• “These Thankless Deserts” - Winston Churchill and the Middle East : An Introduction
    Voici le point de vue de la société Winston Churchill. A noter : La Déclaration Balfour de 1917 était le résultat d’une intrigue de Dr. Chaim Weizmann

    Wikipedia nous informe que

    Dès 1903 Herzl avait obtenu une lettre officielle du Foreign Office déclarant que la Grande-Bretagne acceptait un accord sur la création d’une colonie juive sous administration juive, document que Yoram Hazony juge « surpassant même la Déclaration Balfour ».
    Hazony (2007), p. 180 : « Lord Landsdowne est prêt à envisager favorablement ... un projet dont les caractéristiques principales sont l’octroi d’un vaste territoire, la nomination d’un responsable juif à la tête de l’administration (ayant) carte blanche en matière d’administration municipale, religieuse et purement intérieure » (voir lettre de Sir Clement Hill (en) à Leopold Greenberg (en), 14 août 1903. Repris in Die Welt, 29 août 1903)..

    Churchill étant proche des sionistes travaillait depuis ce moment et jusqu’à la fin de sa vie en faveur de la colonisation juive d’une partie du territoire arabe sous mandat britannique. L’article contient quelques éléments qui ont pu le motiver à prendre cette position.

    10.7.2023 by David Freeman - Finest Hour 196, Second Quarter 2022

    During the First World War, the United Kingdom went to war against the Ottoman Empire, which had allied itself with the Central Powers of Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Ottoman Empire traced its origins and its name back to the thirteenth-century Turkish Sultan Osman I.

    Although once a great power controlling large sections of Europe, Africa, and Asia, the Ottoman Empire by the twentieth century had become known as the “sick man of Europe” and was much reduced in size. Nevertheless, the Turks still controlled nearly all of the lands of Arabia, including the Moslem Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina. For centuries, the office of Sultan had been combined with that of the Caliph, the spiritual leader of the Moslem world.

    All of this came to an end with Turkish defeat in the Great War. In 1915, the British attempted a quick thrust at the Ottoman capital of Constantinople (now known as Istanbul) with a plan strongly supported by First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill. The Dardanelles (or Gallipoli) campaign ended in failure. The British then turned to attacking the Turks from further out, along the frontiers of Arabia.

    In control of Egypt since 1882, the British used the ancient land to launch an offensive against Gaza, which lay in Turkish-controlled Palestine near the Sinai border with Egypt. At the same time, the British opened talks with Emir Hussein ibn Ali Al-Hashimi, the Sharif of Mecca. The Sharifate included Mecca and Medina, both located in the western regions of Arabia known as the Hejaz. Although an Arab, Hussein served the Turks, his title of Sharif indicating descent from the Prophet Mohammad.

    In 1916, the British induced Hussein to declare independence and establish himself as King of the Hejaz. In doing this, the British hoped to bring down the Ottoman Empire from within and minimize the resources they would need to commit to the region. The “Arab Revolt,” however, failed to attract the sort of support for which the British had been hoping.

    Much more powerful among the Arabs than Hussein was Abdul Aziz ibn Saud, the dominant chieftain in the Nejd, the large, barren region of eastern Arabia. Ibn Saud was much more concerned with defeating his chief rival in the Nejd than making war against the Turks. And so, in the end, the British had to do most of their own fighting in the Middle East, using forces from Britain, India, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.

    Hussein had several sons. Of these, the one who worked most closely with the British during the war was Feisal, known variously as “Emir Feisal” and, after his father proclaimed himself king, “Prince Feisal.” In return for Arab support, the British made ambiguous promises about supporting the creation after the war of independent states, including the region of Palestine, which was vaguely understood to be the land around the Jordan River.

    In the search for victory, however, the British also made promises in other directions. In 1916, Britain and France entered into an agreement that became known as the Sykes-Picot Treaty. The two imperial powers decided to carve up the Arab lands once the Turks were defeated. The French would take the northern regions of Syria and Lebanon, which might include Mosul and parts of Palestine, but which would definitely include Damascus. The British would take most of Palestine and Mesopotamia.

    In 1917, the British entered into yet another potentially conflicting agreement. Even before 1914, the World Zionist Congress had begun to establish new settlements in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jewish people. During the war, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, a naturalized British citizen and a research chemist, provided vital assistance to the war effort as Director of the British Admiralty Laboratories (see FH 195). Weizmann skillfully used his influence to induce the British government to issue the Balfour Declaration, a letter from Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild pledging support for the establishment “in Palestine for a national home for the Jewish people.”
    Churchill and the Middle East
    British map appended to 1921 Cabinet Memorandum showing proposed Mandates

    In the final year of the war, British forces made major progress against the Turks. Starting from Basra, at the head of the Persian Gulf, the British swept up the valley of Mesopotamia and captured Baghdad. Under the leadership of Gen. Sir Edmund Allenby, the British Army finally took Gaza and pushed through to Jerusalem. In the interior, meanwhile, Arab forces carried out a guerrilla campaign against the Turks, assisted to a degree by a young archaeologist turned intelligence officer turned commando, T. E. Lawrence (see FH 119).

    In the fall of 1918, the Ottoman Empire finally collapsed. Turkish forces remaining in Arabia hastily retreated, creating a vacuum. The Allies had not anticipated this, and Feisal seized the opportunity to establish himself in Damascus with the intention of ruling a new kingdom from the world’s oldest continually inhabited city. The French, however, insisted on their “rights” under the Sykes-Picot agreement, and the British had to acquiesce on the grounds that amity with the French was more important to the United Kingdom than amity with the Arabs.

    The French, however, were not to be altogether satisfied. President Wilson of the United States insisted that the Allies were to gain no territory from the defeated Central Powers. Instead the former colonies of Germany and Turkey would come under the authority of the League of Nations, which would assign the various territories to member states with a “mandate” to assist the native populations towards self-government. At least in theory, French and British authority in the Middle East was supposed to be only temporary.

    For the most part, the British were anxious to exit their mandates as soon as possible. British forces in Mesopotamia were made unwelcome by the locals, who were also bitterly divided against one another. Chaos prevailed, and British troops were regularly ambushed and killed in what Churchill called “these thankless deserts.” The cost of military operations became a primary concern to Churchill after the Armistice, when he became Secretary of State for War and was told by Prime Minister David Lloyd George that his paramount responsibility had to be reduction of expenditure.

    By 1920, Churchill came to believe that reducing military spending in the Middle East required the establishment of an Arab Department within the Colonial Office, which could work to settle the grievances of the Arabs and thereby reduce hostilities in the region. He lamented the price in blood and treasure that Britain was paying to be “midwife to an ungrateful volcano” (see FH 132). After Lloyd George agreed to Churchill’s proposal, the Prime Minister invited his War Secretary to move to the Colonial Office and supervise the settlement process himself.

    Churchill became Secretary of State for the Colonies early in 1921 and immediately called for a conference to take place in Cairo that March. Altogether forty key people involved with Britain’s Middle Eastern affairs gathered for what Churchill jestingly called a meeting of the “forty thieves.” Out of this emerged what became known as the “Sharifian” solution.

    Hussein would continue to be recognized as King of the Hejaz. His son Feisal, driven from Damascus by the French, would be set up in Baghdad as King of Iraq, as Mesopotamia was formally renamed. Palestine would be divided along the line of the Jordan. The eastern side, or “Trans-Jordania” (later shortened to Jordan), would become an Arab kingdom under Feisal’s elder brother Abdullah. Churchill argued that the advantage of this would be that pressure applied in any one of the three states would also be felt in the other two. Ibn Saud, to keep the peace, would be given a healthy subsidy by the British government.

    The western side of Palestine remained under British mandate authority so as to fulfill the pledge made by the Balfour Declaration. Although the Arabs of Palestine (i.e., the Palestinians) protested against this, Churchill curtly rejected their representations during a visit to Jerusalem after the Cairo Conference ended. Churchill did not foresee Jewish immigration overtaking the Palestinian population and naively believed that the two groups, along with Arab Christians, would work together to create a peaceful, prosperous, secular Palestinian state. Churchill was not always right.

    In June 1921, Churchill made a lengthy speech to the House of Commons in which he outlined his settlement and the reasons behind it (see p. 38). This would be the longest statement Churchill ever made about the Middle East and its peoples. Over the following year and a half, he supervised the implementation of the decisions made at Cairo and approved by Parliament. The process was not without incident—Feisal was in a precarious position in Baghdad and constrained to demonstrate his independence—but went generally according to plan before Churchill and his Liberal party were driven from power late in 1922.

    Churchill’s most dedicated period of involvement with the Middle East ended with his tenure at the Colonial Office, but he continued to monitor events. The short-lived Kingdom of Hejaz ended when it was overrun in 1924 by the forces of ibn Saud, who unified the region with the Nejd to create the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Hussein went into exile, later to be buried in Jerusalem. After returning to Parliament as a Conservative, Churchill remained a supporter of Zionism and strongly objected when the government of Neville Chamberlain acted to restrict Jewish immigration into Palestine, even as Nazi Germany was forcing Jews in Europe to flee for their lives.

    During the Second World War, the Middle East became a critical zone for the Allies. The Suez Canal linked Britain with India and the Antipodes, and Egypt was a base from which to fight the Axis powers directly when first Italy and then Germany began offensive operations in North Africa. As Prime Minister, Churchill travelled to Cairo several times during the war. In 1945 it was where he last met with President Roosevelt and first met with ibn Saud. After a cabal of pro-fascist army officers seized control of the government in Baghdad in 1941, Churchill supported a bold and successful move to reestablish an Iraqi government friendly to Britain.

    Although out of office when Israel declared independence in 1948, Churchill expressed the view to his old friend and fellow Zionist Leo Amery that it was “a big event…in history” and “all to the good that the result has come about by fighting” (see FH 178). It also pleased Churchill that Weizmann became the first President of Israel and that the nation’s leading technical university chose to name its auditorium for the former British Prime Minister who had supported Zionism at a crucial moment (see FH 195).

    One hundred years on, the decisions that Churchill made about the Middle East continue to affect the world today.

    #Grande_Bretagne #Empire_ottoman #Palestine #histoire #impérialisme #Déclaration_Balfour #Conférence_du_Caire_1943 #Égypte #Iraq #Mésopotamie #Moyen-Orient #Lawrence_d_Arabie #Israel

    • April 26, 2023
      Winston Churchill’s 1922 White Paper for Palestine
      Finest Hour 196, Second Quarter 2022
      Page 32 - By Sarah Reguer

      (...) At the end of 1921 Churchill did act on issues connected with the Palestine garrison, but High Commissioner Samuel kept writing about the need for a clear political policy, since the political status was still not regularized by a formal document, either a British one or one from the League of Nations.

      Memoranda arrived from Samuel, from leading members of the Colonial Office’s advisory board, from Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, and from the Arab delegation. On 11 August, Churchill wrote an introduction to a Palestine memorandum that was not very encouraging nor optimistic. “The situation in Palestine causes me perplexity and anxiety,” he began.1 “The whole country is in a ferment. The Zionist policy is profoundly unpopular with all except the Zionists.” Both sides were arming, elective institutions were refused in the interests of the Zionist policy, “and the high cost of the garrison is almost wholly due to our Zionist policy.”2 Meanwhile, even the Zionists were discontented at the lack of progress and the “chilling disapprobation” of the British officials and the military. (...)

  • Dans « Our country has lost its moral compass »
    Arundhati Roy dit

    –-> In 1937, Winston Churchill said of the Palestinians, I quote, “I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place.” That set the trend for the Israeli State’s attitude towards the Palestinians. In 1969, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir said, “Palestinians do not exist.”
    Thiruvananthapuram on December 13. 2023

    merci @cdb_77

    Finalement Churchill et Hitler n’étaient pas si loin l’un de l’autre à la différence que l’homme d’état savait ce que c’était de gouverner un empire mondial alors que le peintre autrichien rêvait d’en « construire » un. Son antisemitisme fanatique comme plein d’autres de ses particularités rendaient le mouvement politique nazi incmpatible avec la domination internationale recherchée.

    Racial views of Winston Churchill

    Some academics, such as Kehinde Andrews, go so far as to suggest Churchill was “the perfect embodiment of white supremacy”, while others like historian Andrew Roberts, say that Churchill could certainly be accused of paternalism, but not race-hatred.

    Pas besoin de haïr les gens qui travaillent pour toi.

    Source de la citation d’Arundhati Roy :
    Roberts, Andrew (2018). Churchill : Walking with Destiny. London : Allen Lane. ISBN 978-11-01980-99-6. page 106

    #colonialisation #racisme #impérialisme #antisemitisme #fascisme #Allemagne #Grande_Bretagne

  • ’The NHS sold out its staff’: Doctors whose lives were devastated by long COVID to sue health service | UK News | Sky News

    A British Medical Association study of 600 doctors with long COVID last year revealed that 60% had suffered persistent ill health since contracting COVID, and around half (48%) had lost earnings.

    Dr Fearnley co-founded Long COVID Doctors for Action (LCD4A), which is today pledging legal action against the NHS for negligent workplace exposure to coronavirus, resulting in injury and financial loss.

    The group, which is being represented by the legal firm Bond Turner, claims the NHS decided to downgrade guidance as the virus took hold in March 2020, only requiring staff to wear blue surgical face masks, plastic aprons, and gloves when dealing with suspected or confirmed COVID cases.

    This is in line with World Health Organisation (WHO) guidance, which says there is only strong evidence for more restrictive masks such as FFP3s, FFP2s, and N95s, being worn for “aerosol-generating procedures” - not general care of COVID patients.

    #grande_bretagne #oms #médecins #masques #covid_long #post_covid

  • George Orwell - Shooting an Elephant
    Mettez vous à la place de l’éléphant.

    „Da stürzten aus den Häusern schon hungrige Menschen,
    um ein Pfund Fleisch zu erben.
    Rissen mit Messern mir das Fleisch von den Knochen.
    Und ich war noch gar nicht fertig mit dem Sterben.“

    par Bert Brecht, Ein Pferd klagt an
    Brecht Kanonensong
    Kipling White Man’s Burden


    In Moulmein, in lower Burma, I was hated by large numbers of people—the only time in my life that I have been important enough for this to happen to me. I was sub-divisional police officer of the town, and in an aimless, petty kind of way anti-European feeling was very bitter. No one had the guts to raise a riot, but if a European woman went through the bazaars alone somebody would probably spit betel juice over her dress. As a police officer I was an obvious target and was baited whenever it seemed safe to do so. When a nimble Burman tripped me up on the football field and the referee (another Burman) looked the other way, the crowd yelled with hideous laughter. This happened more than once. In the end the sneering yellow faces of young men that met me everywhere, the insults hooted after me when I was at a safe distance, got badly on my nerves. The young Buddhist priests were the worst of all. There were several thousands of them in the town and none of them seemed to have anything to do except stand on street corners and jeer at Europeans.

    All this was perplexing and upsetting. For at that time I had already made up my mind that imperialism was an evil thing and the sooner I chucked up my job and got out of it the better. Theoretically—and secretly, of course—I was all for the Burmese and all against their oppressors, the British. As for the job I was doing, I hated it more bitterly than I can perhaps make clear. In a job like that you see the dirty work of Empire at close quarters. The wretched prisoners huddling in the stinking cages of the lock-ups, the grey, cowed faces of the long-term convicts, the scarred buttocks of the men who had been Bogged with bamboos—all these oppressed me with an intolerable sense of guilt. But I could get nothing into perspective. I was young and ill-educated and I had had to think out my problems in the utter silence that is imposed on every Englishman in the East. I did not even know that the British Empire is dying, still less did I know that it is a great deal better than the younger empires that are going to supplant it. All I knew was that I was stuck between my hatred of the empire I served and my rage against the evil-spirited little beasts who tried to make my job impossible. With one part of my mind I thought of the British Raj as an unbreakable tyranny, as something clamped down, IN SAECULA SAECULORUM, upon the will of prostrate peoples; with another part I thought that the greatest joy in the world would be to drive a bayonet into a Buddhist priest’s guts. Feelings like these are the normal by-products of imperialism; ask any Anglo-Indian official, if you can catch him off duty.

    One day something happened which in a roundabout way was enlightening. It was a tiny incident in itself, but it gave me a better glimpse than I had had before of the real nature of imperialism—the real motives for which despotic governments act. Early one morning the sub-inspector at a police station the other end of the town rang me up on the phone and said that an elephant was ravaging the bazaar. Would I please come and do something about it? I did not know what I could do, but I wanted to see what was happening and I got on to a pony and started out. I took my rifle, an old .44 Winchester and much too small to kill an elephant, but I thought the noise might be useful IN TERROREM. Various Burmans stopped me on the way and told me about the elephant’s doings. It was not, of course, a wild elephant, but a tame one which had gone “must.” It had been chained up, as tame elephants always are when their attack of “must” is due, but on the previous night it had broken its chain and escaped. Its mahout, the only person who could manage it when it was in that state, had set out in pursuit, but had taken the wrong direction and was now twelve hours’ journey away, and in the morning the elephant had suddenly reappeared in the town. The Burmese population had no weapons and were quite helpless against it. It had already destroyed somebody’s bamboo hut, killed a cow and raided some fruit-stalls and devoured the stock; also it had met the municipal rubbish van and, when the driver jumped out and took to his heels, had turned the van over and inflicted violences upon it.

    The Burmese sub-inspector and some Indian constables were waiting for me in the quarter where the elephant had been seen. It was a very poor quarter, a labyrinth of squalid bamboo huts, thatched with palmleaf, winding all over a steep hillside. I remember that it was a cloudy, stuffy morning at the beginning of the rains. We began questioning the people as to where the elephant had gone and, as usual, failed to get any definite information. That is invariably the case in the East; a story always sounds clear enough at a distance, but the nearer you get to the scene of events the vaguer it becomes. Some of the people said that the elephant had gone in one direction, some said that he had gone in another, some professed not even to have heard of any elephant. I had almost made up my mind that the whole story was a pack of lies, when we heard yells a little distance away. There was a loud, scandalized cry of “Go away, child! Go away this instant!” and an old woman with a switch in her hand came round the corner of a hut, violently shooing away a crowd of naked children. Some more women followed, clicking their tongues and exclaiming; evidently there was something that the children ought not to have seen. I rounded the hut and saw a man’s dead body sprawling in the mud. He was an Indian, a black Dravidian coolie, almost naked, and he could not have been dead many minutes. The people said that the elephant had come suddenly upon him round the corner of the hut, caught him with its trunk, put its foot on his back and ground him into the earth. This was the rainy season and the ground was soft, and his face had scored a trench a foot deep and a couple of yards long. He was lying on his belly with arms crucified and head sharply twisted to one side. His face was coated with mud, the eyes wide open, the teeth bared and grinning with an expression of unendurable agony. (Never tell me, by the way, that the dead look peaceful. Most of the corpses I have seen looked devilish.) The friction of the great beast’s foot had stripped the skin from his back as neatly as one skins a rabbit. As soon as I saw the dead man I sent an orderly to a friend’s house nearby to borrow an elephant rifle. I had already sent back the pony, not wanting it to go mad with fright and throw me if it smelt the elephant.

    The orderly came back in a few minutes with a rifle and five cartridges, and meanwhile some Burmans had arrived and told us that the elephant was in the paddy fields below, only a few hundred yards away. As I started forward practically the whole population of the quarter flocked out of the houses and followed me. They had seen the rifle and were all shouting excitedly that I was going to shoot the elephant. They had not shown much interest in the elephant when he was merely ravaging their homes, but it was different now that he was going to be shot. It was a bit of fun to them, as it would be to an English crowd; besides they wanted the meat. It made me vaguely uneasy. I had no intention of shooting the elephant—I had merely sent for the rifle to defend myself if necessary—and it is always unnerving to have a crowd following you. I marched down the hill, looking and feeling a fool, with the rifle over my shoulder and an ever-growing army of people jostling at my heels. At the bottom, when you got away from the huts, there was a metalled road and beyond that a miry waste of paddy fields a thousand yards across, not yet ploughed but soggy from the first rains and dotted with coarse grass. The elephant was standing eight yards from the road, his left side towards us. He took not the slightest notice of the crowd’s approach. He was tearing up bunches of grass, beating them against his knees to clean them and stuffing them into his mouth.

    I had halted on the road. As soon as I saw the elephant I knew with perfect certainty that I ought not to shoot him. It is a serious matter to shoot a working elephant—it is comparable to destroying a huge and costly piece of machinery—and obviously one ought not to do it if it can possibly be avoided. And at that distance, peacefully eating, the elephant looked no more dangerous than a cow. I thought then and I think now that his attack of “must” was already passing off; in which case he would merely wander harmlessly about until the mahout came back and caught him. Moreover, I did not in the least want to shoot him. I decided that I would watch him for a little while to make sure that he did not turn savage again, and then go home.

    But at that moment I glanced round at the crowd that had followed me. It was an immense crowd, two thousand at the least and growing every minute. It blocked the road for a long distance on either side. I looked at the sea of yellow faces above the garish clothes-faces all happy and excited over this bit of fun, all certain that the elephant was going to be shot. They were watching me as they would watch a conjurer about to perform a trick. They did not like me, but with the magical rifle in my hands I was momentarily worth watching. And suddenly I realized that I should have to shoot the elephant after all. The people expected it of me and I had got to do it; I could feel their two thousand wills pressing me forward, irresistibly. And it was at this moment, as I stood there with the rifle in my hands, that I first grasped the hollowness, the futility of the white man’s dominion in the East. Here was I, the white man with his gun, standing in front of the unarmed native crowd—seemingly the leading actor of the piece; but in reality I was only an absurd puppet pushed to and fro by the will of those yellow faces behind. I perceived in this moment that when the white man turns tyrant it is his own freedom that he destroys. He becomes a sort of hollow, posing dummy, the conventionalized figure of a sahib. For it is the condition of his rule that he shall spend his life in trying to impress the “natives,” and so in every crisis he has got to do what the “natives” expect of him. He wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it. I had got to shoot the elephant. I had committed myself to doing it when I sent for the rifle. A sahib has got to act like a sahib; he has got to appear resolute, to know his own mind and do definite things. To come all that way, rifle in hand, with two thousand people marching at my heels, and then to trail feebly away, having done nothing—no, that was impossible. The crowd would laugh at me. And my whole life, every white man’s life in the East, was one long struggle not to be laughed at.

    But I did not want to shoot the elephant. I watched him beating his bunch of grass against his knees, with that preoccupied grandmotherly air that elephants have. It seemed to me that it would be murder to shoot him. At that age I was not squeamish about killing animals, but I had never shot an elephant and never wanted to. (Somehow it always seems worse to kill a LARGE animal.) Besides, there was the beast’s owner to be considered. Alive, the elephant was worth at least a hundred pounds; dead, he would only be worth the value of his tusks, five pounds, possibly. But I had got to act quickly. I turned to some experienced-looking Burmans who had been there when we arrived, and asked them how the elephant had been behaving. They all said the same thing: he took no notice of you if you left him alone, but he might charge if you went too close to him.

    It was perfectly clear to me what I ought to do. I ought to walk up to within, say, twenty-five yards of the elephant and test his behavior. If he charged, I could shoot; if he took no notice of me, it would be safe to leave him until the mahout came back. But also I knew that I was going to do no such thing. I was a poor shot with a rifle and the ground was soft mud into which one would sink at every step. If the elephant charged and I missed him, I should have about as much chance as a toad under a steam-roller. But even then I was not thinking particularly of my own skin, only of the watchful yellow faces behind. For at that moment, with the crowd watching me, I was not afraid in the ordinary sense, as I would have been if I had been alone. A white man mustn’t be frightened in front of “natives”; and so, in general, he isn’t frightened. The sole thought in my mind was that if anything went wrong those two thousand Burmans would see me pursued, caught, trampled on and reduced to a grinning corpse like that Indian up the hill. And if that happened it was quite probable that some of them would laugh. That would never do.

    There was only one alternative. I shoved the cartridges into the magazine and lay down on the road to get a better aim. The crowd grew very still, and a deep, low, happy sigh, as of people who see the theatre curtain go up at last, breathed from innumerable throats. They were going to have their bit of fun after all. The rifle was a beautiful German thing with cross-hair sights. I did not then know that in shooting an elephant one would shoot to cut an imaginary bar running from ear-hole to ear-hole. I ought, therefore, as the elephant was sideways on, to have aimed straight at his ear-hole, actually I aimed several inches in front of this, thinking the brain would be further forward.

    When I pulled the trigger I did not hear the bang or feel the kick—one never does when a shot goes home—but I heard the devilish roar of glee that went up from the crowd. In that instant, in too short a time, one would have thought, even for the bullet to get there, a mysterious, terrible change had come over the elephant. He neither stirred nor fell, but every line of his body had altered. He looked suddenly stricken, shrunken, immensely old, as though the frighfful impact of the bullet had paralysed him without knocking him down. At last, after what seemed a long time—it might have been five seconds, I dare say—he sagged flabbily to his knees. His mouth slobbered. An enormous senility seemed to have settled upon him. One could have imagined him thousands of years old. I fired again into the same spot. At the second shot he did not collapse but climbed with desperate slowness to his feet and stood weakly upright, with legs sagging and head drooping. I fired a third time. That was the shot that did for him. You could see the agony of it jolt his whole body and knock the last remnant of strength from his legs. But in falling he seemed for a moment to rise, for as his hind legs collapsed beneath him he seemed to tower upward like a huge rock toppling, his trunk reaching skyward like a tree. He trumpeted, for the first and only time. And then down he came, his belly towards me, with a crash that seemed to shake the ground even where I lay.

    I got up. The Burmans were already racing past me across the mud. It was obvious that the elephant would never rise again, but he was not dead. He was breathing very rhythmically with long rattling gasps, his great mound of a side painfully rising and falling. His mouth was wide open—I could see far down into caverns of pale pink throat. I waited a long time for him to die, but his breathing did not weaken. Finally I fired my two remaining shots into the spot where I thought his heart must be. The thick blood welled out of him like red velvet, but still he did not die. His body did not even jerk when the shots hit him, the tortured breathing continued without a pause. He was dying, very slowly and in great agony, but in some world remote from me where not even a bullet could damage him further. I felt that I had got to put an end to that dreadful noise. It seemed dreadful to see the great beast Lying there, powerless to move and yet powerless to die, and not even to be able to finish him. I sent back for my small rifle and poured shot after shot into his heart and down his throat. They seemed to make no impression. The tortured gasps continued as steadily as the ticking of a clock.

    In the end I could not stand it any longer and went away. I heard later that it took him half an hour to die. Burmans were bringing dahs and baskets even before I left, and I was told they had stripped his body almost to the bones by the afternoon.

    Afterwards, of course, there were endless discussions about the shooting of the elephant. The owner was furious, but he was only an Indian and could do nothing. Besides, legally I had done the right thing, for a mad elephant has to be killed, like a mad dog, if its owner fails to control it. Among the Europeans opinion was divided. The older men said I was right, the younger men said it was a damn shame to shoot an elephant for killing a coolie, because an elephant was worth more than any damn Coringhee coolie. And afterwards I was very glad that the coolie had been killed; it put me legally in the right and it gave me a sufficient pretext for shooting the elephant. I often wondered whether any of the others grasped that I had done it solely to avoid looking a fool.


    George Orwell’s Library
    #Grande_Bretagne #impérialisme #colonialisme #Burma #animaux

  • Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite · ‘We’ve messed up, boys’: Bad Blood

    Bayer’s heat-treated Factor VIII product was licensed in the US in February 1984, but it kept making the untreated version until August that year and didn’t stop selling old stock until the following summer. Armour’s parent company was told in October 1985 that its heat-treatment method wasn’t completely effective against HIV, but denied everything; only after two children in Birmingham and four patients in Newcastle were infected with HIV did the company admit to the DHSS that its product was unsafe. If non-heat-treated Factor VIII was banned in one country, the companies just sold it elsewhere. In the first quarter of 1985, #Bayer exported twenty thousand vials – more than five million units – of its old Factor VIII from the US to other parts of the world. Competition between pharmaceutical companies sometimes stimulated innovation, but it could just as easily generate a race to the bottom. The head of the CDC’s Aids taskforce told the companies that their actions ‘ultimately led to not only a lot of death and misery, but a destruction of your customers’. As McGoogan points out, the parallels with the present-day opioid crisis in the US are clear.

    #hémophilie #dérivés_sanguins #profits #grande_Bretagne

  • Indécis et dépassé : Boris Johnson éreinté pour sa gestion du Covid-19

    Le journal que tenait le conseiller scientifique en chef du gouvernement de l’époque, Patrick Vallance, enfonce le clou en rapportant des échanges « dingues » avec l’ex-Premier ministre.

    "Il dit que son parti +pense que tout cela (les confinements, NDLR) est pathétique et que le #Covid correspond juste à une manière pour la nature de s’occuper des personnes âgées+ et je ne suis pas sûr qu’il ne soit pas d’accord", écrivait-il en décembre 2020, alors que se profilait une nouvelle vague.

    #pandémie #Grande_Bretagne #Johnson #eugénisme

  • Gary Lineker dénonce un projet de loi #immigration en le comparant à « l’Allemagne nazie » - L’Équipe

    L’ancien joueur des Three Lions, personnalité phare de la BBC, Gary Lineker n’a pas mâché ses mots pour dénoncer le projet de loi sur l’immigration illégale de la ministre de l’Intérieur britannique Stella Bravermann. « C’est juste une politique absolument cruelle dirigée contre les personnes les plus vulnérables dans un langage qui n’est pas différent de celui utilisé par l’Allemagne dans les années 30 », a-t-il écrit sur son compte Twitter mardi 7 mars.

    Le projet de loi contre l’immigration illégale présenté par le gouvernement britannique prévoit d’empêcher les migrants arrivant par la Manche de demander l’asile et de les expulser « en quelques semaines ». Pour promouvoir ce projet, la ministre s’est notamment mise en scène dans une vidéo où elle explique : « L’année dernière, plus de 45 000 personnes ont fait un voyage dangereux, inutile et illégal à travers la Manche. Notre système d’asile a été submergé. Nous dépensons désormais 7 millions de livres par jour en hôtel. » Elle assure que l’arrêt des traversés est l’une de ses priorités.

    Les termes employés par l’ancien attaquant ont offusqué Downing Street, qui les juge « inacceptables. » La BBC, qui a des directives strictes en matière d’impartialité a annoncé qu’une « conversation franche » allait être tenue avec le présentateur de la télévision publique. Lineker ne semble pas vouloir se taire et a fait savoir, mercredi 8 mars, qu’il allait « continuer de s’exprimer pour ces pauvres âmes qui n’ont pas de voix. »


  • À lire : Lutte de Classe n°226 https://mensuel.lutte-ouvriere.org
    (septembre-octobre 2022)

    Au sommaire :

    🍂 Le chaos du #capitalisme en #crise

    🍂 D’une #crise_économique à l’autre

    🍂 La #guerre en #Ukraine accélère la #militarisation. #france #allemagne

    🍂 Une vague de grèves inédite en #Grande_Bretagne. #mouvement_ouvrier

    🍂 #Brésil  : le duel #Bolsonaro - #Lula

    🍂 L’État chinois et la résurgence de la bourgeoisie (1978-2022) #chine

    🍂 #Renault et les grandes manœuvres dans l’automobile #exploitation

    🍂 Les mémoires de #Georg_Scheuer

  • Pour rappel, la France contemporaine a connu sa propre controverse sur le “rôle positif de la colonisation”, en particulier au moment de l’adoption de la loi du 23 février 2005 https://www.jeuneafrique.com/67587/archives-thematique/histoire-d-un-fiasco


    Teaching the ‘benefits’ of the British empire is just another attempt to stoke the culture war
    Kojo Koram, 4 April 2022

    The legacy of empire still shapes the world. But Kemi Badenoch’s plan will ensure that ignorance reigns over this.

    If the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge need some comfort reading after their awkward Caribbean tour, they could do worse than turn to Tony Blair’s autobiography. In 1997, Britain’s new prime minister travelled to Hong Kong to oversee its handover to China. Years later, Blair described how he had struggled through a conversation with the Chinese president, Jiang Zemin, on a subject of UK-China history, because, in his own words, Blair had “only a fairly dim and sketchy understanding of what that past was”. The history being discussed was the opium wars, the very reason why Hong Kong had become British in the first place. Yet here was a boarding school and Oxbridge-educated prime minister who had next to no knowledge of the history that produced the very event he had travelled to oversee.

    The impression many ministers give today is that students in British classrooms are being bludgeoned with never-ending tales of Britain’s imperial crimes. This is why the government is now looking to rebalance the scales with a new curriculum that highlights the “benefits” of the British empire, as well as its negatives. Building on last year’s controversial Sewell report, the plans promoted by the equalities minister Kemi Badenoch are part of a wider campaign to move the teaching of empire away from what the government fears is a culture of victimisation and identity politics in schools, instead framing the legacy of empire as a debate of pros and cons. Was the empire wrong? Was it right? Which bits of the empire were naughty or nice?

    #Grande_Bretagne #empire_britannique #postcolonialisme #enseignement

  • 🇬🇧 Grande-Bretagne : fiasco sanitaire et régression sociale https://mensuel.lutte-ouvriere.org//2020/10/25/grande-bretagne-fiasco-sanitaire-et-regression-sociale_15243 | Le mensuel Lutte de Classe n°211 - novembre 2020 (20  octobre 2020)

    #Boris_Johnson  : une gestion erratique, mais pas sans boussole
    – Une lourde facture pour les classes populaires
    – Le pactole pour le grand capital
    – Le #NHS  : des dysfonctionnements qui remontent loin
    – Du #Covid au #Brexit

    #grande_bretagne #royaume-uni #crise_économique #crise_sociale

  • The UK exam debacle reminds us that algorithms can’t fix broken systems | MIT Technology Review

    Nearly 40% of students ended up receiving exam scores downgraded from their teachers’ predictions, threatening to cost them their university spots. Analysis of the algorithm also revealed that it had disproportionately hurt students from working-class and disadvantaged communities and inflated the scores of students from private schools. On August 16, hundreds chanted “Fuck the algorithm” in front of the UK’s Department of Education building in London to protest the results. By the next day, Ofqual had reversed its decision. Students will now be awarded either their teacher’s predicted scores or the algorithm’s—whichever is higher.

    The debacle feels like a textbook example of algorithmic discrimination. Those who have since dissected the algorithm have pointed out how predictable it was that things would go awry; it was trained, in part, not just on each student’s past academic performance but also on the past entrance-exam performance of the student’s school. The approach could only have led to punishment of outstanding outliers in favor of a consistent average.

    But the root of the problem runs deeper than bad data or poor algorithmic design. The more fundamental errors were made before Ofqual even chose to pursue an algorithm. At bottom, the regulator lost sight of the ultimate goal: to help students transition into university during anxiety-ridden times. In this unprecedented situation, the exam system should have been completely rethought.

    “There was just a spectacular failure of imagination,” says Hye Jung Han, a researcher at Human Rights Watch in the US, who focuses on children’s rights and technology. “They just didn’t question the very premise of so many of their processes even when they should have.”

    The objective completely shaped the way Ofqual went about pursuing the problem. The need for standardization overruled everything else. The regulator then logically chose one of the best standardization tools, a statistical model, for predicting a distribution of entrance-exam scores for 2020 that would match the distribution from 2019.

    Had Ofqual chosen the other objective, things would have gone quite differently. It likely would have scrapped the algorithm and worked with universities to change how the exam grades are weighted in their admissions processes. “If they just looked one step past their immediate problem and looked at what are the purpose of grades—to go to university, to be able to get jobs—they could have flexibly worked with universities and with workplaces to say, ‘Hey, this year grades are going to look different, which means that any important decisions that traditionally were made based off of grades also need to flexible and need to be changed,” says Han.

    Ofqual’s failures are not unique. In a report published last week by the Oxford Internet Institute, researchers found that one of the most common traps organizations fall into when implementing algorithms is the belief that they will fix really complex structural issues. These projects “lend themselves to a kind of magical thinking,” says Gina Neff, an associate professor at the institute, who coauthored the report. “Somehow the algorithm will simply wash away any teacher bias, wash away any attempt at cheating or gaming the system.”

    But the truth is, algorithms cannot fix broken systems. They inherit the flaws of the systems in which they’re placed. In this case, the students and their futures ultimately bore the brunt of the harm. “ I think it’s the first time that an entire nation has felt the injustice of an algorithm simultaneously ,” says Fry.

    #Algorithme #Ofqual #Fuck_the_algorithm #Inégalités #Grande_Bretagne #Education

  • Donald Trump dans une colère noire après un appel avec Boris Johnson sur Huawei

    Selon une personne informée du contenu de l’appel, Donald Trump s’est retrouvé dans un état « apoplectique » face à son homologue britannique, « lui exprimant son point de vue en des termes furieux », indique le journal. Un deuxième témoin confirme un échange « très difficile ». 

    Le gouvernement britannique a donné fin janvier son feu vert à une participation limitée au réseau 5G de l’équipementier de télécoms chinois #Huawei, tout en le jugeant « à risque », sous une forme préservant, selon lui, la sécurité nationale, faisant ainsi fi des pressions de son allié américain.

    #etats-unis #grande_bretagne

  • War crimes scandal: Army ‘covered up torture and child murder’ in the Middle East | News | The Sunday Times

    Military detectives unearthed disturbing allegations that senior commanders had tried to hide war crimes by British troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, a year-long investigation by The Sunday Times and the BBC Panorama programme has established.

    Evidence had been found of murders by an SAS soldier and deaths in custody, beatings, torture and degrading sexual abuse of detainees by members of the Black Watch. The military detectives also discovered allegations of the falsification of documents serious enough to merit prosecutions of senior officers.

    #crimes #guerre #irak #afghanistan #grande_bretagne #royaume_uni

  • #Corbyn ’shocked’ by target practice video as Army launches investigation - ITV News

    Jonathan Cook sur Twitter : “The army launching an ’investigation’ into Corbyn being used as target practice by soldiers is the one being led by a general who explained to the Times that he and his colleagues would make sure Corbyn was never allowed to reach No 10. This extends right to the top” / Twitter

    #Armée #va_t_en_guerre #grande_bretagne

  • How Britain stole $45 trillion from India | Colonialism | Al Jazeera

    There is a story that is commonly told in Britain that the #colonisation of India - as horrible as it may have been - was not of any major economic benefit to Britain itself. If anything, the administration of India was a cost to Britain. So the fact that the empire was sustained for so long - the story goes - was a gesture of Britain’s benevolence.

    New research by the renowned economist Utsa Patnaik - just published by Columbia University Press - deals a crushing blow to this #narrative. Drawing on nearly two centuries of detailed data on tax and trade, Patnaik calculated that Britain drained a total of nearly $45 trillion from India during the period 1765 to 1938.

    #colonisation #Inde #Grande_bretagne#civilisés#voleurs

  • In Britain, Even Children Are Feeling the Effects of Austerity

    The Conservative Party leaders who pushed through the austerity program dispute that it is the cause of rising child poverty, or that child poverty is increasing. They argue that a new system that bundles most payments into one, known as universal credit, is an improvement.

    The new system is “infinitely better than what it replaced,” said Iain Duncan Smith, the Conservative former cabinet minister who oversaw the changes. “The process of stepping into work is easier.”

    That rationale is being questioned. Though unemployment has been more than halved under the Conservatives, the overall child poverty rate has risen. And roughly two-thirds of poor children have at least one parent who works, the Institute for Fiscal Studies said.

    “We tell ourselves completely the wrong story about poverty in the U.K.,” Ms. Garnham said. “The government likes to focus attention on workless families, but there’s hardly any left. That’s a problem of the past.”

    #austérité #pauvreté #travailleurs #pauvres #Grande_Bretagne

  • Charity criticises British army campaign to recruit under-18s | UK news | The Guardian

    The campaign includes beautifully produced 30-second films showing fictional scenes of young soldiers in various training and combat situations helping and supporting each other, facing difficult challenges with camaraderie and good humour. The films were disseminated via social media, television and cinema.

    A briefing campaign document seen by the Guardian in the summer spelled out that the key audience was 16- to 24-year-old “C2DEs” – marketing speak for the lowest three social and economic groups.

    The document also made it clear that while the campaign was UK-wide, there were “up-weights” to cities in northern England including Manchester and Sheffield, and to Birmingham, Belfast and Cardiff.

    #Armée #Industrie_influence #Grande_Bretagne

  • Lettres ouvertes d’artistes soutenant le boycott culturel de l’Etat israélien :

    40 artistes en #Grande_Bretagne dont Aki Kaurismäki, Helena Kennedy, Mike Leigh, Ken Loach, Maxine Peake, Juliet Stevenson, Roger Waters :

    Israël utilise la culture pour dissimuler sa brutalité, affirment des cinéastes, journalistes et artistes
    The Guardian, le 8 mai 2018

    80 artistes en #France, dont Simone Bitton, Alain Damasio, Annie Ernaux, Jean-Luc Godard, Eric Hazan, HK, Imhotep, Daniel Mermet, Ernest Pignon-Ernest, Nathalie Quintane, Eyal Sivan, Tardi, Serge Teyssot-Gay, Martin Winckler... :

    Contre la saison France-Israël
    Médiapart, le 4 mai 2018

    Et 500 artistes en #Amérique_Latine, dont Jesús Abad Colorado, Patricia Ariza, Daniel Devita, Doctor Krápula, Carlos Labbé, Carlos Latuff, Lina Meruane, Álvaro Rodríguez... :

    500 artistes latino-américains soutiennent le boycott culturel d’Israël
    Zoe PC, The Dawn News, le 13 avril 2018

    #Palestine #BDS #Boycott_culturel

  • Lettre ouverte qui demande aux institutions britanniques (cinéma, média, culture...) de ne pas collaborer avec des célébrations de l’Etat israélien, de ne pas utiliser la culture pour cacher la brutalité de l’Etat d’apartheid.

    Signée par une quarantaine d’artistes et journalistes, dont Aki Kaurismäki, Helena Kennedy, Mike Leigh, Ken Loach, Maxine Peake, Juliet Stevenson, Roger Waters...

    Israel using culture to mask brutality, say film-makers, journalists and artists
    The Guardian, le 8 mai 2018

    #Palestine #BDS #Boycott_culturel #Grande_Bretagne

  • The biggest #privatisation you’ve never heard of: land | Brett Christophers | Opinion | The Guardian

    Yet in all the proliferating discussion about the rights and wrongs of the history of privatisation in Britain – both from those determined to row back against the neoliberal tide and those convinced that renationalisation is the wrong answer – Britain’s biggest privatisation of all never merits a mention. This is partly because so few people are aware that it has even taken place, and partly because it has never been properly studied. What is this mega-privatisation? The privatisation of land.


  • Fentanyl Adds Deadly Kick to Opioid Woes in Britain - The New York Times

    Britain already has Europe’s highest proportion of heroin addicts, and last year, drug-related deaths hit a record high in England and Wales, with 3,744 deaths mainly from heroin and other opioids. While the scale is small compared with deaths in the United States — where more than 100 Americans die each day from opioid abuse — British authorities fear that fentanyl could become the country’s next most dangerous drug.

    “People here are prescribed opioids for pain, but nothing to the extent of the U.S., where extremely potent opioids are being prescribed on a large scale,” said Dr. Prun Bijral, the medical director for Change, Grow, Live, a nonprofit organization that focuses on substance abuse. “On the one hand, this is positive. But on the other hand, the U.K. has one of the highest rates of drug-related deaths in Europe.”

    #Opioides #Grande_Bretagne

  • J’aime pas la dépendance des administrations françaises à Google.

    EDIT Liste des sites qui utilisent des scripts externes des #gafa.

    Quand je remplis un formulaire de la CAF et que je dois valider un #captcha fourni par la société Google LLC (ci-après « Google »), sise au 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, États-Unis et que mes informations leur sont de fait transmises.


    (Apparté apprendre en sus que le captcha à images est pour l’apprentissage IA des drônes / #maven)

    cf https://www.lesechos.fr/2018/04/le-mysterieux-projet-maven-divise-google-988207

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      service des cartes grises et immatriculation en ligne
      gorgé de google analytics et accompagné d’un tissu de mensonge

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      rien que pour rigoler, livraison d’infos à Google America, mais défense de la langue française

      Un mél d’activation de votre compte vient de vous être envoyé.

      raa le #mél quelle bonne blague

    • Je liste, celui-là il est dodu : https://www.service-public.fr
      – 247realmedia.com
      – gstatic.com
      – google.com + google analytics

      et pompon, on cède aux obligations DU moteur de recherche

      <meta name="google-site-verification" content="EjfbmjAxVpCGzkyjF4wTemZfr0-HRfRr0Cltkv4VpUs"/>

      et pour ceux que 247realmedia intéresse …

      24/7 Media, formerly 24/7 Real Media is a technology company headquartered in New York City and 20 offices in 12 countries, specializing in Digital Marketing. It provides new type of digital technology marketing solutions for publishers, advertisers and agencies globally. It was formerly listed as “TFSM” on the NASDAQ stock exchange. The company was purchased by WPP plc in 2007 for $649 million.[1][2] David J. Moore is the Chairman, Founder & CEO. He also served as chairman of the Interactive Advertising Bureau. In December, 2013, 24/7 Media announced it would merge with GroupM subsidiary, Xaxis.[3]

      Il faudrait arrêter de taper sur les prisonniers de facebook pour s’en prendre à ceux qui se vantent d’être nos représentants politiques.


      La plateforme technique de service-public.fr a fait l’objet d’un travail préparatoire approfondi avec la CNIL (Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés) en vue d’offrir aux usagers toutes les garanties en matière de sécurité et de confidentialité de leurs données.



    • https://www.franceculture.fr


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      et ta sœur

      Conditions générales d’utilisation des sites de Radio France - Radio France

      Les données personnelles collectées sont destinées à Radio France et en particulier aux directions suivantes :

      – La direction du marketing relationnel ;
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      Les informations personnelles collectées par Radio France pour les finalités décrites à l’article 7.3 ne sont ni vendues, ni échangées.

      Bien s’assurer que les données collectées sont gratuites pour les #Gafas et après ça pleure pour que Total paye ses impôts, oups Google

    • Y aurait pas des contre exemples, des bons élèves je veux dire parmi les sites administratifs… en plus ça m’a totalement déprimée votre histoire de drones là.
      Franchement je vois pas comment on peut éviter ça individuellement vu qu’il y a des démarches administratives difficilement contournables. Je bloque énormément de choses sur le web par le javascript mais là c’est difficile de passer outre le captcha.
      Il y a des alternatives pour les sites au captcha de Google ?

    • Oui il y a des outils, mais qui servent peu au final si ils ne sont que pour certain·es expert·es averti·es .
      TOR modifie l’adresse IP et les bloqueurs de publicité sont déjà un petit pas franchi par plus de monde.

      Là je souligne un système délibéré et globalisé de revente des données (en échange d’outils si « pratiques », terme lu dans un livre d’une intellectuelle française très prisée qui avoue être accroc à instagram… (misère)) par des abruti·es de webmaster qui ne sont encadrés par aucune formation politique ou éthique, ou même en dernier recours par le législateur. (rappelle toi que la cnil n’a aucun moyen c’est juste un leurre à montrer à ceux qui critiquent)

      En l’état actuel listé ici, on a définitivement la preuve que les représentants politiques sont incapables de défendre nos libertés et que l’hégémonie de Google et de FB ne les dérange absolument pas. Et encore moins dans l’exercice du pouvoir. Tous les petis cheffaillon·es des administrations qui décident des outils du web à utiliser sont persuadés devoir faire une course aux nouvelles tehcnologies avec en saint graal la récolte des données. Et pire, depuis que la france a vendu le traitement des données de renseignements aux américains, voir #palantir

      Il faudrait interdire tous dépôts de scripts externes sur les sites de services publics (d’autres préconisent de tuer les services publics pour aller plus vite) et les mensonges qui accompagnent « la protection de vos données » sur ces sites.

    • Sans vouloir dédouaner les administrations publiques ou para-publiques citées dans ce fil, si les GAFAM sont enkystés dans leurs sites Web, c’est aussi dû aux pratiques de leurs prestataires. Des cas de collusion manifeste existent, mais la plupart du temps, c’est la « culture » des équipes de développement de trouver bien pratique d’inclure des outils tiers gratuits par chers et de ne pas contester les demandes délirantes des MOA. Et aussi valorisant, dans tous les sens du terme. Quand on fait un projet pour l’agence de certification de la saucisse de Morteau, c’est quand même cool (et bankable) de pouvoir dire qu’on participe à la mise au point d’une intelligence artificielle... Au delà des têtes à claque qui s’affichent dans les média, c’est bien dans le caractère faussement anodin de cette force de travail qui a toujours les meilleures raisons du monde de ne pas exercer de droit de retrait, que se trouve le point d’appui de la « start-up nation »

      L’argument moral selon lequel une administration publique ne devrait pas alimenter la machine à ficher est certes à mobiliser, mais il y a aussi des facteurs socio-techniques à contester dont les ressorts sont bien plus puissants.

    • @ktche
      Quand on a la tête dans le cul du web, et un minimum de clairvoyance, on ne dit rien parce qu’on pense que tout le monde le sait.
      Les gafam qui s’incrustent dans les sites publics ou territoriaux soulèvent le manque de prise en compte du problème de l’espionnage industriel, et ce n’est donc pas que moral ou pour la défense des libertés et des données personnelles. Il serait peut-être temps de faire du bruit autour de ce scandale non ?

      Quant à l’argument des facteurs socio-techniques il est sous tendu par une culture capitaliste qui pose certaines priorités et que le législateur est censé encadrer. Et puis, je suis d’accord avec toi mais cela m’intéresse moins à questionner que les ressorts humains.

      Très énervée depuis longtemps d’avoir compris que l’important en informatique web (celle que je pratique et dont je peux parler en tout cas) n’est pas l’intelligence : douter et simplifier y sont 2 mots honnis. Il faut compliquer les choses et utiliser un langage de médecins de Molière pour garder son technorang.

    • https://franceconnect.gouv.fr
      (impots, ameli CPAM, laposte)


      Ah wééé quand même france | connect | gouv | fr, et avec ça, ils ont pas honte ? je sais pas pourquoi les impots sont pas directement connectés avec la NSA, ce serait plus rapide quand même.
      Bon déjà ils nous forcent la main en accédant directement à nos comptes en banque pour prélever les impôts, alors installer des scripts de serveurs externes privés qui nous sifflent nos données, rien à foutre

    • Tiens, encore un qui se fout bien de refiler tes données Les Agessa, la sécurité sociale des auteurs, ah ben wéé bien sur s7.addthis.com

      Un petit récapitulatif ?

      Thanks for choosing to use the AddThis Services. The AddThis Services are provided by Oracle America, Inc. ("Oracle") located at 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065. By using the AddThis Services, you are agreeing to the following Terms of Service (these “Terms”). These Terms confirm and clarify respective rights and obligations between Oracle and you in connection with your access to and use of the AddThis Services.

      You and Oracle agree as follows:


      Qu’on arrête de nous faire croire qu’il n’y a eu personne pour accepter ces licences de surveillance par un tiers. Et personne n’assume ces irresponsables ? même pas les députés avec la loi rideau de fumée de protection des données qui permet de nous spammer un peu plus.

      #finger_print #vie_privée #foutage_de_gueule


      Atteinte à la vie privée

      Des chercheurs universitaires ont découvert que ce service utilisait la technique de ciblage appelée « canvas fingerprinting » afin de pouvoir dresser le profil des visiteurs de sites utilisant AddThis, en identifiant leur navigateur web et en agrégeant les données des différents sites visités. Ce service est le plus répandu parmi ceux qu’ils ont détecté1.

    • Reçu un mail de la part de la personne qui me suit à pôle emploi. Je la cite :

      Afin de faire le point sur votre accompagnement et la mise à jour de votre dossier, je vous invite à répondre aux deux questionnaires ci-dessous…

      S’ensuit deux liens vers un questionnaire à chaque fois. Le 1er chez webquest que j’ai rempli en traînant les pieds et le 2ème est évidemment un formulaire… GOOGLE ! Alors là ça m’a trop saoulé. En plus, rien d’anonyme évidemment avec le n° d’identifiant associé à mon nom, n° de téléphone, mail, adresse et j’en passe… remplissage OBLIGATOIRE sinon c’est pas drôle ! Mmmh ça va être la pêche aux données !
      Le problème c’est qu’il y a une menace derrière :

      Sans réponse de votre part avant le 30 juillet 2018, vous serez convoqué à un atelier de présentation de votre accompagnement et de l’offre de service.

      Noooooooon ! Pas l’atelier pitiéééééé !!!!!!!! J’ai essayé de contourner le problème en envoyant un mail où je disais que je refusais de laisser mes données sur des serveurs externes à pôle emploi juste pour lui simplifier la vie ou pour valider sa paresse (enfin ça j’ai pas écrit quand même !) Et j’ai répondu aux questions de façon plus ou moins sérieuse via ce mail.
      Bon, je pense que je vais quand même être condamnée à l’atelier, sniffff ! Et je risque d’être classée parmi les récalcitrant·e·s, ce qui est beaucoup plus problématique pour la suite.

    • @ninachani je suis sincérement désolée pour toi, courage. Il ne faut surtout pas rester seule, as-tu contact avec une asso de chomeuses et chomeurs qui pourrait agir et rédiger en son nom un courrier contre l’usage de Google ? cf http://www.actuchomage.org/Notre-selection-de-liens/Associations-de-Defense-des-Chomeurs-et-autres/index.php

      La surveillance et le contrôle ont pris pour territoire de conquête et d’expérimentation les plus faibles car ils n’ont pas les moyens de se défendre. Le pouvoir politique se sert ensuite de ces données récoltées comme autant d’accusations pour asseoir ses politiques répressives.

    • Soyez directement relié à facebook grâce à la télévision française.

      Pour France Télévisions, le respect de votre #vie_privée est notre priorité.
      En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site de France Télévisions, vous acceptez l’utilisation de cookies servant à mesurer l’audience, à personnaliser votre expérience, à comprendre votre comportement et vous consentez à recevoir de la publicité et des offres adaptées à votre profil. Pour en savoir plus consultez notre politique de confidentialité ou paramétrez vos cookies et consentements.

      Texte incompréhensible :/ Mais qui a besoin de cookies pour comprendre son comportement ?!


      + Demande de géolocalisation par canvas html5

      NoScript detected a potential Cross-Site Scripting attack
      from https://www.france.tv to https://stags.bluekai.com.

      Pour des raisons de droits concédés à France Télévisions, cette vidéo n’est pas disponible depuis votre position géographique.

      Vidéo bloquée dans les pays suivants : CH, US, NL, DK, LU, DE, MD, et … le must la #grande_bretagne elle-même GB … pas seulement l’angleterre hein, #censure pour ce documentaire

    • https://www.ina.fr
      avec des requêtes XSS dedans


    • Tu as quand même le droit à te faire espionner par…googletagmanager.com
      et certaines doivent passer par le site précédent pour charger leur #attestation_d'affiliation car effectivement il ne reste plus rien dans cette coquille web des Agessa !

    • https://infogreffe.fr


      et je vois que l’huissier qui devait me remettre de la paperasse à domiciel ne va pas sur infogreffe.fr pour me retrouver mais sur … societe.com, oui oui, c’est même noté sur son « procès verbal de recherches » qué blague !

    • juin 2022
      Le site officiel de la vignette #Crit'Air (certificat qualité de l’air) - Ministère de la Transition écologique addoooorrre refiler vos données à google et l’aide grace à notre participation au captcha à développer l’intelligence des drônes tueurs.

      Petit rappel, critair est obligatoire pour tout véhicule et l’amende pour non affichage de la vignette est d’environ 60€. Le seul moyen d’obtenir la vignette est de la demander sur le site du gouvernement français https://certificat-air.gouv.fr/certificat/demande/fr/vehicules

      – Google reCAPTCHA obligatoire

      developpement-durable #la_honte #maven

      NB j’ai laissé ma colère anti Google dans « relater votre expérience », j’attends une réponse du ministère.

    • Ils ne doivent pas être au courant de la loi au gvt macron …
      Cookies : le reCAPTCHA de Google soumis au consentement

      par Céline Avignon · Mis à jour 2022-05-23


      Dans le cadre de ses délibérations relatives à Stop Covid (1), la #Cnil avait déjà indiqué que l’utilisation de la solution ReCaptcha proposée par un tiers Google était susceptible d’entraîner :

      – la collecte de données personnelles,
      – des transferts de données hors de l’Union européenne, ainsi que
      – des opérations de lecture/écriture qui nécessitaient un consentement de l’utilisateur.

    • aout 2022

      ça ce sont les scripts exter,es


      et si tu regardes de plus près au niveau des cookies, c’est énorme. meteofrance appelle ça des partenaires :/

      All partners
      +1000mercis (Numberly)
      IAB TCF
      +1020, Inc. dba Placecast and Ericsson Emodo
      IAB TCF
      +152 Media LLC
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +1plusX AG
      IAB TCF
      +2KDirect, Inc. (dba iPromote)
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +3Q nexx GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +42 Ads GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +6Sense Insights, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +7Hops.com Inc. (ZergNet)
      IAB TCF
      +: Tappx
      IAB TCF
      +A Million Ads
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Aarki, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +AAX LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Accorp Sp. z o.o.
      IAB TCF
      +Active Agent (Virtual Minds GmbH)
      IAB TCF
      +ACTV8, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +AcuityAds Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Ad Alliance GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Adacado Technologies Inc. (DBA Adacado)
      IAB TCF
      +adality GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +adbalancer Werbeagentur GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +adbility media GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +AdClear GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +AdColony, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +AddApptr GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +AdDefend GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Adelaide Metrics Inc
      IAB TCF
      +AdElement Media Solutions Pvt Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Adevinta Spain S.L.U.
      IAB TCF
      +Adex (Virtual Minds GmbH)
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Adform A/S
      IAB TCF
      +AdGear Technologies, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH)
      IAB TCF
      +Adjust GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Adkernel LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Adlane LTD
      IAB TCF
      +Adloox SA
      IAB TCF
      +Adludio Ltd.
      IAB TCF
      +ADMAN - Phaistos Networks, S.A.
      IAB TCF
      +ADman Interactive SLU
      IAB TCF
      +adMarketplace, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +AdMaxim Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Admedo Technology Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +admetrics GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Admixer EU GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Admo.tv (Clickon)
      IAB TCF
      +Adnami Aps
      IAB TCF
      +adnanny.com SLU
      IAB TCF
      +Adnuntius AS
      IAB TCF
      +Adobe Advertising Cloud
      IAB TCF
      +Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Experience Platform
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Adpone SL
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +AdQuiver Media SL
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Adrino Mobile Sp. z o.o.
      IAB TCF
      +adrule mobile GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Adserve.zone / Artworx AS
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Adsolutions BV
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +AdSpirit GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +adsquare GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +AdsWizz Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Adtarget Medya A.S.
      IAB TCF
      +Adtelligent Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +AdTheorent, Inc
      IAB TCF
      +AdTiming Technology Company Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Adtriba GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +advanced store GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +ADventori SAS
      IAB TCF
      +Adventure Media
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Adverticum cPlc.
      IAB TCF
      +Adverty AB (publ)
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Advisible AB
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Adxperience SAS
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Adzymic Pte Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Agate Systems Limited
      IAB TCF
      +agof - daily campaign facts
      IAB TCF
      +agof studies
      IAB TCF
      +AirGrid LTD
      IAB TCF
      +Airnow Media Ltd
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Alliance Gravity Data Media
      IAB TCF
      +Amazon Advertising
      IAB TCF
      +Amnet GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Amobee Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Aniview LTD
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Anzu Virtual Reality LTD
      IAB TCF
      +Apester Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Appier PTE Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +appTV Ltd.
      IAB TCF
      +Aptivio Inc
      IAB TCF
      +Arbeitsgemeinschaft Media-Analyse
      IAB TCF
      +Arcspire Limited
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +ARMIS SAS
      IAB TCF
      +Arpeely Ltd.
      IAB TCF
      +Arrivalist Co
      IAB TCF
      +ArtChaos s.r.o.
      IAB TCF
      +Artefact Deutschland GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Ask Locala
      IAB TCF
      +Audience Network
      IAB TCF
      +Audience Solutions S.A.
      IAB TCF
      +Audience Trading Platform Ltd.
      IAB TCF
      +AudienceProject Aps
      IAB TCF
      +Audiencerate LTD
      IAB TCF
      +AudienceRun corp
      IAB TCF
      +Audiencevalue Pte Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Audiens S.r.l.
      IAB TCF
      +Audienzz AG
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +audio content & control GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Automattic Ads
      IAB TCF
      +Avantis Video Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Avocet Systems Limited
      IAB TCF
      +AWIN AG
      IAB TCF
      +Axel Springer Teaser Ad GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Axiom Media Connect
      IAB TCF
      +Axonix LTD
      IAB TCF
      +Azerion Holding B.V.
      IAB TCF
      +B2B Media Group GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Baidu USA
      IAB TCF
      +bam! interactive marketing GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Bandsintown Amplified LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Bannerflow AB
      IAB TCF
      +Bannernow, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Basis Global Technologies, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Beachfront Media LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Beaconspark Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +BeeswaxIO Corporation
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +belboon GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Bertelsmann Data Service GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Betgenius Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Better Ads GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Better Banners A/S
      IAB TCF
      +Between Exchange
      IAB TCF
      +BidBerry SRL
      IAB TCF
      +BidMachine Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Bidmatic Inc
      IAB TCF
      +Bidstack Limited
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Bidtellect, Inc
      IAB TCF
      +BidTheatre AB
      IAB TCF
      +Bigabid Media ltd
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Bit Q Holdings Limited
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Blingby LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Blis Global Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Blockthrough, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Blue Billywig BV
      IAB TCF
      +Blue Media Services LTDA
      IAB TCF
      +Bmind a Sales Maker Company, S.L.
      IAB TCF
      +Bombora Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Botman Networks (P) Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Bounce Commerce GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Brand Advance Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Brand Metrics Sweden AB
      IAB TCF
      +Brandcom.inc AS
      IAB TCF
      +Brandhouse/Subsero A/S
      IAB TCF
      +Brave People Ltd.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Brid Video DOO
      IAB TCF
      +Bring! Labs AG
      IAB TCF
      +BritePool Inc
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +BSmartData GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Bucksense Inc
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +C WIRE AG
      IAB TCF
      +CAKE Software, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Captify Technologies Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Caroda s.r.o.
      IAB TCF
      +CASTOOLA D.O.O.
      IAB TCF
      +Cavai AS & UK
      IAB TCF
      +Cazamba Serviços de Internet Ltda
      IAB TCF
      +Cedato Technologies Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Celtra, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +CentralNic Poland sp. z o.o.
      IAB TCF
      +Channel Pilot Solutions GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Cint AB
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Clever Advertising, Lda.
      IAB TCF
      +CleverPush GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Click Tech Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Clinch Labs LTD
      IAB TCF
      +Clipcentric, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Cloud Technologies S.A.
      IAB TCF
      +Cluep LLC
      IAB TCF
      +CMI Marketing, Inc. d/b/a CafeMedia
      IAB TCF
      +Collective Europe Ltd.
      IAB TCF
      +Comcast International France SAS
      IAB TCF
      +Commanders Act
      IAB TCF
      +communicationAds GmbH & Co. KG
      IAB TCF
      +Comscore B.V.
      IAB TCF
      +Confiant Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Connatix Native Exchange Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +ConnectAd Realtime GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Consumable, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Contact Impact GmbH/Axel Springer Teaser Ad GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Content Ignite
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Converto AG
      IAB TCF
      +Convo Ink
      IAB TCF
      +Cookie Market LTD
      IAB TCF
      +Covatic Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Crimtan Holdings Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Criteo SA
      IAB TCF
      +crossvertise GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Crowdy News Ltd
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +cynapsis interactive GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Czech Publisher Exchange z.s.p.o.
      IAB TCF
      +Dable Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Dailymotion SA
      IAB TCF
      +Dataseat Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +dataXtrade GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +DeepIntent, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Delidatax SL
      IAB TCF
      +Delta Projects AB
      IAB TCF
      +Demandbase, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Dentsu Denmark A/S
      IAB TCF
      +Dentsu Italia SpA
      IAB TCF
      +Dentsu London Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Deutsche Post AG
      IAB TCF
      +Dianomi PLC
      IAB TCF
      +digidip GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Digiseg ApS
      IAB TCF
      +Digital East GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Digital Squad
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +DIGITEKA Technologies
      IAB TCF
      +Discover-Tech ltd
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +district m inc.
      IAB TCF
      +DistroScale, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +diva-e products
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Doceree UK Limited
      IAB TCF
      +DoubleVerify Inc.​
      IAB TCF
      +dpa-infocom GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Duration Media, LLC.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Dynamic 1001 GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Dynata LLC
      IAB TCF
      +EASY Marketing GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +EASYmedia GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +eBay Inc
      IAB TCF
      +EDGE NPD Sp. z o.o.
      IAB TCF
      +Effiliation / Effinity
      IAB TCF
      +Ein Rad AB
      IAB TCF
      +eMarketingSolutions, Online Marketing S.L.
      IAB TCF
      +Emerse Sverige AB
      IAB TCF
      +emetriq GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +EMX Digital LLC
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Epom Ltd.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Eulerian Technologies
      IAB TCF
      +Euvic 360e-com Sp. z o.o.
      IAB TCF
      +Evolution Technologies Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Evorra Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Exactag GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Exit Bee Limited
      IAB TCF
      +EXOCLICK, S.L.
      IAB TCF
      +Experian Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Exponential Interactive, Inc d/b/a VDX.tv
      IAB TCF
      +Extreme Reach, Inc
      IAB TCF
      +Eyeota Pte Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Ezoic Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Factor Eleven GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Fandom, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +FeedAd GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Fidelity Media
      IAB TCF
      +Fido S.r.l
      IAB TCF
      +Fifty Technology Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Firstlead GmbH (ADCELL)
      IAB TCF
      +Flashtalking, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Flexoffers.com, LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Footballco Media Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Frameplay Corporation
      IAB TCF
      +FRVR Limited
      IAB TCF
      +FUNKE Digital GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +G+J Electronic Media Sales GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Gamesight Inc
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Gamoshi Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +GDMServices, Inc. d/b/a FiksuDSP
      IAB TCF
      +GeistM Technologies LTD
      IAB TCF
      +Gemius SA
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +GeoProve Limited
      IAB TCF
      +GfK SE
      IAB TCF
      +giosg.com Oy
      IAB TCF
      +Glimpse Protocol Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Global Media Group Services Limited
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +glomex GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Go.pl sp. z o.o.
      IAB TCF
      +Goldbach Group AG
      IAB TCF
      +Golden Bees
      IAB TCF
      +Good-Loop Ltd
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Goodway Group, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Google Advertising Products
      IAB TCF
      +GP One GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Grabit Interactive Media Inc dba KERV Interctive
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +GroupM UK Limited
      IAB TCF
      +GumGum, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Haensel AMS GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Hashtag Labs Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Havas Media (Artemis Alliance S.L.U.)
      IAB TCF
      +Hearts and Science München GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +HEIMSPIEL Medien GmbH & Co KG
      IAB TCF
      +Hillside (Sports) GP Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Hindsight Technology Solutions, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Hivestack Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +HUAWEI Ads
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Hurra Communications GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Hybrid Adtech GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Hybrid Theory Global Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Hyper LLC
      IAB TCF
      +HyperTV Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +I.R.V. D.O.O.
      IAB TCF
      +ID Ward Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +ID5 Technology Ltd
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Impact Tech Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Improve Digital
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Index Exchange, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Infolinks Media, LLC
      IAB TCF
      +INFOnline GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Ingenious Technologies AG
      IAB TCF
      +INIS sp. zo.o.
      IAB TCF
      +InMobi Pte Ltd
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Innovid LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Inskin Media LTD
      IAB TCF
      +Insticator, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Instinctive, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Instreamatic inc.
      IAB TCF
      +InsurAds Technologies SA.
      IAB TCF
      +Integral Ad Science, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Intercept Interactive Inc. dba Undertone
      IAB TCF
      +Internet BillBoard a.s.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +INVIDI technologies AB
      IAB TCF
      +IP Deutschland GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +IPONWEB GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +iProspect GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Italiaonline S.p.A.
      IAB TCF
      +IVO Media Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Jaduda GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Jampp LTD
      IAB TCF
      +Jellyfish France
      IAB TCF
      +Jetpack Digital LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Jivox Corporation
      IAB TCF
      +JS Web Production
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Justpremium BV
      IAB TCF
      +Justtag Sp. z o.o.
      IAB TCF
      +Kairion GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Kairos Fire
      IAB TCF
      +Kameleoon SAS
      IAB TCF
      +Kargo Global Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Kertil Iberia SL
      IAB TCF
      +Ketchup Adv Spa
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Kiosked Ltd
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Kochava Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Konodrac S.L.
      IAB TCF
      +Kubient Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +KUPONA GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +KÖNIGSTEINER digital GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +lead alliance GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Leadoo Marketing Technologies Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +LeadsRx, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Lifesight Pte. Ltd.
      IAB TCF
      +LifeStreet Corporation
      IAB TCF
      +Liftoff Mobile, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company
      IAB TCF
      +LiquidM Technology GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Listonic Sp. z o.o.
      IAB TCF
      +Little Big Data sp. z o.o.
      IAB TCF
      +LiveIntent Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Livewrapped AB
      IAB TCF
      +Localsensor B.V.
      IAB TCF
      +Location Sciences AI Ltd.
      IAB TCF
      +Longtail Ad Solutions, Inc dba JW Player
      IAB TCF
      +LoopMe Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Lotame Solutions, inc
      IAB TCF
      +Lucid Holdings, LLC
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Luna Media Group LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Lupon Media
      IAB TCF
      +M32 Connect Inc
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Magnite CTV, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Magnite, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Magnite, Inc. (Carbon AI Limited)
      IAB TCF
      +Magnite, Inc. (Outstream)
      IAB TCF
      +Maiden Marketing Pte Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +mainADV Srl
      IAB TCF
      +MairDumont Netletix GmbH&CoKG
      IAB TCF
      +Marfeel Solutions, SL
      IAB TCF
      +Marfeel Solutions, SL (Compass)
      IAB TCF
      +Market Resource Partners LLC
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Mars Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Mars Media Group
      IAB TCF
      +Maximus Live LLC
      IAB TCF
      +McCann Discipline LTD
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Media Square
      IAB TCF
      +Media.net Advertising FZ-LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Media16 ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Mediakeys Platform
      IAB TCF
      +MediaMath, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +mediarithmics SAS
      IAB TCF
      +Mediascore mbH
      IAB TCF
      +Mediasmart Mobile S.L.
      IAB TCF
      +Mediavine, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Meetrics GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Meson Mediation LLC
      IAB TCF
      +MGID Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Miaozhen Information Technology Co. Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Microsoft Advertising
      IAB TCF
      +Mindlytix SAS
      IAB TCF
      +MindTake Research GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Mintegral international limited
      IAB TCF
      +MiQ Digital Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Mirando GmbH & Co KG
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +mobalo GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Mobfox US LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Mobile Professionals BV / Sage&Archer BV
      IAB TCF
      +MobileFuse LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Mobilewalla, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Mobility-Ads GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Mobkoi Ltd
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Moloco, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Monet Engine Inc
      IAB TCF
      +MOVIads Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
      IAB TCF
      +MPX GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +N.Rich Technologies Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Nano Interactive Group Ltd.
      IAB TCF
      +Natexo Spain
      IAB TCF
      +Nativery Srl
      IAB TCF
      +Nativo, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Natív Hirdetés Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
      IAB TCF
      +NC Audience Exchange, LLC (NewsIQ)
      IAB TCF
      +Near Intelligence
      IAB TCF
      +Near Intelligence Pte. Ltd.
      IAB TCF
      +Neodata Group srl
      IAB TCF
      +NEORY GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Netpoint Media GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +NetSuccess, s.r.o.
      IAB TCF
      +netzeffekt GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company
      IAB TCF
      +Newsroom AI Ltd
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Next Media
      IAB TCF
      +Next Media SRL
      IAB TCF
      +Next Millennium Media INC
      IAB TCF
      +NextRoll, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Nielsen International SA
      IAB TCF
      +Nielsen Marketing Cloud
      IAB TCF
      +Njuice AB
      IAB TCF
      +NoBid, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Norstat AS
      IAB TCF
      +Noster Finance S.L.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Novatiq limited
      IAB TCF
      +NOW GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Nubo LTD
      IAB TCF
      +NumberEight Technologies Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Objective Partners BV
      IAB TCF
      +Octave IP Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Offerista Group GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Ogury Ltd.
      IAB TCF
      +On Device Research Limited
      IAB TCF
      +OnAudience Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +One Planet Only
      IAB TCF
      +One Tech Group GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +OneFootball GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Onesoon Limited t/a Adalyser
      IAB TCF
      +OneTag Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Onfocus (Adagio)
      IAB TCF
      +Online Advertising Network Sp. z o.o.
      IAB TCF
      +Online Media Solutions LTD (BDA: Brightcom)
      IAB TCF
      +Online Solution
      IAB TCF
      +onlineumfragen.com GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Onnetwork Sp. z o.o.
      IAB TCF
      +OnProspects Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Open Web Technologies Ltd
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Opera Software Ireland Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Opinary GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Opt Out Advertising B.V.
      IAB TCF
      +Opti Digital SAS
      IAB TCF
      +optimise-it GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Optomaton UG
      IAB TCF
      +Oracle Data Cloud
      IAB TCF
      +Oracle Data Cloud - Moat
      IAB TCF
      +Orion Semantics
      IAB TCF
      +Otto (GmbH & Co KG)
      IAB TCF
      +Outbrain UK Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +PaperG, Inc. dba Thunder Industries
      IAB TCF
      +Parrable, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Passendo Aps
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Pelmorex Corp.
      IAB TCF
      +Performax.cz, s.r.o.
      IAB TCF
      +Permodo GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Permutive Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Permutive Technologies, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Pexi B.V.
      IAB TCF
      +PIA Advertising GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Piano Software Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Pinpoll GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Pixalate, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +PixFuture Media Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Placense Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Platform161 B.V.
      IAB TCF
      +Playad Media Group AB
      IAB TCF
      +Playbuzz Ltd (aka EX.CO)
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Playhill Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Playrcart Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Playwire LLC
      IAB TCF
      +plista GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +PML Innovative Media
      IAB TCF
      +Polar Mobile Group Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +PowerLinks Media Limited
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Pressboard Media Inc
      IAB TCF
      +Programatica de publicidad S.L.
      IAB TCF
      +Project Agora Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +ProSiebenSat.1 Digital Data GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Protected Media LTD
      IAB TCF
      +Proxi.cloud sp. z o.o.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Pubfinity LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Publica LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Publicis Media GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Publisher First, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +PubMatic, Inc
      IAB TCF
      +PubWise, LLLP
      IAB TCF
      +Pulse Innovations Limited
      IAB TCF
      +PulsePoint, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Pure Local Media GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Qriously Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Quadrant Global Pte Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Quality Media Network GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +QuantumCast digital GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Quantyoo GmbH & Co. KG
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Query Click Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Questpass Sp. z o.o.
      IAB TCF
      +Radio Net Media Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Rakuten Marketing LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Rapid Performance GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +RDandX Group DMCC
      IAB TCF
      +Reach Media GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Readpeak Oy
      IAB TCF
      +Realeyes OU
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Rebold Marketing & Communication SLU
      IAB TCF
      +Redbranch, Inc dba Fraudlogix
      IAB TCF
      +Reignn Platform Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Relay42 Netherlands B.V.
      IAB TCF
      +Relevant Digital Oy
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +remerge GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Remixd Media, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Reppublika Data Analytics and Technologies GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Research and Analysis of Media in Sweden AB
      IAB TCF
      +Resono B.V.
      IAB TCF
      +respondi AG
      IAB TCF
      +retailAds GmbH & Co. KG
      IAB TCF
      +Revcontent, LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Reveal Mobile Inc
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Rezonence Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Rich Audience Technologies SL
      IAB TCF
      +Ringier Axel Springer Polska sp. z o.o.
      IAB TCF
      +RMSi Radio Marketing Service interactive GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Rockabox Media Ltd t/a Scoota
      IAB TCF
      +Rockerbox, Inc
      IAB TCF
      +Roku Advertising Services
      IAB TCF
      +Roq.ad Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +RTB House S.A.
      IAB TCF
      +Salesforce.com, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Salestring ApS
      IAB TCF
      +Samba TV UK Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Samba TV, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Samoukale Enterprises Limited dba ADEX
      IAB TCF
      +Samsung Ads
      IAB TCF
      +Sayollo Media LTD
      IAB TCF
      +ScaleMonk Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Scene Stealer Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Schober Information Group Deutschland GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Score Media Group GmbH & Co. KG
      IAB TCF
      +Seeding Alliance GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Seedtag Advertising S.L
      IAB TCF
      +Seenthis AB
      IAB TCF
      +SelectMedia International LTD
      IAB TCF
      +Semasio GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Seven Technologies S.L.
      IAB TCF
      +Seznam.cz, a.s.
      IAB TCF
      +ShareThis, Inc
      IAB TCF
      +Sharethrough, Inc
      IAB TCF
      +SheMedia, LLC
      IAB TCF
      +ShinyStat S.p.a.
      IAB TCF
      +Shopalyst Inc
      IAB TCF
      +Showheroes SE
      IAB TCF
      +ShowHeroes SRL
      IAB TCF
      +Sift Media, Inc
      IAB TCF
      +Signal Digital Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Simplifi Holdings Inc
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Sirdata Cookieless
      IAB TCF
      +SITU8ED SA
      IAB TCF
      +Sizmek by Amazon
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Skimbit Ltd
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Smaato, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +SMADEX, S.L.U.
      IAB TCF
      +Smart Adserver
      IAB TCF
      +Smart Traffik
      IAB TCF
      +smartclip Europe GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Smartclip Hispania S.L.
      IAB TCF
      +SmartFrame Technologies
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Smartme Analytics
      IAB TCF
      +Smartology Limited
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +SmartyAds Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Smile Wanted Group
      IAB TCF
      +Snapsort Inc., operating as Sortable
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Snigel Web Services Limited
      IAB TCF
      +socoto gmbh & co. kg
      IAB TCF
      +SoD ScreenOnDemand GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Sojern, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Solution coupons
      IAB TCF
      +SOMQUERY SOMTAG - (SevenOne Media)
      IAB TCF
      +Sonic Odeeo ltd
      IAB TCF
      +Sonobi, Inc
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Sourcepoint Technologies, Inc. (non-CMP)
      IAB TCF
      +Sovrn Holdings Inc
      IAB TCF
      +Sparklit Networks Inc
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +SpearAd GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +SPICY MOBILE Sp z o.o. Sp.k.
      IAB TCF
      +Spoods GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Sportradar AG
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +SpotX, Inc
      IAB TCF
      +SpringServe, LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Sqreem Technologies Private Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Squared SAS
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Stream Eye OOD
      IAB TCF
      +Strossle International AB
      IAB TCF
      +Ströer Digital Media GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Ströer SSP GmbH (DSP)
      IAB TCF
      +Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP)
      IAB TCF
      +STUDIO GONG GmbH & Co. Studiobetriebs KG
      IAB TCF
      +Sub2 Technologies Ltd
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +SublimeSkinz - Adledge
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Synkd Ltd.
      IAB TCF
      +TabMo SAS
      IAB TCF
      +Taboola Europe Limited
      IAB TCF
      +TACTIC™ Real-Time Marketing AS
      IAB TCF
      +Tangoo S.R.L.
      IAB TCF
      +Tapad, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Tapjoy, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +TAPTAP Digital SL
      IAB TCF
      +Targetspot Belgium SPRL
      IAB TCF
      +TargetVideo GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Teads France SAS
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Telecoming S.A.
      IAB TCF
      +Telefonica Audiovisual Digital S.L
      IAB TCF
      +Telefonica de España S.A.U
      IAB TCF
      +Telefonica Investigación y Desarrollo S.A.U
      IAB TCF
      +Telefonica Moviles España S.A.U
      IAB TCF
      +Terminus Software Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Teroa S.A.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +The Kantar Group Limited
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +The MediaGrid Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +THE NEWCO S.R.L.
      IAB TCF
      +The Ozone Project Limited
      IAB TCF
      +The Procter & Gamble Company
      IAB TCF
      +The Reach Group GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +The Trade Desk
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Timehop, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +TMT Digital Inc
      IAB TCF
      +TOPBOX Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Traffective GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +travel audience GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Tredia Solutions SL
      IAB TCF
      +TreSensa Technologies, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Tri-table Sp. z o.o.
      IAB TCF
      +Triapodi Ltd.
      IAB TCF
      +Trinity Audio
      IAB TCF
      +Triple13 Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +TripleLift, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Triton Digital Canada Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +TrueData Solutions, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Truvid Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Turk Telekom
      IAB TCF
      +TV Scientific Inc
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +twiago GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +TX Group AG
      IAB TCF
      +TypeA Holdings Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +UAB Meazy
      IAB TCF
      +UberMedia, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +ucfunnel Co., Ltd.
      IAB TCF
      +umlaut communication gmbh
      IAB TCF
      +Unacast Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Unblockia SL
      IAB TCF
      +Underdog Media LLC
      IAB TCF
      +UniCredit S.p.A.
      IAB TCF
      +Unilever Polska sp. z o.o.
      IAB TCF
      +United Internet Media GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Unmatched Solutions Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Unruly Group LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Unruly Group Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +uppr GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Upwave Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +usemax advertisement (Emego GmbH)
      IAB TCF
      +Ve Global UK Limited
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Venatus Media Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Verasity Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Verve Group Europe GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +VGI CTV, Inc
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Viafoura Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Vibrant Media Limited
      IAB TCF
      +Vidazoo Ltd
      IAB TCF
      +video intelligence AG
      IAB TCF
      +Videobyte Inc
      IAB TCF
      +Vidoomy Media SL
      IAB TCF
      +Vidstart LTD
      IAB TCF
      +Viewdeos 2015 LTD
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Visarity Technologies GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +vitrado GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +VLYBY Digital GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +VRTCAL Markets Inc
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Vyde Ltd.
      IAB TCF
      +Wagawin GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +WAM Group Ltd, t/a Admix
      IAB TCF
      +Watch Fantom Inc. AKA CatapultX
      IAB TCF
      +WebAds B.V
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Welect GmbH
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +wetter.com GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +WhatRocks Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Widespace AB
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Wunderkind Corporation
      IAB TCF
      +XAD spoteffects GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +xAd, Inc. dba GroundTruth
      IAB TCF
      +Xandr, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +XChange by SFBX®
      IAB TCF
      +xpln.ai SAS
      IAB TCF
      +Yahoo EMEA Limited
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +Yieldlab (Virtual Minds GmbH)
      IAB TCF
      +YieldLift LLC
      IAB TCF
      +Yieldlove GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Yieldmo, Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +YOC AG
      IAB TCF
      IAB TCF
      +ZAM Network LLC dba Fanbyte
      IAB TCF
      +ZBO Media
      IAB TCF
      +ZEDO Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +Zemanta Inc.
      IAB TCF
      +zeotap GmbH
      IAB TCF
      +Zeta Global
      IAB TCF
      +Ziff Davis LLC
      IAB TCF
      +zillian sa
      IAB TCF
      +Zoomd Ltd.
      IAB TCF

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  • Food firm Princes linked to inquiry into worker abuses in Italy’s tomato fields | Global development | The Guardian

    The British food company Princes has become the latest firm linked with an investigation into labour abuses involving migrant workers who pick tomatoes in southern Italy for the plates of British and European consumers.

    Princes Industrie Alimentari, owned by Princes, buys tomatoes from De Rubertis, a supplier whose workers were described last October by Italian prosecutor Paola Guglielmi as labouring under “conditions of absolute exploitation”.

    #tomate #Grande_Bretagne #Italie #migration #exploitation #agroindustrie