• La cigarette électronique réduit drastiquement l’exposition aux toxiques du tabac - Observatoire de la prévention

    "N’importe quelle étude qui prétend montrer un impact négatif de la cigarette électronique sur la santé fait les manchettes, même celles qui sont de qualité médiocre et publiées dans des journaux de second ordre, tandis que les études qui rapportent plutôt un effet positif sont tout simplement ignorées, même lorsqu’elles sont très solides scientifiquement et publiées dans des journaux médicaux prestigieux. Ce déséquilibre fait en sorte que la population est informée seulement des risques potentiels associés à la cigarette électronique, sans savoir qu’il existe en parallèle toute une littérature qui montre que ces dispositifs ont des effets positifs sur la santé des fumeurs." — (...)

    #désinformation #médias #santépublique #sciences #vape

  • betrusted.io | A security enclave for humans

    Betrusted device concept Betrusted is not a phone: it is a secure enclave with auditable input and output surfaces. Betrusted relies on sharing your existing connectivity – such as your phone or cable modem – to access the Internet. Say you’re on the road and you want to securely message a friend. You would tether betrusted to your phone’s wifi, so that the phone is just an untrusted relay for encrypted messages coming too and from betrusted. The only place the decrypted messages will ever appear is on the trusted screen of a betrusted device. — Permalien

    #hardware #securité

  • Publicité négative : ARTE veut convaincre les fumeurs de rester à la cigarette ~ Vapolitique

    Le film sera diffusé le mardi 22 septembre en prime time sur Arte et accessible en ligne dès la veille. « Cloper sans fumée, la nicotine revisitée » de Bärbel Merseburger-Sill s’annonce être un brulot à charge contre le vapotage. Dans la bande-annonce et le texte de présentation du site d’Arte, pas moins de six affirmations trompeuses ou erronées sont déjà diffusées — Permalien

    #santépublique #vape

  • L’UE a autorisé l’exportation de plus de 80 000 tonnes de pesticides pourtant interdits au sein de l’Union

    Produites en #europe, où leur utilisation est interdite en raison de leur très haute toxicité, quarante et une substances ont pu être vendues à l’étranger en 2018. — Permalien


  • Habermas (2018) : “Les dirigeants politiques ont mal géré le populisme de droite depuis le début” - VoxEurop (Français)

    Pour le philosophe allemand pro-européen, les partis démocratiques devraient cesser de traiter les populistes avec des gants et défendre leurs propres valeurs. — Permalien

    #démocratie #philosophie #société

  • Osez le plaidoyer pour la santé ! Balises pour une démarche communautaire

    Ce guide permet d’appréhender le plaidoyer pour la santé, d’explorer les éléments-clés d’une démarche communautaire dans ce domaine et de découvrir des expériences menées par des groupes de citoyennes et de citoyens. — Permalien

    #citoyenneté #santépublique

  • When Covid-19 Hit, Many Elderly Were Left to Die - The New York Times

    Few countries embody this lethally ineffective pandemic response more than Belgium, where government officials excluded nursing-home patients from the testing policy until thousands were already dead. Nursing homes were left waiting for proper masks and gowns. — Permalien

    #belgique #covid19

    • #Naomi_Klein: How #big_tech plans to profit from the pandemic

      Public schools, universities, hospitals and transit are facing existential questions about their futures. If tech companies win their ferocious lobbying campaign for remote learning, telehealth, 5G and driverless vehicles – their Screen New Deal – there simply won’t be any money left over for urgent public priorities, never mind the Green New Deal that our planet urgently needs. On the contrary: the price tag for all the shiny gadgets will be mass teacher layoffs and hospital closures.


      #stratégie_du_choc #technologie #surveillance

    • Online Education and the Struggle over Disposable Time

      During COVID-19 times, the ‘social distancing’ catchphrase has invaded every aspect of our lives. Public space has been fragmented into individualized, quarantined units, transforming social relations into aggregates of their interactions. Unlike other pandemics of yesteryears, COVID-19 has given a tremendous push to technology to secure social distancing. In the field of education, the phenomenon of online education was already slowly gaining space especially as complementary to traditional classroom education and as a mechanism of distance learning.

      Today, the ideology of social distancing has brought online education in the centre of educational systems. It has acquired legitimacy and the capacity to take over the whole system of education. In countries such as India, where COVID-19 has been used by the state as an opportunity to revamp various sectors, including health and medicine, a reconception of education is underway. Online education serves as the organizing force in this regard.
      Education as Commodity and the Question of its Production

      Popular debates on technology and online education generally revolve around the idea of education as a commodity to be put to consumption in the classical sense of the word. It is, of course, a commodity with a use-value, much in parlance with material commodities like food items, daily wear etc. Such commodified education naturally must meet the parameters of consumer satisfaction. Therefore, much discussion on the recent COVID 19-triggered tech-intensive online teaching harps on students’ differential access to internet connectivity and bandwidth, the problems of long-distance assessments without the characteristic ‘fairness’ metrics associated with offline exams etc. In short, anything connected to the students’ overall satisfaction with their purchase of this immaterial commodity.

      What these debates however miss are the fundamental processes that go into the production of education, and the complex dynamics of the teacher-student relationship underpinning such production. By neglecting its sphere of production, we miss out on a very important aspect of this commodity – one that would help us understand online education, and the role of technology better, and also identify spaces of critique of education, as understood in the current socio-economic system.

      Notwithstanding the similarities, education is unlike any other commodity, not just in the material or physical sense, but mainly in the organization of its consumption and production. Material objects such as pens, cars etc. have an immediate use-value for buyers, consumed beyond the sphere of production. Education on the other hand, produces students as workers for their future entry into the labour market; its consumption or use-value lies in generating new, educated and skilled labour power for further use in the processes of production. Through a network of local and international educational institutions placed at different orders of hierarchy and status, education reinforces and reproduces the existing and (unequal) social relations by producing a heterogeneous group of future workers with differential skills, and by extension, differential wages. Hence, from the students’ perspective, education is consumptive production.

      Education as knowledge production is unique in placing this consumer – the student – in the production sphere itself. In other words, education as a commodity is a co-production of teachers and students, and is generated through continuous dialogue and interaction between them. It is not a fixed commodity, but one that is processual, and evolves within the dialectic of the educated-educator relationship. This dialectic constitutes a predicament for education in the current system. On one hand, there is the tendency to establish standardized syllabi and programs in response to the needs of a globalized labour market, making the practice of teaching and learning very mechanical; on the other, there is an equally strong opposition from the co-producers against attempts to kill their cooperative agency and creativity.

      Classroom settings and face to face instruction allow the dialectic of education to be productive in their dialogicity, with teachers innovating ideas and methods in dynamic and synchronous concord with students. With both instructors and learners present in the same physical space, learning – despite constraints of fixed syllabi and evaluation metrics – evolves through collective thinking and with a view to the intellectual needs and abilities of the participants. There are challenges thrown in with big class sizes and formal disciplinary settings leading to alienation typical of a hierarchized industrial scenario – an intensified lack of interest and commitment from both learners and teachers. However, since education in such settings is still based on direct relationships between students and teachers, there is always a possibility to overcome the alienating institutional mediation. There is a relative autonomy operating in this dialogic relationship, which allows innovation in ideas and knowledge production.
      Technology and the Informatization of Education

      Online education, on the other hand, despite and because of deploying the best of technologies, fails to simulate the same environment. Educational production is now distributed over multiple zones, with producers confined to their virtual cubicles. Without a shared space, education is reduced to instruction and information, discretized and reintegrated by the mediating pre-programmed machines. The dialogical relationship is now between the machine and the producers, not between the co-producers. The teacher is deprived of her role of the facilitator in this dialogue. She is just an instructor in this new environment. Her instructions are received by the machine, which mediatizes them and delivers them to students in a manner that it is programmed to deliver. This overhauls the whole dialectic of education, which is now hierarchized. Alienation in this process is quite stark, since the relations of production of education are completely transformed, which cannot be overcome by the deployment of any kind of technology.

      Technology, in fact, plays a big role in this alienation of labour that happens through the informatization of education. In the effort to replicate the classroom experience sans the direct relationship of affectivity between teachers and students, there is an overaccumulation of technologies and educational products, bringing in the surveillance techniques for remote disciplining of students and teachers.

      One only needs to look at the number of new gadgets and software for online education to understand the extent to which technology tries to overcome its artificiality. The market is flooded with AI-driven ‘smart content’ materials, customized lessons, digitized textbooks, easy to navigate chapter summaries, flashcards, automatically-graded exams, cameras for remote surveillance etc. The process of alienation is evermore intensified, since human living labour of both teachers and students are objectified in the development of these technologies. Their vivacity is reduced to an appendage to the artificiality of the machine.

      What is interesting is that while technology deskills the producers by taking over their powers of imagination and judgement, it also forces them to reskill themselves. With evermore new technologies hitting the online teaching platforms every day, both students and teachers are forced to continuously update themselves in their technical knowhow to assist these machines. This has led to generational and occupational redundancies in education too by promoting lean production methods and Taylorising techniques in education.
      The Struggle over Disposable Time

      What happens to education as a commodity in this alienated and Taylorized production process? Education internalizes the segmented social relations that characterize capitalism. This introduces dualism in its institutionalization, which gets further systematized and globalized in the wake of the ongoing technicization of education. On the one hand, we have mass production of education as a set of discrete information and instruction to train the majority of the working population in the drudgery of assisting the machines. This is facilitated by online education technologies. On the other hand, we have elite institutions monopolizing the rights to innovate and research (secured by various legal and institutional mechanisms like patenting, funding etc.), for which the more intensive conventional teaching methods must continue. This duality of education enhanced by online educational technologies has been developing for the last few decades to keep pace with the human resource requirements of other industrial and service sectors. Hence, online education itself has emerged as a fast-growing industry. The COVID-19 pandemic has given its production and dissemination a new intensity, urgency and definite possibility.

      With the growing dominance of online education, and discretized learning/teaching methods, there is also a proportionate increase in disposable time for both teachers and students. In the absence of direct and personalized contact during lectures, instruction intensifies; knowledge in the form of discretized information is produced in less time than in traditional classroom set-ups due to the absence of students’ queries and interventions. But what will be the utility of this disposable time? The system controls this disposable time by retrenchment, and by increasing workload and diversifying work profiles for the existing educational or knowledge workers.

      However, from the workers’ perspective, the disposable time has a different meaning, one that allows the co-producers to overcome drudgery and alienation by reclaiming the time-space for innovation and creativity. It is in this time-space that workers recognize knowledge as a result of their co-production, and re-appropriate it, going beyond being passive feeders-receivers of information assisting the machine. Dialogues between the students and the teachers are reestablished through more interpersonal interactions. This leads to a process of conscientization, in which the co-producers move beyond the classroom norms and fixed syllabi, and collectively build an understanding of phenomena and concepts, drawing on their own realities and experience.

      The disposable time enables workers to reclaim their common space and self-organize knowledge production, while reducing technology to mere means in this process, not as a mediator, organizer and controller of production and producers. It is only through such collaborative activities in these fractured times, that teachers and students together can assert their autonomy as knowledge producers and consumers.


  • "La violence dans les hôpitaux psychiatriques n’est pas celle que l’on croit" (carte blanche) - Belgique - LeVif

    Lea Labaki, membre du European Network of (ex)users and survivors of psychiatry (ENUSP), réagit à la carte blanche parue le 30 juillet dernier "Hospitalisations psychiatriques sous contrainte : la situation devient incontrôlable". — Permalien


  • #climat : peut-on vraiment faire confiance au GIEC ?

    Si cela n’était pas encore clair, la réponse à la question ‘peut-on faire confiance au GIEC ?’ est bien évidemment OUI. Pour rappel, le GIEC ne fait que la synthèse des connaissances scientifiques disponibles sur les différents sujets du changement climatique. Cette synthèse fait consensus, et est validée par tous les pays. Critiquer aujourd’hui les conclusions du GIEC, c’est critiquer des centaines de scientifiques et relève tout simplement du climatoscepticisme. — Permalien


  • Chloroquine : fin de partie !

    "Plusieurs études publiées ces dernières semaines viennent sonner la fin de partie concernant l’utilité de l’hydroxychloroquine dans le cadre de l’infection au SARS-CoV-2 : ça ne marche pas. Avec ou sans antibiotique. Qu’importe le moment où la thérapie est donnée. Fin de partie. — Permalien

    #covid19 #science

  • Covid : complotistes tarés et menteurs patentés - Christian Lehmann

    On pourrait en rire, mais nous, qui sommes réellement en première ligne, rions jaune. Parce que ces prises de position complotistes ont pour effet de diffuser dans la population l’idée que les médecins leur mentent, et font partie d’une vaste conspiration pour, au mieux, les asservir, au pire, les tuer. Bercoff et Rioufol peuvent alléguer leur respect pour « un si vital métier », leurs tweets alimentent la suspicion et la haine envers ceux et celles qui tentent de protéger les patients. Ils fragilisent ceux qui tentent de leur éviter de succomber à une expérimentation humaine n’obéissant à aucune règle scientifique, basée sur l’intuition d’un mégalomane narcissique, dont l’absence de doute a enflammé tous ceux qui sont devenus virologues sur YouTube en deux semaines. Leur responsabilité dans le fiasco actuel est immense, et eux qui n’ont de cesse de dépister et de dénoncer des « ennemis de l’intérieur », n’ont probablement pas la moindre idée du mal qu’ils causent. C’est grâce à eux qu’on peut lire ce genre de choses sous le clavier de semi-débiles : « Les médecins traitants sont des vendus, des traîtres et des criminels en blouse blanche, Raoult est un homme intègre. »

    Sur la colline en face, les agences de santé françaises et leur incroyable talent. Elles n’ont rien vu venir, ne sont au courant de rien, sont restées muettes et tétanisées lorsque l’épidémie s’est déclenchée. Ce qui ne les empêche nullement, aujourd’hui, de réécrire l’histoire.


    A l’aune de ce qu’ils savaient, la conclusion de l’étude de Santé publique France sur la contamination des soignants en milieu professionnel restera donc comme un sommet de double langage orwellien : « Ces premiers résultats seront complétés ultérieurement mais soulignent d’ores et déjà un défaut d’utilisation des mesures de protection lors des tâches de soins exercées par certains professionnels, notamment en ville, sans qu’il soit possible à ce stade d’en identifier les raisons. » Sans. Qu’il. Soit. Possible. A. Ce Stade. D’en. Identifier. Les. Raisons.


    A droite les complotistes tarés, à gauche les menteurs patentés. Au centre, sous vos applaudissements, on se prépare. Masques, blouses, gants. Plumes, rail, goudron. Il y en aura pour tout le monde.

  • Vivre avec un « complotiste » : « Il y a des sujets qu’on n’aborde plus » - 20 minutes

    Avec la pandémie, de plus en plus de gens sont séduits par des théories du complot et en font part à leur entourage. Pour les proches, cette situation peut être frustrante, voire difficile à vivre. — Permalien

    #covid19 #psychologique #sciences #société #théorieducomplot

  • L’accord sur le transfert de données personnelles entre l’UE et les Etats-Unis annulé par la justice européenne

    Ce dispositif adopté en 2016 est utilisé par la quasi-totalité des grandes entreprises américaines pour traiter les données personnelles (identité, comportement en ligne, géolocalisation…) de leurs utilisateurs européens. — Permalien

    #europe #internet #usa #vieprivée

  • Naomi Klein : “Ne laissons pas les géants du web prendre le contrôle de nos vies !”

    Enseignement à distance, 5G, télémédecine, drones, commerce en ligne généralisé… Le “New Deal numérique” que les géants de la Silicon Valley nous promettent pour faire face au risque de pandémie menace profondément nos démocraties, s’inquiète Naomi Klein dans cet article publié par le site d’investigation The Intercept. Pour elle, loin de la dystopie high-tech qui nous est proposée, il faut au contraire repenser #internet comme un service public au service des citoyens. — Permalien


  • Le Centre d’Action Laïque refuse une nouvelle tentative de mettre les femmes sous tutelle

    Ce texte, signé par l’ancien président du Spa John Crombez et la députée NVA Valérie Van Peel, voudrait protéger in utero les futurs enfants dont les mamans boivent, se droguent ou souffrent de troubles psychiques. Louable intention, sauf que les moyens prévus sont, non seulement humainement atroces, mais totalement inadaptés à ces situations. Les assuétudes cela se soigne, avec un accompagnement et des produits de substitution pas par un sevrage abrupt, qui non seulement ne fonctionne jamais, mais engendre de terribles souffrances physiques, pour la future maman et donc pour l’enfant qu’elle porte. Ces députés devraient écouter les soignants qui accompagnent ces femmes pendant leur grossesse, mais qui doivent les renvoyer à leur solitude. Car, chez nous, il n’y a pas de financement pour les garder (...)

    #belgique #drogues #politique #sexisme