role to play in reducing the scale of irregular movements, given the frequency with which people engage in such journeys in an attempt to reunite with their relatives.
    Relocation and evacuation programmes

    Other arrangements have been made to enable refugees and migrants to relocate in a safe and legal manner from countries that are not in a position to provide them with the support that they need. In the EU, efforts—albeit largely unsuccessful—have been made recently to establish redistribution programmes, relocating people from front-line states such as Greece and Italy, which have large refugee and migrant populations, to parts of Europe that are under less pressure in this respect.

    In a more dramatic context, UNHCR has established an evacuation programme for refugees and migrants in Libya, where they are at serious risk of detention and human rights abuses, and where escape from the country by boat also presents them with enormous dangers. A safe and legal alternative has been found in an arrangement whereby the most vulnerable of these people are transferred to emergency transit centres in Niger and Rwanda, pending the time when other countries accept them as permanent residents.

    Finally, proposals have been made with respect to the establishment of arrangements that would allow people who are at risk in their country of origin to move elsewhere in a safe and legal manner. For individuals and families, this objective could be attained by means of humanitarian visas issued by the overseas embassies of states that wish to provide sanctuary to people who are threatened in their homeland.

    On a larger scale, orderly departure programmes might be established for designated categories of people who feel obliged to leave their own country and who might otherwise have no alternative but to move by irregular means. An important—but as yet unreplicated— precedent was set in this respect by a 1980s programme that allowed some 800,000 Vietnamese citizens to relocate to the US and other western countries with the authorisation of the Hanoi government, sparing them from the dangerous journeys that the “boat people” had undertaken in earlier years.
    The potential of regular pathways

    It is not surprising that the notion of safe and legal routes has attracted so much attention in recent years. They are in the interest of refugees and migrants, who would otherwise have to embark on difficult and often dangerous journeys. They are in the interest of states, who have much to gain from the orderly and authorised movement of people. And they are in the interest of international organisations that are struggling to respond to large-scale and unpredicted movements of people, and which are trying to ensure that human mobility is governed in a more effective, human and equitable manner.

    At the same time, there is a need to scrutinise the popular assumption that such measures can substantially reduce the scale of mixed and irregular migratory movements, and to address the many difficulties and dilemmas associated with the establishment of such pathways.
    Scaling up

    Despite all of the rhetorical support given to the notion of regular pathways in recent years, the number of people who are able to access them is still very modest. And there are a number of reasons why they might not be scaled up to any great extent. First, the Covid-19 pandemic, which erupted unexpectedly not long after the GCM and GCR had been negotiated, caused many governments to act with a new degree of caution in relation to the cross-border movement of people. And while the pandemic has subsided, states may well prefer to retain some of the immigration restrictions they introduced in the context of the pandemic.

    Second, and more recently, the need for states in Europe and beyond to admit large numbers of refugees from Afghanistan and Ukraine seems certain to limit their enthusiasm and capacity for the establishment of safe routes for people from other parts of the world. With many thousands of people from those two countries left without jobs and in temporary accommodation, the introduction or expansion of other pathways would simply exacerbate this problem.

    While the admission of overseas workers appears to be a way of addressing the demographic deficits and labour market needs of the industrialised states, are the citizens and politicians of those countries ready to acknowledge the need to admit more foreign nationals, even if they arrive in a managed manner? Immigration has become a toxic issue in many of the world’s more prosperous states, and few governments or opposition parties are willing to run on electoral platforms that advocate an increase in the number of new arrivals from other parts of the world.

    In the context described above, it should come as no surprise that most of the orderly pathway initiatives introduced in recent years (such as privately sponsored resettlement, humanitarian corridors, evacuation, and relocation programmes) have all operated on a modest scale and have often been established on a pilot basis, with no guarantee of them being expanded.

    For example, when in 2021 the British home secretary introduced a new labour mobility programme for refugees, she boldly announced that “those displaced by conflict and violence will now be able to benefit from access to our global points-based immigration system, enabling them to come to the UK safely and legally through established routes”. In fact, only 100 Syrian refugees from Jordan and Lebanon will benefit from the programme over the next two years.

    And the UK is not an isolated case. According to a recent study, in 2019 the OECD countries provided complementary pathways to fewer than 156,000 people from seven major refugee-producing countries. Two-thirds of them were admitted on the basis of family reunion, with the remaining third split equally between people granted visas for work and for educational purposes. That 156,000 constituted just 0.6 percent of the global refugee population.
    Reducing irregular migration

    Even if safe and legal routes could be established and expanded, what impact would that have on the scale of irregular migration? That is a difficult question to answer, partly because the evidence on this issue is so limited, and partly because it is methodologically challenging to establish causal linkages between these two phenomena, as demonstrated by two recent studies.

    With respect to the German labour programme in the Western Balkans, one analyst has suggested that although the number of asylum applications from that region did indeed drop after the new initiative was introduced, “one cannot credibly single out the exact effect the Western Balkan Regulation had on reducing irregular migration from the region to Germany”. The author goes on to say that “the regulation was only one of many policy measures at the time, including many restrictive measures and faster processing times of asylum applications as well as the ‘closure’ of the Western Balkan route.” Consequently, “it is not possible to isolate the exact causal role the Western Balkan Regulation may have played.”

    A case study of Mexico and the US reaches a similar conclusion, suggesting “there is evidence that lawful channels for migration between Mexico and the US have suppressed unlawful migration, but only when combined with robust enforcement efforts,” including the intensification of border controls that facilitated the apprehension and return of migrants crossing the frontier in an irregular manner. This conclusion on the close relationship between safe pathways and enforcement, shared by both studies, is ironic, given that some of the strongest NGO advocates for the former are most vocal in their opposition to the latter!

    A more general review of the evidence on this matter also casts doubt on the notion that an expansion of safe and legal routes will necessarily lead to a reduction in irregular movements. Looking specifically at labour migration programmes, the study says that they are often proposed “on the basis of an assumption of a rerouting effect, whereby migrants who would otherwise arrive and enter the asylum system or stay in a country without legal status will be incentivised to try and access a legal work permit from home rather than migrate illegally.” But the validity of that assumption “will depend on the capacity of legal pathways to accommodate the number of low-skilled workers who want to migrate, but lack permission to enter their desired destination.”

    That statement concerning the number of people who would like to or have been obliged to migrate but who have been unable to do so in a safe and legal manner is readily substantiated in numerical terms. Most estimates suggest that around 15 million irregular migrants are to be found in the US and Europe alone, with millions more in countries such as India, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa. According to UNHCR, there are some 30 million refugees worldwide and more than 4.5 million asylum seekers who are waiting for their applications to be processed. A worldwide survey undertaken in 2018 concluded that some 750 million people, 15 percent of all the world’s adults, would move to another country if they had the opportunity to do so.

    Given the growing demand for migration opportunities in poorer regions of the world, coupled with the general reluctance of the industrialised states to facilitate the large-scale admission of people who want to move there, it is difficult to see how this square can be circled. The most likely scenario is that the supply of opportunities for regular migration will be unable to meet the demand, meaning that aspirant migrants who are not selected for regular entry will still have a strong incentive to move in an irregular manner.

    Indeed, it can also be argued that the establishment of safe and legal routes intensifies the social networks linking countries of origin and destination, enabling those migrants who move in a regular manner to inform the compatriots they have left behind of the opportunities that exist in the countries to which they have moved and to send remittances to people at home that can be used to pay the costs of a clandestine journey to the same location. In this respect, instead of reducing levels of irregular migration, the establishment of safe and legal routes might actually contribute to their growth.
    Selection criteria and processes

    In addition to the scale of the routes that might be established and their potential impact on levels of irregular migration, a number of other issues must be considered in the context of this discourse.

    First, the notion of safe and legal pathways is based on the idea that states should control the arrival of foreign nationals on their territory, determining how many should be admitted, what countries they should come from, why they wish or need to move to another country, what their demographic profile is, and what skills they should have. In other words, for safe and legal routes to work effectively, states and other stakeholders have to establish selection criteria and processes that allow the admission of some people who would like to move, while refusing entry to others. This is not a principle accepted by some refugee and migrant advocates, for whom the notion of safe and legal routes has become a disguised proxy for “open borders”.

    Almost inevitably, moreover, different constituencies within receiving states will be pushing for priority to be given to certain categories of people. Humanitarians will want the emphasis to be on refugees. Diaspora families and communities will favour family reunification programmes and community-sponsored resettlement. The private sector will argue the case for the admission of people with the skills and capacity to fill gaps in the labour market in a cost-effective manner. Universities will argue the case for visas to be granted to refugees and other foreign citizens with the necessary qualifications or academic aptitude. The selection process is therefore likely to be a contested and controversial one, potentially limiting governmental enthusiasm for the notion of safe and legal routes.
    Status and rights

    Second, as the attempt to regularise migratory movements proceeds, some important questions will have to be addressed in relation to the status and rights of the new arrivals and the organisation of such programmes. In the context of labour migration programmes, for example, would people be admitted on a temporary or permanent basis, and in the latter case would they eventually be able to acquire permanent resident rights or citizenship? Would they be tied to a single employer or allowed to move freely in the labour market? Would they enjoy the same pay, rights, and working conditions as citizens of the countries in which they are employed?

    A somewhat different set of issues arises in the context of labour mobility initiatives for refugees. Will they be allowed to leave their countries of asylum by the governments of those states and, more importantly, would they be able to return to it if employed abroad on a temporary basis? As some refugee lawyers have mooted, would they be at risk of being deported to their country of origin, and thereby be at risk of persecution, if their country of first asylum refused to readmit them? And if they were readmitted to their country of first asylum, would they have full access to the labour market there, or find themselves returning to a refugee camp or informal urban settlement where only informal and low-income livelihoods opportunities exist?

    With respect to privately sponsored resettlement, there is some evidence, especially from Canada, that refugees who arrive by this route fare better than those who are admitted by means of state-sponsored programmes. But there are also risks involved, especially in emergency situations where the citizens of resettlement countries are, for good humanitarian reasons, eager to welcome refugees into their homes and neighbourhoods, and where the state is only too happy to devolve responsibility for refugees to members of the community.

    A particular case in point is to be found in the UK’s sponsorship scheme for Ukrainian refugees, in which some of the new arrivals have found themselves matched with inappropriate sponsors in isolated rural locations and with few affordable options available with respect to their long-term accommodation.
    State manipulation

    Third, the establishment and expansion of safe and legal routes could have adverse consequences if misused by destination countries. With respect to resettlement, for example, UNHCR has always insisted that refugees should be selected on the basis of their vulnerability, and not in terms of what the organisation describes as their “integration potential”.

    That principle might prove more difficult to uphold in a context where alternative pathways are being discussed, specifically targeted at people on the basis of their skills, qualifications, language abilities, family connections and value to the labour market. Rather than expanding their refugee resettlement programmes, as UNHCR would like them to do, will destination countries prefer to make use of pathways that enable them to cherry-pick new arrivals on the basis of perceived value to the economy and society?

    At the same time, there is a risk that states will use the establishment of organised pathways as a pretext for the exclusion of asylum seekers who arrive in an independent manner and by irregular means. That has long been the approach adopted by Australia, whose policy of interception at sea and relocation to remote offshore processing facilities is justified by the government on the grounds that the country has a substantial refugee resettlement programme. Rather than taking to boats and “ jumping the queue”, the authorities say, refugees should wait their turn to be resettled from their country of asylum, however difficult that might be in practice.

    Taking its cue from Australia, the UK is in the process of establishing a formalised two-tier asylum system. On one hand, “bespoke” admissions programmes will be established for refugees from countries in which the UK has a particular geopolitical interest, most notably Afghanistan and Ukraine. On the other hand, the asylum claims of people arriving in the UK in an irregular manner, such as by boat across the English Channel (including those from Afghanistan and Ukraine) are now deemed inadmissible, and many of those arriving in this way are detained and liable to deportation to Rwanda without the possibility of returning to the UK, even if their refugee claim is recognised by the authorities in Kigali. At the time of writing, however, there is no evidence that this policy will have its intended effect of deterring irregular arrivals, nor indeed whether it will ever be implemented, given the legal challenges to which it is being subjected.

    Finally, while much of the recent discourse on irregular migration has focused on the extent to which its scale and impact can be minimised by the establishment of safe and legal pathways, it must not be forgotten that many destination countries already have substantial populations of people who are officially not authorised to be there: so-called “illegal immigrants”, unsuccessful asylum seekers, and foreign nationals who have overstayed their visas, to give just three examples.

    No serious attempt to address the issue of irregular migration can avoid the situation and status of such people, although questions relating to their regularisation, whether by means of amnesties or by other measures. have not featured at all prominently in the recent discourse on international mobility.

    Interestingly, the GCM avoids the issue completely, presumably because it is deemed to be a matter that lies within the jurisdiction of sovereign states. If an attempt had been made to include the question of regularisation in the compact, it would almost certainly have been endorsed by fewer states. Nevertheless, any discussion of irregular migration must involve a consideration of those people who are living and working in countries where they do not have a legal status, as countries such as Spain, Ireland, and Italy have started to recognise. It is an issue that warrants much more attention at the national and multilateral levels, irrespective of its controversial nature.

    A strong case can be made for the introduction and expansion of safe and legal migratory routes, as has been recognised by a plethora of recent initiatives relating to the governance of international mobility. But expectations of them should be modest.

    While such routes may have a limited role to play in reducing the scale and impact of mixed and irregular movements, they appear unlikely to have the transformative effect that some participants in the migration discourse have suggested they might have. Such routes are also likely to be a contentious matter, with some states using the notion of safe and legal routes as a pretext for the introduction of draconian approaches to the issue of irregular migration, and with migrant advocates employing the same concept as a means of avoiding the more controversial slogan of “open borders”.

    As indicated in the introduction, this essay has focused to a large extent on mixed and irregular migration from the global South to the global North, as it is those movements that have prompted much of the recent discourse on safe and legal routes. But it should not be forgotten that most migratory movements currently take place within the global South, and that some 85 percent of the world’s refugees are to be found in low and middle-income countries.

    Looking at the migration and refugee scenario in the developing world, there are perhaps greater grounds for optimism than can be found by focusing on the industrialised states. With some exceptions (South Africa being a prime example), countries in the global South are less exercised by the issue of irregular migration.

    Two regions—South America and West Africa—have established rather successful freedom-of-movement arrangements for their citizens. And despite some restrictive tendencies, encouraged in many instances by the externalisation policies of the global North, developing countries have kept their borders relatively open to refugees, as demonstrated by the presence of so many Rohingya refugees from Myanmar in Bangladesh, South Sudanese in Uganda, Syrians in Jordan and Lebanon, and Venezuelans in a host of neighbouring and nearby states.

    In an ideal world, the cross-border movement of people would indeed take place in an exclusively voluntary, safe, and orderly manner. But that scenario cannot be envisaged in an era that is characterised by failures of global governance, widespread armed conflict, growing regional inequalities, intensifying environmental disasters, and the climate crisis, not to mention the general unwillingness of politicians and the public to countenance large-scale immigration and refugee arrivals. Looking to the future, there is every reason to believe that large numbers of people will have to move out of necessity rather than choice, in an unpredictable and irregular manner.


    #migrations #asile #réfugiés #voies_sures #voies_légales #frontières #1980s #menace #2015 #externalisation #refugee_compact #pacte_migratoire #global_compact_for_safe_orderly_and_regular_migration #global_compact_on_refugees #global_compact #relocalisation #régularisation #ouverture_des_frontières #Jeff_Crisp #safe_routes #legal_routes

  • L’Économie « Sociale et Solidaire » : un contresens absolu. Le mode d’exploitation capitaliste des « richesses » ne peut être ni social ni solidaire.

    Railcoop au bord de la faillite : les coulisses d’un déraillement | Alternatives Economiques

    ransports Railcoop au bord de la faillite : les coulisses d’un déraillement
    Le 27 Juillet 2023
    16 min

    Fiasco dans le fret, retard dans l’offre voyageurs Bordeaux-Lyon, crise interne… Après trois ans d’existence, la coopérative ferroviaire Railcoop traverse un long tunnel, sans réelles perspectives d’en voir le bout.

    Clap de fin pour Railcoop ? La société qui voulait relancer la liaison ferroviaire entre Lyon et Bordeaux est en tout cas sur la corde raide. Si la coopérative ne parvient à trouver 500 000 euros d’ici la fin du mois de septembre pour payer les salaires et les fournisseurs, elle devra mettre la clé sous la porte.

    Au cours du mois de juin, Railcoop a donc imploré ses sociétaires, à coups de mails hebdomadaires, de reprendre des parts au capital social de l’entreprise.

    « Nous sommes face à un défi immédiat : lever des fonds pour assurer la survie de notre projet. Il ne faut pas se cacher la vérité, nous avons un besoin urgent de l’aide de chacune et de chacun », a-t-elle ainsi écrit à ses sociétaires, dans une lettre ouverte datée du 19 juin.

    La stratégie de communication a en partie payé. En un mois à peine, Railcoop a réussi à rassembler près de 250 000 euros, déjouant ainsi tous les pronostics. Mais sa situation financière, qui reste extrêmement précaire, interroge : comment une entreprise qui a réussi à lever près de 8 millions d’euros en quelques années et suscité tant d’enthousiasme à ses débuts se retrouve-t-elle aujourd’hui proche de la cessation de paiements ?


    #ESS #Railcoop #transport_ferroviaire #ouverture_à_la_concurrence #SNCF #SCIC (Société Coopérative d’Intérêt Collectif)

  • Building Our Internal Games Studios - About Netflix

    Today, I’m excited to announce that we are establishing an internal games studio in Helsinki, Finland, with Marko Lastikka as the studio director. This is another step in our vision to build a world-class games studio that will bring a variety of delightful and deeply engaging original games — with no ads and no in-app purchases — to our hundreds of millions of members around the world.

    Lastikka Marko
    Studio Director at Netflix Games

    #jeu_vidéo #jeux_vidéo #netflix #business #développement #ouverture #annonce #finlande #helsinki #marko_lastikka #mobile

  • Songs, tears and reunions: New Zealand welcomes back visitors as border reopens after two years | New Zealand | The Guardian

    Songs, tears and reunions: New Zealand welcomes back visitors as border reopens after two years
    Vaccinated people from about 60 visa-waiver countries now able to enter as part of pandemic reopening plan
    Eva Corlett in Wellington
    Mon 2 May 2022 01.46 BST
    Last modified on Mon 2 May 2022 04.09 BST
    Māori songs, tearful embraces and a beloved New Zealand chocolate bar awaited international visitors arriving in New Zealand on Monday – the first foreign guests, other than Australians, to set foot in Aotearoa in more than two years.Since March 2020, the arrival terminals at New Zealand’s international airports have been desolate as the country swiftly closed the border to prevent the arrival of Covid-19.On Monday morning, the border reopened to vaccinated visitors from about 60 visa-waiver countries as part of the government’s phased reopening plan.The first travellers and returning New Zealanders touched down just after 6am at Auckland international airport from Los Angeles, with another flight from San Francisco arriving shortly after.
    (...) Vaccinated international visitors can enter New Zealand if they have had a negative pre-departure Covid test. On arrival, they must self-test for coronavirus, and unless it comes back positive there is no requirement quarantine or self-isolate. All other international visitors will be allowed to enter New Zealand from October, unless the government decides it is safe to do so earlier.
    The tourism minister, Stuart Nash, who greeted arrivals at the gate with a Whittaker’s Peanut Slab chocolate bar, told 1News the reunions “almost bring a tear to the eye”.“People haven’t seen each other for a long, long time – family and friends,” he said. “We have also, of course, got international business people [who] are able to reconnect and they are coming back.”Nash said that while the country is not yet quite back to normal, the reopening was another step towards it.“This has been a long time [coming] – this sends a signal we are now open for business … it is fantastic to see,” Nash said.“Today marks a milestone for visitors from our key northern hemisphere markets in the USA, UK, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada and others, who can now jump on a plane to come here.”More than 30,000 people are arriving into the country each week – an increase on numbers throughout the pandemic, but well below pre-Covid levels, which were close to 25,000 people each day.
    Nash said international flight searches to New Zealand were running 19% higher than in pre-Covid times.Auckland airport’s chief executive Carrie Hurihanganui said 9,000 passengers would be arriving and departing on 43 international flights on Monday – three times the number in March. The airport has boosted its staff by 40 people, and will continue to do so in the coming months, she said.Hurihanganui said the reunions were giving her “goosebump moments”.“It’s been a pleasure to be here today, and the fact we can play a role in welcoming people back to Aotearoa is fantastic,” she told 1News outside the arrivals gate.


  • 5 questions à Roland Riachi. Comprendre la #dépendance_alimentaire du #monde_arabe

    Économiste et géographe, Roland Riachi s’est spécialisé dans l’économie politique, et plus particulièrement dans le domaine de l’écologie politique. Dans cet entretien, il décrypte pour nous la crise alimentaire qui touche le monde arabe en la posant comme une crise éminemment politique. Il nous invite à regarder au-delà de l’aspect agricole pour cerner les choix politiques et économiques qui sont à son origine.

    #agriculture #alimentation #colonialisme #céréales #autosuffisance_alimentaire #nationalisation #néolibéralisme #Egypte #Soudan #Liban #Syrie #exportation #Maghreb #crise #post-colonialisme #souveraineté_nationale #panarabisme #militarisme #paysannerie #subventions #cash_crop #devises #capitalisme #blé #valeur_ajoutée #avocats #mangues #mondialisation #globalisation #néolibéralisme_autoritaire #révolution_verte #ouverture_du_marché #programmes_d'ajustement_structurels #intensification #machinisation #exode_rural #monopole #intrants #industrie_agro-alimentaire #biotechnologie #phosphates #extractivisme #agriculture_intensive #paysans #propriété_foncière #foncier #terres #morcellement_foncier #pauvreté #marginalisation #monoculture #goût #goûts #blé_tendre #pain #couscous #aide_humanitaire #blé_dur #durum #libre-échange #nourriture #diète_néolibérale #diète_méditerranéenne #bléification #importation #santé_publique #diabète #obésité #surpoids #accaparement_des_terres #eau #MENA #FMI #banque_mondiale #projets_hydrauliques #crise_alimentaire #foreign_direct_investment #emploi #Russie #Ukraine #sécurité_alimentaire #souveraineté_alimentaire


    ping @odilon

  • Guerre en #Ukraine : « On aura une immigration de grande qualité dont on pourra tirer profit »

    Le président de la commission des Affaires étrangères à l’Assemblée nationale, #Jean-Louis_Bourlanges, a évoqué dans « Europe Matin » vendredi la « vague migratoire » qui se prépare en Europe, après l’invasion militaire russe en Ukraine. « Ce sera sans doute une immigration de grande qualité », prévient toutefois le député MoDem.

    C’est l’une des conséquences majeures de l’invasion militaire russe en Ukraine. Des milliers d’Ukrainiens vont fuir leur pays pour échapper aux combats. Jeudi, près de 100.000 d’entre eux avaient déjà quitté leur foyer, selon l’ONU. Invité d’Europe Matin vendredi, le président de la commission des Affaires étrangères à l’Assemblée nationale, Jean-Louis Bourlanges, a dit s’attendre « à des mouvements » de population, sans en connaître l’ampleur. « Il faut prévoir (le flux migratoire). Ce sera sans doute une immigration de grande qualité », a évoqué le député MoDem au micro de Lionel Gougelot.

    Pourquoi Poutine a intérêt à pousser à l’immigration

    Pour Jean-Louis Bourlanges, les Ukrainiens qui s’apprêtent à quitter leur pays seront « des intellectuels, et pas seulement, mais on aura une immigration de grande qualité dont on pourra tirer profit », a-t-il ajouté. En revanche, le député a estimé que cela allait dans le sens du président russe. « Pour des raisons politiques très claires, monsieur Poutine aura intérêt à ce qu’il y ait ces mouvements pour deux raisons », a affirmé Jean-Louis Bourlanges.

    D’abord, « pour se débarrasser d’opposants potentiels dans son pays. S’ils sont à l’extérieur, ils ne le gêneront pas », analyse le président de la commission des Affaires étrangères à l’Assemblée nationale. « Et pour nous embarrasser nous-même », a-t-il ajouté, « exactement comme a fait Loukachenko à la frontière de la Biélorussie et de la Pologne. » "Nos amis polonais s’apprêtent à recevoir des flots massifs", a souligné Jean-Louis Bourlanges.


    #classification #tri #réfugiés #asile #migrations #Urkaine #réfugiés_ukrainiens #bon_réfugié #mauvais_réfugié
    #à_vomir #racisme


    Les formes de #racisme qui montrent leur visage en lien avec la #guerre en #Ukraine... en 2 fils de discussion sur seenthis :

    ping @isskein @karine4

    • « Il y a un geste humanitaire évident parce que la nature des réfugiés n’est pas contestable, on voit bien ce qu’ils fuient.
      Ensuite parce que ce sont des européens de culture.
      Et puis nous ne sommes pas face à des migrants qui vont passer dans une logique d’immigration »


      Commentaire de Louis Witter sur twitter :

      Ce genre de waf waf de la casse automobile remonteront au créneau quand on verra ces mêmes exilés à Calais.


      #réfugiés_européens #européens_de_culture #culture #vrais_réfugiés

    • For Ukraine’s Refugees, Europe Opens Doors That Were Shut to Others

      Thousands of Ukrainians will end up in countries led by nationalist governments that have been reluctant to welcome refugees in the past.

      Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has pushed tens of thousands of people out of their homes and fleeing across borders to escape violence. But unlike the refugees who have flooded Europe in crises over the past decade, they are being welcomed.

      Countries that have for years resisted taking in refugees from wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan are now opening their doors to Ukrainians as Russian forces carry out a nationwide military assault. Perhaps 100,000 Ukrainians already have left their homes, according to United Nations estimates, and at least half of them have crowded onto trains, jammed highways or walked to get across their country’s borders in what officials warn could become the world’s next refugee crisis.

      U.N. and American officials described their concerted diplomatic push for Ukraine’s neighbors and other European nations to respond to the outpouring of need. President Biden “is certainly prepared” to accept refugees from Ukraine, Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, said on Thursday, but she noted that the majority of them would probably choose to remain in Europe so they could more easily return home once the fighting ended.

      “Heartfelt thanks to the governments and people of countries keeping their borders open and welcoming refugees,” said Filippo Grandi, the head of the U.N. refugee agency. He warned that “many more” Ukrainians were moving toward the borders.

      That means thousands will end up in countries led by nationalist governments that in past crises have been reluctant to welcome refugees or even blocked them.

      In Poland, government officials assisted by American soldiers and diplomats have set up processing centers for Ukrainians. “Anyone fleeing from bombs, from Russian rifles, can count on the support of the Polish state,” the Polish interior minister, Mariusz Kaminski, told reporters on Thursday. His government is spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a border wall, a project it began after refugees and migrants from the Middle East tried to reach the country last year but ended up marooned in neighboring Belarus.

      The military in Hungary is allowing in Ukrainians through sections of the border that had been closed. Hungary’s hard-line prime minister, Viktor Orban, has previously called refugees a threat to his country, and his government has been accused of caging and starving them.

      Farther West, Chancellor Karl Nehammer of Austria said that “of course we will take in refugees if necessary” in light of the crisis in Ukraine. As recently as last fall, when he was serving as interior minister, Mr. Nehammer sought to block some Afghans seeking refuge after the Taliban overthrew the government in Kabul.
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      “It’s different in Ukraine than in countries like Afghanistan,” he was quoted as saying during an interview on a national TV program. “We’re talking about neighborhood help.”

      Mr. Nehammer also said the number of Ukrainians seeking help was expected to be relatively small. At least 1.3 million people — mostly from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan — applied for asylum in Europe in 2015 during what was widely regarded as the worst refugee crisis since World War II, stretching national budgets and creating a backlash of political nativism in countries across the continent.

      Some estimates project that at least one million refugees will flee Ukraine because of the Russian invasion. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said this past week that the fighting could uproot as many as five million people, “putting pressure on Ukraine’s neighbors.”

      Diplomats and experts said European states that are willing to take in Ukrainians might be trying, in part, to highlight Russian aggressions against civilians by offering a humanitarian response. “If you think of causing the refugee crisis as one of Putin’s tools to destabilize the West, then a calm, efficient, orderly response is a really good rebuke to that,” said Serena Parekh, a professor at Northeastern University in Boston and the director of its politics, philosophy and economics program.

      “On the other hand,” said Ms. Parekh, who has written extensively about refugees, “it’s hard not to see that Ukrainians are white, mostly Christian and Europeans. And so in a sense, the xenophobia that’s really arisen in the last 10 years, particularly after 2015, is not at play in this crisis in the way that it has been for refugees coming from the Middle East and from Africa.”

      The Biden administration is also facing calls to take in Ukrainian refugees, much in the way it gave residency or humanitarian parole to more than 75,000 Afghans when the Taliban seized power in August.

      It is unlikely, at the moment at least, that the United States would offer a humanitarian parole program for Ukrainians that goes above what is currently allowed for the total number of refugee admissions for the current fiscal year. That number is capped at 125,000 this year — including 10,000 refugees from Europe and Central Asia. The guidelines set aside another 10,000 slots for refugees from any part of the world, as regional emergencies warrant.

      Ms. Psaki did not comment when asked by a reporter whether the administration would offer temporary residency protections, a program known as T.P.S., to Ukrainian students, workers and others who are in the United States to ensure they are not deported when their legal visas expire.

      “The war in Ukraine is exactly the type of crisis T.P.S. was created for — to allow people to live and work in the United States when they are unable to return home safely,” Senator Bob Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey and the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, said on Thursday night.

      Ms. Psaki said the United States had sent an estimated $52 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine over the last year to help people, mostly in the eastern Donbas region, where the current war began as a slow-burn conflict between Ukraine’s military and Russian-backed separatists in 2014. Nearly 1.5 million people had been forced from their homes by the fighting even before the invasion this past week.

      Additionally, the U.S. Agency for International Development sent a team of disaster experts to Poland in the past week to assess demand for aid to the region — including water, food, shelter, medicine and other supplies — and to coordinate its delivery. Hours after the invasion began, the United Nations announced it would divert $20 million in emergency funds for humanitarian assistance to Ukrainians, mostly to the Donbas region.

      A European diplomat who is closely watching the refugee flow from Ukraine said neighboring nations might also feel the pull of history in welcoming people in danger as a direct result of Russia’s aggressions. A Soviet crackdown on a Hungarian uprising in 1956, for example, resulted in 200,000 refugees, most of whom fled to Austria before they were settled in dozens of countries across Europe. Between 80,000 and 100,000 people — and perhaps even more than that — left what was then Czechoslovakia to escape a Soviet invasion in 1968 that was launched to silence pro-democracy Prague Spring protests.

      In both cases, the United States sent aid to help European countries settle refugees and, in the Hungarian crisis, “in a matter of months, there were no more refugees — they had been found a permanent home,” Ms. Parekh said.

      That was largely the result of the United States working with European states to resettle the Hungarians, she said, calling the effort “an exception, historically.”

      “It was a similar thing — people fleeing our Russian enemy — that motivated us,” she said.


      #fermeture_des_frontières #ouverture_des_frontières #frontières

    • Deserving and undeserving refugees ...

      On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Appearing on television from an undisclosed location, Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, warned the world that Vladimir Putin was attacking not only his country, but waging “a war against Europe.”

      Following the all-out invasion of Ukraine by land, air and sea, Ukrainians began fleeing their homes in the eastern part of the country. Most were headed to other parts of Ukraine, while others began to trickle across international borders into Poland and other Central European countries. It is hard to predict how many of the 44 million Ukrainians will seek refugee outside the borders of their country.

      When refugees flee, we watch who offers safe haven and assistance.

      Hours after the Russian attack on Ukraine, the Bureau for Foreigners’ Affairs in the Polish Ministry of Interior set up a website, in Polish and in Ukrainian, offering information on available assistance to Ukrainian refugees. The website provides legal information on how to launch an asylum claim and regularize one’s stay in Poland. It also provides scannable QR codes for eight reception centers near crossing points on the 500-kilometer Polish-Ukrainian border. Adam Niedzielski, the Polish Health Minister, said Poland will set up a special medical train to ferry injured people to 120 Polish hospitals. “We think that at this moment it would be possible to accept several thousand patients — wounded in military actions,” he told Politico.

      Poland has even made an exception for Ukrainians evacuating with their pets. The Chief Veterinarian of Poland has eased restrictions on dogs and cats crossing the Polish border.

      Don’t get me wrong, I think Ukrainians (and their pets) should receive as much assistance as they need, but the irony of this immediate offer to help, extended by the Polish government and the rest of the Visegrád 4, is not lost on me.

      The Ukrainian refugees are white, European, and Christian. They are the “deserving refugees.”

      Slovakia’s Prime Minister explicitly stated that everyone fleeing the war deserves help according to international law. The Visegrád group’s position was quite different following the “refugee crisis” of 2015.

      The Polish government led by the nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) party refused to take part in the EU efforts to relocate and resettle asylum seekers arriving in other member countries. Hungary recruited border hunters and erected barbed wire fence along its border with Serbia. On September 16, 2016, the V4 issued a joint statement expressing concern about the decreasing sense of security resulting from the arrival of Muslim refugees from war-torn Syria; vowing to cooperate with third countries to protect borders, and calling for “flexible solidarity.”

      I am glad that Poland, my country of birth, wants to extend a helping hand to Ukrainians fleeing war and accept as many as one million refugees if necessary.

      At the same time, I cannot forget the Afghans and Syrians at the Polish-Belarusian border, dying in the cold winter forest in an attempt to cross into Poland to launch an asylum claim. They are kept at arm’s length. Because they are Muslim, the Polish government sees them as a security threat. Citing danger to Polish citizens living in the borderlands, on September 2, 2021, the President of Poland declared a state of emergency in 15 localities in the Podlasie Province and 68 localities in the Lublin Province.

      These brown and non-Christian asylum seekers are apparently not the deserving ones.


    • Propositions d’accorder une #protection_temporaire aux réfugiés urkainiens de la part des pays de l’UE :

      While a proposal to activate the 2001 #Temporary_Protection_Directive for Ukrainians fleeing the country was “broadly welcomed” by the ministers during their extraordinary meeting on Sunday (27 February), a formal decision will only be made on Thursday, EU Home Affairs and Migration Commissioner Ylva Johansson said after the talks.
      The exceptional measure, which has never been activated before, is meant to deal with situations where the standard asylum system risks being overburdened due to a mass influx of refugees.


    • [Thread] Here is a collection of most racist coverage of #Russia's attack on #Ukraine. We are being told who deserves war, missiles, & who looks like a good refugee.
      This only serves to mislead viewers & decontextualise conflicts. Hypocrisy & its randomness..


    • Réfugiés ukrainiens : l’indignité derrière la solidarité

      Pour justifier leur soudain élan d’humanité, certains éditorialistes et responsables politiques n’ont rien trouvé de mieux que de distinguer les bons et les mauvais réfugiés. Ils convoquent leur « ressemblance » avec les Ukrainiens, mais n’expriment rien d’autre que leur racisme.

      Pour justifier leur soudain élan d’humanité, certains éditorialistes et responsables politiques n’ont rien trouvé de mieux que de distinguer les bons et les mauvais réfugiés. Ils convoquent leur « ressemblance » avec les Ukrainiens, mais n’expriment rien d’autre que leur racisme.

      « L’hypocrisie, toujours la même. » Cédric Herrou n’a pas caché son écœurement en découvrant le message posté, samedi dernier, par le maire de Breil-sur-Roya (Alpes-Maritimes) en solidarité avec la population ukrainienne. « Le même maire qui a fait sa campagne électorale contre l’accueil que nous avions fait pour d’autres populations victimes de guerres. Seule différence, ces populations étaient noires », a réagi l’agriculteur, l’un des symboles de l’aide aux migrants, grâce auquel la valeur constitutionnelle du principe de fraternité a été consacrée en 2018.

      Un principe qui se rappelle depuis quelques jours au souvenir de nombreuses personnes qui semblaient l’avoir oublié, trop occupées qu’elles étaient à se faire une place dans un débat public gangréné par le racisme et la xénophobie. Il y a deux semaines, lorsque la guerre russe était un spectre lointain et que la campagne présidentielle s’accrochait aux seules antiennes d’extrême droite, rares étaient celles à souligner que la solidarité n’est pas une insulte et qu’elle ne constitue aucun danger.

      Les mêmes qui jonglaient avec les fantasmes du « grand remplacement » et agitaient les questions migratoires au rythme des peurs françaises expliquent aujourd’hui que l’accueil des réfugiés ukrainiens en France est un principe qui ne se discute pas. À l’exception d’Éric Zemmour, dont la nature profonde – au sens caverneux du terme – ne fait plus aucun mystère, la plupart des candidat·es à la présidentielle se sont prononcé·es en faveur de cet accueil, à quelques nuances près sur ses conditions.

      Mais parce que le climat politique ne serait pas le même sans ce petit relent nauséabond qui empoisonne toute discussion, des responsables politiques et des éditorialistes se sont fourvoyés dans des explications consternantes, distinguant les réfugiés de l’Est de ceux qui viennent du Sud et du Moyen-Orient. Ceux auxquels ils arrivent à s’identifier et les autres. Ceux qui méritent d’être aidés et les autres. Les bons et les mauvais réfugiés, en somme.

      Ainsi a-t-on entendu un éditorialiste de BFMTV expliquer que cette fois-ci, « il y a un geste humanitaire immédiat, évident [...] parce que ce sont des Européens de culture » et qu’« on est avec une population qui est très proche, très voisine », quand un autre soulignait qu’« on ne parle pas là de Syriens qui fuient les bombardements du régime syrien [mais] d’Européens qui partent dans leurs voitures qui ressemblent à nos voitures, qui prennent la route et qui essaient de sauver leur vie, quoi ! »

      Dès le 25 février, sur Europe 1, le député MoDem Jean-Louis Bourlanges, qui n’occupe rien de moins que la présidence de la commission des affaires étrangères de l’Assemblée nationale, avait quant à lui indiqué qu’il fallait « prévoir un flux migratoire ». Mais attention : « ce sera sans doute une immigration de grande qualité », avait-il pris soin de préciser, évoquant « des intellectuels, et pas seulement ». Bref, « une immigration de grande qualité dont on pourra tirer profit ».

      Ces propos ont suscité de vives réactions que l’éditorialiste de BFMTV et l’élu centriste ont balayées avec la mauvaise foi des faux crédules mais vrais politiciens, le premier les renvoyant à « la gauche “wokiste” » – un désormais classique du genre –, le deuxième à « l’extrême gauche » – plus classique encore, éculé même. « Il faut avoir un esprit particulièrement tordu pour y voir une offense à l’égard de quiconque », a ajouté Jean-Louis Bourlanges, aux confins du « on ne peut plus rien dire ».

      C’est vrai enfin, s’indignerait-on aux « Grandes Gueules », « c’est pas du racisme, c’est la loi de la proximité ». D’ailleurs, le même type de commentaire a fleuri dans des médias étrangers, tels CBS News, Al Jazzeera, la BBC ou The Telegraph, comme autant de « sous-entendus orientalistes et racistes » condamnés par l’Association des journalistes arabes et du Moyen-Orient (Ameja). Preuve, s’il en fallait, que le racisme – pardon, « la loi de proximité » – n’est pas une exception française.

      Suivant la directive d’Emmanuel Macron qui a confirmé que « la France prendra sa part » dans l’accueil des réfugiés ukrainiens, le gouvernement multiplie lui aussi les communications depuis quelques jours, le plus souvent par la voix du ministre de l’intérieur. Ces réfugiés « sont les bienvenus en France » a ainsi déclaré Gérald Darmanin lundi, avant d’appeler « tous les élus […] à mettre en place un dispositif d’accueil » et à « remonter, les associations, les lieux d’hébergement au préfet ».

      Dans le même élan de solidarité, la SNCF a annoncé que les réfugiés ukrainiens pourraient désormais « circuler gratuitement en France à bord des TGV et Intercités ». « Belle initiative de la SNCF mais je rêve d’une solidarité internationale étendue à TOUS les réfugiés, qu’ils fuient la guerre en Ukraine ou des conflits armés en Afrique ou encore au Moyen-Orient. Les réfugiés ont été et sont encore trop souvent refoulés et maltraités », a réagi la présidente d’Amnesty International France, Cécile Coudriou.

      Car au risque de sombrer dans le « wokisme » – ça ne veut rien dire, mais c’est le propre des appellations fourre-tout –, on ne peut s’empêcher de noter que ces initiatives, plus que nécessaires, tranchent singulièrement avec les politiques à l’œuvre depuis des années au détriment des exilé·es : l’absence de dispositif d’accueil digne de ce nom ; le harcèlement quasi quotidien de la part des forces de l’ordre, qui lacèrent des tentes, s’emparent des quelques biens, empêchent les distributions de nourriture ; le renforcement permanent des mesures répressives…

      Or comme l’écrivait récemment la sociologue et écrivaine Kaoutar Harchi, « un accueil digne, une aide sans condition, un accès immédiat à des repas, à des soins, à des logements, un soutien psychologique, devraient être accordés à toute personne qui est en France et qui souffre. Mais c’est sans compter le racisme qui distribue l’humanité et l’inhumanité ». C’est bien lui qui se profile aujourd’hui derrière la solidarité retrouvée de certain·es.

      Le 16 août 2021, alors que les images d’Afghans s’accrochant au fuselage d’avions pour fuir l’avancée des talibans faisaient le tour du monde, Emmanuel Macron déclarait : « L’Afghanistan aura aussi besoin dans les temps qui viennent de ses forces vives et l’Europe ne peut pas à elle seule assumer les conséquences de la situation actuelle. Nous devons anticiper et nous protéger contre les flux migratoires irréguliers importants. » Imagine-t-on cette phrase prononcée dans le contexte actuel ? La réponse est évidemment non. Et son corollaire fait honte.


    • They are ‘civilised’ and ‘look like us’: the racist coverage of Ukraine

      Are Ukrainians more deserving of sympathy than Afghans and Iraqis? Many seem to think so

      While on air, CBS News senior foreign correspondent Charlie D’Agata stated last week that Ukraine “isn’t a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan, that has seen conflict raging for decades. This is a relatively civilized, relatively European – I have to choose those words carefully, too – city, one where you wouldn’t expect that, or hope that it’s going to happen”.

      If this is D’Agata choosing his words carefully, I shudder to think about his impromptu utterances. After all, by describing Ukraine as “civilized”, isn’t he really telling us that Ukrainians, unlike Afghans and Iraqis, are more deserving of our sympathy than Iraqis or Afghans?

      Righteous outrage immediately mounted online, as it should have in this case, and the veteran correspondent quickly apologized, but since Russia began its large-scale invasion on 24 February, D’Agata has hardly been the only journalist to see the plight of Ukrainians in decidedly chauvinistic terms.

      The BBC interviewed a former deputy prosecutor general of Ukraine, who told the network: “It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blond hair … being killed every day.” Rather than question or challenge the comment, the BBC host flatly replied, “I understand and respect the emotion.” On France’s BFM TV, journalist Phillipe Corbé stated this about Ukraine: “We’re not talking here about Syrians fleeing the bombing of the Syrian regime backed by Putin. We’re talking about Europeans leaving in cars that look like ours to save their lives.”

      In other words, not only do Ukrainians look like “us”; even their cars look like “our” cars. And that trite observation is seriously being trotted out as a reason for why we should care about Ukrainians.

      There’s more, unfortunately. An ITV journalist reporting from Poland said: “Now the unthinkable has happened to them. And this is not a developing, third world nation. This is Europe!” As if war is always and forever an ordinary routine limited to developing, third world nations. (By the way, there’s also been a hot war in Ukraine since 2014. Also, the first world war and second world war.) Referring to refugee seekers, an Al Jazeera anchor chimed in with this: “Looking at them, the way they are dressed, these are prosperous … I’m loath to use the expression … middle-class people. These are not obviously refugees looking to get away from areas in the Middle East that are still in a big state of war. These are not people trying to get away from areas in North Africa. They look like any.” Apparently looking “middle class” equals “the European family living next door”.

      And writing in the Telegraph, Daniel Hannan explained: “They seem so like us. That is what makes it so shocking. Ukraine is a European country. Its people watch Netflix and have Instagram accounts, vote in free elections and read uncensored newspapers. War is no longer something visited upon impoverished and remote populations.”

      What all these petty, superficial differences – from owning cars and clothes to having Netflix and Instagram accounts – add up to is not real human solidarity for an oppressed people. In fact, it’s the opposite. It’s tribalism. These comments point to a pernicious racism that permeates today’s war coverage and seeps into its fabric like a stain that won’t go away. The implication is clear: war is a natural state for people of color, while white people naturally gravitate toward peace.

      It’s not just me who found these clips disturbing. The US-based Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association was also deeply troubled by the coverage, recently issuing a statement on the matter: “Ameja condemns and categorically rejects orientalist and racist implications that any population or country is ‘uncivilized’ or bears economic factors that make it worthy of conflict,” reads the statement. “This type of commentary reflects the pervasive mentality in western journalism of normalizing tragedy in parts of the world such as the Middle East, Africa, south Asia, and Latin America.” Such coverage, the report correctly noted, “dehumanizes and renders their experience with war as somehow normal and expected”.

      More troubling still is that this kind of slanted and racist media coverage extends beyond our screens and newspapers and easily bleeds and blends into our politics. Consider how Ukraine’s neighbors are now opening their doors to refugee flows, after demonizing and abusing refugees, especially Muslim and African refugees, for years. “Anyone fleeing from bombs, from Russian rifles, can count on the support of the Polish state,” the Polish interior minister, Mariusz Kaminski, recently stated. Meanwhile, however, Nigeria has complained that African students are being obstructed within Ukraine from reaching Polish border crossings; some have also encountered problems on the Polish side of the frontier.

      In Austria, Chancellor Karl Nehammer stated that “of course we will take in refugees, if necessary”. Meanwhile, just last fall and in his then-role as interior minister, Nehammer was known as a hardliner against resettling Afghan refugees in Austria and as a politician who insisted on Austria’s right to forcibly deport rejected Afghan asylum seekers, even if that meant returning them to the Taliban. “It’s different in Ukraine than in countries like Afghanistan,” he told Austrian TV. “We’re talking about neighborhood help.”

      Yes, that makes sense, you might say. Neighbor helping neighbor. But what these journalists and politicians all seem to want to miss is that the very concept of providing refuge is not and should not be based on factors such as physical proximity or skin color, and for a very good reason. If our sympathy is activated only for welcoming people who look like us or pray like us, then we are doomed to replicate the very sort of narrow, ignorant nationalism that war promotes in the first place.

      The idea of granting asylum, of providing someone with a life free from political persecution, must never be founded on anything but helping innocent people who need protection. That’s where the core principle of asylum is located. Today, Ukrainians are living under a credible threat of violence and death coming directly from Russia’s criminal invasion, and we absolutely should be providing Ukrainians with life-saving security wherever and whenever we can. (Though let’s also recognize that it’s always easier to provide asylum to people who are victims of another’s aggression rather than of our own policies.)

      But if we decide to help Ukrainians in their desperate time of need because they happen to look like “us” or dress like “us” or pray like “us,” or if we reserve our help exclusively for them while denying the same help to others, then we have not only chosen the wrong reasons to support another human being. We have also, and I’m choosing these words carefully, shown ourselves as giving up on civilization and opting for barbarism instead.


    • Guerre en Ukraine : « Nos » réfugiés d’abord ?

      Il est humainement inacceptable que l’Europe et la Belgique fassent une distinction entre des réfugiés qui fuient la guerre depuis un pays du continent européen et les autres.

      Bonne nouvelle : le secrétaire d’Etat à l’Asile et à la Migration Sammy Mahdi met tout en œuvre pour accueillir dans notre pays le plus grand nombre possible de personnes fuyant l’Ukraine. Elles peuvent compter sur une protection automatique d’un an, extensible à trois ans si nécessaire. Cet accord (européen) inconditionnel, sans procédure d’asile, est unique et sans précédent. Mais sur quoi se base-t-il ?

      « Nous avons le devoir moral d’aider et de faire preuve de solidarité », a déclaré le secrétaire d’État dans De Zevende Dag. « Nous ne devons pas tarder à mettre à disposition un refuge sûr. »

      Un demi-million d’Ukrainiens ont déjà fui le pays vers l’Europe, et six à sept millions d’autres pourraient suivre. Une telle réponse humaine et directe aux personnes qui fuient la guerre doit être saluée. Les personnes dont la vie est menacée par la guerre méritent un refuge sûr ailleurs, un statut légal et une aide de base pour survivre. En cela, l’hospitalité de Mahdi suit l’esprit de la Convention des Nations unies sur les réfugiés de 1951 et du Protocole de New York de 1967. C’est un geste logique et humain.
      Frontières sacrées

      Toutefois, le contraste est troublant avec la réaction européenne envers tant d’autres personnes démunies qui ont dû quitter des zones de conflit turbulentes et qui sont « accueillies » à nos frontières extérieures par de hauts murs, des barbelés et une surveillance numérique dans laquelle l’UE investit des milliards. Les mêmes ministres européens de la Migration qui accueillent aujourd’hui les Ukrainiens/nes à bras ouverts se tenaient à la frontière entre la Lituanie et la Biélorussie en janvier dernier, en contemplant le nouveau parapet de la forteresse Europe.

      Un mur similaire est actuellement en cours de construction entre la Pologne et la Biélorussie, pour un coût de 350 millions d’euros : 5,5 m de haut, 186 km de long. Sur Facebook, le Premier ministre polonais a posté : « La frontière polonaise n’est pas seulement une ligne sur une carte. La frontière est sainte – le sang polonais a été versé pour elle ! »

      C’est précisément sur cette frontière sacrée qu’au moins 19 personnes ont été retrouvées mortes (gelées) depuis le début des travaux : des personnes originaires du Yémen, d’Irak et du Nigeria.

      Apparemment, la souffrance est mesurable sur une échelle. Apparemment, comme l’écrit la philosophe Judith Butler, certaines vies méritent d’être pleurées tandis que d’autres peuvent être traquées, illégalisées, exploitées sur le marché du travail et laissées à la merci de la politique belge d’asile et de migration. Comme si un habitant de Kaboul avait moins de raisons humaines de fuir qu’un habitant de Kiev ? Comme si notre « devoir moral d’aider » était aussi un interrupteur que l’on peut allumer et éteindre à volonté ? Alors que sous l’ancien secrétaire d’État Theo Francken, un projet de loi autorisait la police à faire une simple descente chez tous ceux qui accueillent des personnes déplacées, le hashtag #PlekVrij (#EspaceLibre) appelle désormais les citoyens/nes à libérer des chambres pour les familles ukrainiennes. Il n’y a pas plus schizophrène que cela dans l’État belge.

      Trouvez les dix différences

      Une mère réfugiée avec son enfant et une mère réfugiée avec son enfant : cherchez les dix différences. La principale différence est claire : si la mère porte un foulard ou si l’enfant est moins blanc, on aurait moins envie de les laisser entrer. Plusieurs Ukrainiens/n.s et résidents/es en Ukraine noirs témoignent aujourd’hui sur les médias sociaux de la façon dont ils ont été arrêtés/es à la frontière polonaise, volés/es et abandonnés/es à leur sort. La conclusion évidente va à l’encontre de toute convention internationale : notre politique d’asile européenne et belge est discriminatoire sur la base de la couleur et de la religion. Nos réfugiés à nous passent avant tout le monde.

      La décision véhémente de Mahdi rappelle presque l’« opération de sauvetage » controversée et très sélective de 1.500 chrétiens syriens menée par Francken en 2015. En même temps, les Afghans/nes n’ont pas pu compter sur la solidarité de Mahdi sur Twitter lors de la prise du pouvoir par les talibans l’année dernière. À l’époque, il avait écrit, avec cinq collègues de l’UE, une autre lettre à la Commission européenne pour demander que les rapatriements forcés vers l’Afghanistan ne cessent pas : « L’arrêt des retours forcés envoie un mauvais signal et incite probablement encore plus de citoyens/nes afghans/nes à quitter leur foyer. »

      Ceux qui insinuent que fuir la guerre en Ukraine est en effet « quelque chose de différent » que de fuir un conflit armé en Afghanistan, doivent enfin invoquer le type de solidarité populaire historique que beaucoup méprisent aujourd’hui chez Poutine. Il s’agit d’une distinction peu différente de l’aryanisme latent dont un procureur ukrainien s’est fait l’écho sur la BBC : « Cette guerre est très émotionnelle pour moi parce que je vois maintenant des Européens aux yeux bleus et aux cheveux blonds se faire tuer. » (1) Dans l’Europe de 2022, même dans la mort, tout le monde n’est pas égal.

      Pensez aux 23.000 personnes qui sont mortes en Méditerranée depuis 2014 à cause du régime frontalier européen. Le nationalisme de la Russie et le continentisme de l’UE ont peut-être des visages différents, mais des conséquences mortelles similaires.

      Par conséquent, la préoccupation actuelle pour l’Ukraine ne devrait pas être une exception, mais devrait devenir la norme pour tous ceux qui sont contraints de quitter leur patrie. Tant que cette égalité n’est pas atteinte, le régime d’accueil spécial de l’Europe n’indique pas l’hospitalité, mais la suprématie blanche. Une fois de plus, ce statut spécial pour les Ukrainiens/nes confirme ce que 160 avocats/es belges spécialisés/es dans le droit de l’immigration ont dénoncé dans une lettre ouverte parue dans La Libre en décembre : notre politique de régularisation n’est que du vent.

      Devrons-nous donc espérer qu’à chaque crise, le secrétaire d’État se comporte en héros : « tel ou tel groupe a désormais droit à notre accueil temporaire et exceptionnel » ?

      Non, nous avons besoin de cadres juridiques équitables pour le long terme. Ce que l’État belge offre aujourd’hui, à juste titre, aux citoyens/nes ukrainiens/nes devrait s’appliquer à tout le monde : attention, confiance fondamentale, action rapide, absence d’ambiguïté. Si nous pouvons prendre en charge des millions de victimes de Poutine, nous devrions également être en mesure de garantir un avenir à quelques dizaines de milliers de concitoyens/nes sans papiers en Belgique. On dirait qu’il y a un #EspaceLibre.


    • Le vrai ou faux : les réfugiés ukrainiens sont-ils mieux accueillis que d’autres ?

      En plus d’une exemption de procédure, les réfugiés venant d’Ukraine bénéficient d’un effort d’accueil en décalage par rapport aux standards européens.
      Depuis des semaines, la Belgique laisse chaque jour une partie des demandeurs d’asile sur le carreau, sans prise en charge, renvoyant les déçus vers les réseaux d’accueil de sans-abrisme, voire les squats et la rue. L’Etat est en faute, il a été condamné pour cela. Mais le secrétaire d’Etat et son administration n’ont cessé d’assurer faire leur possible pour aménager de nouvelles places, ne pouvant cependant couvrir les besoins. Avec le déclenchement de la guerre en Ukraine et le mouvement de solidarité face aux déjà deux millions de réfugiés boutés hors du pays, 24.000 places d’accueil ont été mises à disposition en quelques jours par les communes et les particuliers pour accueillir les réfugiés en Belgique. Le système est encore boiteux, mais la mobilisation est là. Les élus tonnent au Parlement et sur les réseaux sociaux : il n’est pas question de laisser un Ukrainien sans toit. Et Theo Francken (N-VA) de surenchérir : un toit ne suffit pas, il faut penser à l’accompagnement psychologique des personnes traumatisées par la guerre. Voilà des années pourtant que les associations alertent sur l’indigence de la prise en charge psychologique des réfugiés, sans trouver d’écho.

      L’Union européenne est-elle en train de formaliser un double standard pour les réfugiés, avec des Ukrainiens bénéficiant d’un statut automatique et des Erythréens, Syriens, Afghans soumis à une procédure d’asile longue et souvent douloureuse ? Oui. Y a-t-il lieu de s’en offusquer ? Tout dépend de ce dont on parle.

      L’activation de la protection temporaire qui octroie automatiquement une série de droits aux ressortissants ukrainiens ayant quitté le pays depuis le début du conflit a été unanimement saluée, tout comme l’élan de solidarité qui l’accompagne dans les pays européens. La question qui se pose depuis est plutôt de savoir pourquoi elle n’avait jamais été appliquée jusqu’à maintenant ? Qu’il s’agisse des déplacements de populations provoqués par les printemps arabes (en Tunisie, en Libye) ou la guerre en Syrie, les occasions n’ont pas manqué depuis sa création en 2001.

      Meltem Ineli Ciger a passé près de sept ans de sa vie à étudier la question. Pour sa thèse, à l’université de Bristol, puis à l’occasion de diverses publications jusqu’en 2018. De quoi construire une solide analyse expliquant pourquoi la directive est de facto inapplicable : maladresse dans la définition des termes et conditions, mécanisme d’activation trop complexe, défaut de solidarité structurel… Il n’aura fallu que quelques jours pour envoyer son travail à la poubelle (ou pas loin). « Comme j’ai pu avoir tort », relève non sans humour et amertume la juriste turque dans une note de blog du réseau Odysseus, spécialisé dans le droit européen de la migration. « Les événements de ces deux dernières semaines montrent une chose : les raisons que j’avais identifiées au fil des ans se réduisent à une réflexion : la directive protection temporaire n’a pas été implémentée avant 2022 parce que la Commission et le Conseil n’avaient simplement pas la volonté politique de le faire. »

      Un flux massif et inédit

      La chercheuse, aujourd’hui professeur assistante à l’université Suleyman Demirel, en Turquie, a donc revu sa copie, dressant des constats que rejoignent les différents experts contactés.

      D’abord, le caractère massif et inédit des flux de réfugiés ukrainiens. Même si les grands mouvements d’asile de 2015-2016 ont amené plus de 2 millions de personnes dans l’Union européenne, les flux se sont répartis sur deux ans. Et les Syriens, qui auraient pu prétendre à une protection automatique, ne représentaient qu’un gros quart des demandeurs. Une pression jugée absorbable par le système classique d’asile. Ici, deux millions de personnes ont traversé les frontières en 12 jours. Impossible de mener des évaluations individuelles détaillées sans provoquer des engorgements dramatiques, que ce soit à la frontière ou dans les pays d’arrivée où le système d’asile est parfois déjà en état de saturation (comme en Belgique). Surtout qu’il n’y a pas de débat quant à savoir les personnes déplacées ont besoin de protection.

      L’autre facteur, c’est la crainte de l’appel d’air, qui a jusque-là systématiquement retenu les Etats membres. « L’enjeu, c’est l’hinterland », souligne Jean-Louis De Brouwer (Institut Egmont), qui a participé à la création de la directive. « Quand il y a la crise en Syrie ou en Afghanistan, les réfugiés vont traverser de vastes territoires qui peuvent être des pays de premier accueil. La réaction systématique et immédiate de l’Union européenne, c’est de dire : on va aider les pays limitrophes. La crainte étant qu’en activant un statut perçu comme potentiellement trop généreux tout le monde veuille venir en Europe. » Une forme de solidarité a minima qui s’accompagne d’un travail de sécurisation de la frontière via des accords avec des pays tiers d’accueil ou de transit (comme la Turquie, le Niger ou la Libye), des entraves (barbelés, murs), voire des opérations de refoulement illégales. « Ici, il n’est pas question d’appel d’air : quand les réfugiés franchissent la frontière, ils sont sur le territoire européen. »
      Une empathie sélective

      Enfin, les Ukrainiens sont européens (eux). Les médias n’ont pas tardé à rapporter les dérapages d’hommes politiques ou journalistes qualifiant cette population réfugiée d’inhabituelle car « éduquée » et issue de régions « civilisées », signes d’une empathie sélective reposant parfois sur des biais douteux. Sans parler des discriminations des étudiants étrangers, notamment nigérians, bloqués à la frontière polonaise.

      Une des rares modifications apportée par les Etats membres à la proposition de la Commission pour activer la directive a été d’exclure du mécanisme les ressortissants de pays tiers sans résidence permanente (les étudiants et les demandeurs d’asile par exemple). Et parce que les Ukrainiens sont européens, les Etats membres ont totalement renversé les paradigmes cadrant normalement les questions d’asile : les réfugiés sont ici invités à s’installer dans le pays de leur choix. La solidarité européenne se construira à partir de cette répartition spontanée et non en vertu de règles définissant des pays (frontaliers) responsables. Si cette approche résulte d’un certain pragmatisme (les Ukrainiens n’ont pas d’obligation de visa et peuvent se déplacer librement pendant 90 jours), elle est encouragée et présentée très positivement par la Commission. A 180 degrés des discours portés ces dernières années concernant les demandeurs d’asile, bloqués par le carcan d’une procédure Dublin (*) que tout le monde reconnaît pourtant comme inefficace et coûteuse.

      A vrai dire, l’enjeu du double standard devrait peser surtout dans les mois qui viennent, à supposer que le conflit en Ukraine se poursuive. La protection temporaire et le statut de réfugié ouvrent des droits assez similaires (séjour, accès au marché du travail, aux droits sociaux…). Il s’agira donc de voir si les dispositifs déployer pour aider et accueillir les Ukrainiens – pour l’accès au logement, au travail, à l’apprentissage de la langue – sans laisser sur la touche les autres réfugiés, voire les populations européennes précarisées


      #double_standard #empathie_sélective

    • #Grèce : Πραγματική προσφυγική πολιτική μόνο για Ουκρανούς

      Une véritable politique des réfugiés uniquement pour les Ukrainiens

      Πολλοί από τους χιλιάδες Ουκρανούς πρόσφυγες που έφτασαν στην Ελλάδα δεν έχουν χαρτιά, αλλά κανείς δεν διανοήθηκε να τους πει « παράνομους » ή « λαθραίους », να τους χαρακτηρίσει « υγειονομική απειλή » λόγω της πανδημίας, να μιλήσει για απειλή στην εδαφική ακεραιότητα, να υπαινιχθεί αλλοίωση του εθνικού μας πολιτισμού, να επισημάνει ανυπέρβλητες γλωσσικές και πολιτισμικές διαφορές που εμποδίζουν την ένταξή τους στην ελληνική κοινωνία, να εκφράσει φόβο για αύξηση της εγκληματικότητας ή να υπαινιχθεί ότι θα μας πάρουν τις δουλειές.

      Μέσα σε μια νύχτα τα κλειστά σύνορα άνοιξαν και δημιουργήθηκε ασφαλής και νόμιμη διαδρομή μέσω του Προμαχώνα, όπου οι πρόσφυγες υποβάλλουν αίτημα για ταξιδιωτικά έγγραφα. Το υπουργείο Μετανάστευσης και Ασύλου διαθέτει άμεσα χώρο στέγασης και σίτιση και ο κ. Μηταράκης, που μέχρι πρόσφατα ανακοίνωνε κλείσιμο δομών και εξώσεις, τώρα επιθεωρεί δομές της βόρειας Ελλάδας που ξαναγεμίζουν. Η υπηρεσία Ασύλου, κλειστή από τον Νοέμβριο για χιλιάδες νεοεισερχόμενους πρόσφυγες της ενδοχώρας που δεν μπορούν να ζητήσουν άσυλο, ανοίγει ξαφνικά για να δεχτεί τα αιτήματα των Ουκρανών για προσωρινή προστασία.

      Οι αρχές προαναγγέλλουν άμεση έκδοση ΑΜΚΑ και ΑΦΜ και γρήγορη πρόσβαση στην αγορά εργασίας, ενώ το υπουργείο Παιδείας απλοποιεί την εγγραφή των Ουκρανών προσφυγόπουλων στα σχολεία, που έχει ήδη αρχίσει. Μέσα σε λίγες μέρες το κράτος μοιάζει ξαφνικά με καλολαδωμένη μηχανή που λύνει προβλήματα αντί να βάζει εμπόδια. Η νέα κανονικότητα που δημιουργεί στο προσφυγικό η ρωσική εισβολή στην Ουκρανία είναι επιθυμητή και καλοδεχούμενη. Αναδεικνύει όμως τη βαθιά υποκρισία της ευρωπαϊκής και ελληνικής αντιπροσφυγικής πολιτικής των τελευταίων χρόνων, που εξακολουθεί να θεωρείται κανονικότητα για τους πρόσφυγες της Μέσης Ανατολής, της Ασίας και της Αφρικής, είναι όμως πια απογυμνωμένη από προφάσεις, ψέματα και φαιδρά επιχειρήματα και φαίνεται καθαρά το αποκρουστικό πρόσωπο του ρατσισμού.


      commentaire de Vicky Skoumbi via la mailing-list de Migreurop :

      Miracle : L’accueil digne des réfugiés devient possible, même en Grèce, dans un laps de temps record ! Pourvu que ceux-ci sont blonds aux yeux bleus et qu’ils ne menacent pas le « mode de vie européen »...Quant aux autres, qu’ils crèvent frigorifiés sur un îlot d’Evros ou sous les flots

    • #Emmanuel_Macron :

      « Quand on a peur des phénomènes migratoires, je pense qu’il faut là aussi défendre notre ADN, c’est-à-dire notre devoir d’accueillir celles et ceux qui fuient un pays en guerre comme les Ukrainiennes et les Ukrainiens aujourd’hui, mais en même temps de savoir lutter contre l’immigration clandestine [ie non européenne - NdR]. C’est par cette clarté et cette exigence que, je pense, on peut répondre aux peurs et en même temps tenir une réponse républicaine »


    • Gli studenti ucraini arrivati in Italia dopo l’invasione potranno essere ammessi alle classi successive anche in mancanza dei requisiti necessari ed essere esonerati dagli esami di Stato

      Il ministro dell’Istruzione, Patrizio Bianchi, ha firmato un’ordinanza che prevede che gli studenti ucraini arrivati in Italia a seguito dell’invasione dell’Ucraina potranno essere ammessi alle classi successive anche in mancanza dei requisiti necessari e, se necessario, esonerati dagli esami di Stato. L’ordinanza riguarda i soli studenti ucraini iscritti alle scuole elementari, medie e superiori italiane a partire dallo scorso 24 febbraio, data d’inizio dell’invasione ucraina.

      Per gli studenti iscritti alle scuole superiori l’ordinanza prevede che, in mancanza dei requisiti necessari, si potrà essere ammessi all’anno successivo ma dovrà essere redatto un piano didattico individuale per raggiungere i livelli di apprendimento richiesti. Il piano dovrà essere predisposto tenendo conto dell’impatto psicologico della guerra e delle difficoltà che comporta l’apprendimento in un paese straniero.

      Per quanto riguarda gli esami di Stato, invece, l’ordinanza prevede la possibilità di esonero per gli studenti che si trovino nelle classi «terminali» (cioè terza media e quinta superiore) e non abbiano raggiunto i livelli linguistici e le competenze disciplinari necessarie a sostenerli: in questo caso, il consiglio di classe rilascerà un attestato di credito formativo, che nel caso degli studenti di terza media sarà sufficiente per iscriversi alle superiori, e nel caso degli studenti di quinta superiore per frequentare nuovamente la quinta.


      #étudiants #étudiants_ukrainiens #Italie

  • #Calais : communiqué « Nous ne nous laisserons pas faire ! »

    Depuis le vendredi 4 Février, nous occupons un bâtiment rue d’Ajaccio, inhabité depuis 1 an. Cette occupation est intervenue dans le cadre de la commémoraction, une journée de mobilisation internationale à l’initiative des familles et des proches des personnes décédées aux frontières pour dénoncer les politiques migratoires meurtrières du Royaume-Uni, de la France et de […]

    #ouverture #Rue_d'Ajaccio #sans-papiers

  • #Calais : communiqué de Calais logement pour toustes

    Un toit c’est un droit, même à Calais. Nous sommes un groupe de personnes de différents pays qui se battent pour le droit de chacun et chacune à un logement digne et sûr. Nous occupons actuellement, depuis plus de 48 heures, certains des nombreux bâtiments de la ville de Calais qui restent vides et gaspillés […]

    #ouverture #sans-papiers

  • #Pantin (93) : #ouverture d’un nouveau squat au #12_rue_Candale

    Urgent / risque d’expulsion Des exilés occupent depuis mercredi 26 janvier 2022 un bâtiment, vide depuis plusieurs années, situé au 12 rue Candale, à Pantin. Ce collectif de Soudanais, Érythréens, Éthiopiens et Tchadiens, après avoir passé des semaines ou des mois à la rue à Paris, et après s’être fait expulser illégalement par la police […]

    #sans-papiers #Seine-Saint-Denis

  • #Thessalonique : rassemblement en solidarité avec les personnes arrêtées lors de l’expulsion de la nouvelle occupation.

    Au petit matin du mercredi 12 janvier à 5h45, une fois de plus, des flics cagoulés s’approchent de l’espace occupé le lundi 10 janvier en solidarité avec l’expulsion du steki dans le bâtiment de Biologie (expulsion qui a eu lieu le jour du nouvel an), alors qu’au même moment des véhicules de police sont garés […]

    #expulsion #Grèce #ouverture #prison #procès #steki_Biologica #Tameio #Terra_Incognita

  • St-Ouen (93) : #rassemblement de solidarité avec un nouveau squat de migrants

    Un collectif de migrants soudanais, érythréens, tchadiens, occupe depuis plusieurs jours un ancien garage à #Saint-Ouen. Cette cinquantaine de personnes dormaient ces derniers mois dans un camp de tentes près de Bercy (à Paris). Camp qui fut d’ailleurs l’objet d’une attaque raciste au sabre le 8 décembre dernier. Ces personnes se sont installées dans ce […]

    #29_rue_Émile_Cordon #ouverture #sans-papiers #Seine-Saint-Denis

  • #Londres : #ouverture d’un #Autonomous_Winter_Shelter dans un ancien centre d’hébergement St. Mungo’s

    Plus de 2688 personnes dormaient dans la rue à Londres chaque nuit en 2020. La température de nuit sera suffisamment froide pour causer l’hypothermie pendant 23 jours ce mois-ci. C’est 23 jours où il y a une réelle possibilité que quelqu’un qui dort dans la rue ne se réveille pas. Ça ne devrait pas se […]

    #Angleterre #Gray’s_Inn_Road

  • #Toulouse : nous continuerons à squatter vos maisons vides !

    La rentrée des squats 2021 n’a pas été de tout repos cette année à Toulouse. Les propriétaires, leur nervis, les flics et les journalistes à leurs bottes n’ont pas manqué d’imagination et ont utilisés tous les sales moyens à leur disposition pour défendre leur PROPRIETE PRIVEE. La propriété privée qui permet de laisser ou d’envoyer […]

    #83_avenue_de_Fronton #affaire_Roland #Bourrasol #expulsion #fachos #Izards #loi_ASAP #médias #ouverture #Saouzelong

  • #Wageningen : des étudiant-es squattent une maison destinée à la démolition

    Wageningen (Pays-Bas) – Un groupe d’étudiant-es a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’iels ont squatté une maison dans le centre ville. Pendant la crise du logement, iels ne veulent pas seulement y vivre, mais aussi créer un lieu culturel où les gens peuvent se rencontrer. Le bâtiment appartient à Zideris, un organisme de santé qui l’a laissé vide […]

    #ouverture #Pays-Bas

  • #Pertuis (84) : #ouverture de la #ZAP

    ZAP de Pertuis (84) – Communiqué de presse L’extension de la Zone d’activité commerciale de Pertuis (84) menace les terres agricoles avoisinantes, ainsi que les habitants locaux qui risquent l’expropriation. Afin d’empêcher ce projet néfaste, nous décidons d’habiter l’une des maisons destinées à être détruites, lançant ainsi la ZAP (Zone à patates) de Pertuis. Pertuis […]

  • #Montpellier : des nouvelles de la #ZAD_du_LIEN

    🏴‍☠️ Message de quelques-un·es, de la part de la ZAD du Lien. Suite à la tentative d’évacuation et aux interpellations du 4 novembre, nous sommes toujours là… des cabanes ont tenu, d’autres se terminent, et de nouvelles s’élèvent encore… ! Qu’importe les gardes à vue, les procès à venir, les auditions, les pertes matérielles et […]

    #arbres #ouverture

  • #Montreuil (93) : #ouverture de #La_Baudrière

    La Baudrière, squat féministe, trans/pédé/gouine, a ouvert jeudi 11 novembre 2021. Ce lieu sera à la fois un espace d’organisation politique anarchiste et autonome. Hier soir, dans la nuit du 16 au 17 novembre, des personnes ont arraché la banderole accrochée à la façade de la rue de la République. D’autres personnes sont entrées dans […]

    #féministes_&_queers #rassemblement #Seine-Saint-Denis

  • Brochure : « Toutes les portes s’ouvrent – Quelques techniques de squatteur·euses pour venir à bout des serrures »

    « Il y a plein de raisons de vouloir ouvrir une porte fermée, mais cette brochure a été pensée pour des ouvertures de squats ». Voici donc quelques techniques de squatteur·euses pour venir à bout des serrures. Sommaire : – De la porte au squat – Anatomie d’une serrure – Les techniques pour en venir à bout […]

    #ouverture #publication

  • #ouverture d’un nouveau squat à Gap

    C’est la Crémaillère à la Ferme ! En cette journée du samedi 30 octobre 2021 les habitants de la ferme située au 7 rue Tournefave à Gap ont le plaisir de vous annoncer sa pendaison de crémaillère, ce lieu est une petite ferme riche de potentialités pour des futurs projets, voila plusieurs jours que nous […]


  • #Amsterdam : Reprenons Mokum ! L’hôtel Marnix squatté pendant #ADEV

    Lors de la #manifestation ADEV (Amsterdam Danst Ergens Voor) du 16 octobre 2021, l’ancien #Hôtel_Marnix a été squatté sur la #Marnixstraat_382. Déclaration du groupe d’action Pak Mokum Terug : Amsterdam est en crise. Le logement est inabordable. Les personnes à faibles et moyens revenus sont chassées de la ville. Il n’y a pas de […]

    #Accord_sur_les_Espaces_Libres #Amsterdam_Danst_Ergens_Voor #gentrification #Hôtel_Mokum #ouverture #Pak_Mokum_Terug_ ! #Pays-Bas

  • #Villeurbanne : #ouverture et #expulsion d’un bâtiment de la Métropole pour les expulsé.es de Feyzin

    Appel à soutien – Suite à l’expulsion du squat de Feyzin et à celle du gymnase Clémenceau, plusieurs personnes se retrouvent toujours sans solution d’hébergement. C’est pourquoi nous avons décidé de réquisitionner un bâtiment vide de la Métropole situé au #116_rue_Dedieu à Villeurbanne. Depuis le week-end dernier, habitant.es et soutiens occupent un bâtiment […]

    #Lyon #sans-papiers

  • #Lyon : communiqué suite à l’expulsion du #116_rue_Dedieu et appel a rassemblement vendredi 1er octobre

    Le jeudi 16 septembre dernier, la préfecture a déployé un énorme dispositif policier pour expulser le squat de Feyzin où logeaient près de 250 personnes depuis environ deux ans. La préfecture n’avait « relogé » qu’une trentaine de personnes, dans un centre d’hébergement à Saint-Priest connu pour être l’un des plus vétustes de Lyon. Là-bas, […]

    #expulsion #ouverture #sans-papiers