• Sur ce nouveau #blog de #philosophie, une Interview with Catherine Malabou - Groundwork

    So in philosophy a groundwork is never a groundwork, it’s always a re-grounding work.

    #hegel #heidegger #deleuze #raison #fondement #ontologie

    Où C. Malabou, ex MC de Nanterre désormais au CRMEP de la Kingston University de Londres http://fass.kingston.ac.uk/research/crmep, que vient d’ailleurs de rejoindre E. Balibar (encore Nanterre), précise ses rapports avec #Derrida, son concept de #plasticité et ses recherches actuelles, en rapport notamment avec celles de Q. Meillassoux, qui lui est une sorte de star à l’ENS Ulm.

    what I’m trying to do has some relation to that, to the extent that a radical approach to philosophy has to precisely put everything between parentheses and say, ‘what is an absolute beginning?’ This is Meillassoux’s question. At the same time, I’m not sure that the problem is finitude. I’m not sure that the problem is the emergence of man into that.

    The first thing I can say about plasticity and politics is about abolishing the frontier between symbolic and biological life. So it will be about a kind of awareness, a biological being. Not bodily beings but biological. Producing the subjectivation of biological life. Which is taking into account, really becoming aware of, the epigenetic fashionability of our brain and of our body. This is beyond what we can be aware of, what we hear, listen to and read. We are imprinted by so many other processes and we are trying to be aware of that and understand what it means. Today the conception of our physical bodily existence as only proceeding from a genetic code is absolutely obsolete. We are made of, by epigenetic factors and this I think is very important for us to be aware of. Because what is a political subject? I think here again I agree with Meillassoux that it can’t be the classical finite subject. In too many contexts the political subject is the Kantian subject, a finite subject that is limited. I have nothing against limits but perhaps limits have to be thought of differently.

    Petite référence à la querelle #Freud / #Jung et au film A dangerous method à la fin (film pas mal j’ai trouvé, dans sa capacité à mettre en scène des problèmes théoriques importants en #psychanalyse, en gros à raconter une correspondance sans que ce soit chiant)